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Welcome to the OU Family!!

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1 Welcome to the OU Family!!
Kelvin K. Droegemeier Vice President for Research 14 August 2017

2 You Have Come to a VERY Special Place

3 Research and Scholarship Mission
To utilize the intellectual, technological, and administrative resources of the University of Oklahoma for the generation and dissemination of new knowledge to understand and improve all aspects of life and living.


5 The OU VPR and VPR Office
We exist for one reason: To do everything in our power, with a very PERSONALIZED approach, to help you achieve your scholarly goals and dreams – for ALL DISCIPLINES

6 We Invest in ALL Dimensions of YOU!!

7 98.4 Million New Record!!!


9 Exceptional Achievement Program date in one-time bonuses in FY15-16
Jun Li Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry NSF Career Award Ryan Brown Department of Psychology Grant with a total budget of $3M Steven Cavallo School of Meteorology ONR Young Investigator Award William Frick Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Fulbright Fellowship Hugh Benson Department of Philosophy NEH Fellowship Linda Zagzebski Department of Philosophy Grant with a total budget of $3M Jennifer Saltzstein School of Music NEH Fellowship Marc Libault Department of Microbiology & Plant Biology NSF Career Award John P. Masly Department of Biology NSF Career Award Caleb Fulton School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Advanced Radar Research Center DARPA Young Faculty Award Kathryn Schumaker Classics and Letters National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellow Paul Spicer Department of Anthropology NIH P Award Grant with a total budget of $3M NIH P20 Award Nancy Snow Institute for the Study of Human Flourishing Grant with a total budget of $3M Bette Talvacchia School of Art & Art History NEH Public Scholar Jeff Kelly Oklahoma Biological Survey Department of Zoology Grant with a total budget of $3M/NSF NRT Multi-College Grant with a budget over $500,000 Zhibo Yang Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry NIH RO1 Grant Tian-You Yu School of Electrical and Computer Engineering/Advanced Radar Research Center Multi-College Grant with a budget over $500,000 Bin Zheng School of Electrical and Computer Engineering NIH RO1 Grant Over $100,000 awarded to date in one-time bonuses in FY15-16


11 OU Receives $161 Million NASA Grant to Lead Satellite Mission to Monitor Global Carbon


13 The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that our aim is too low and we reach it Michelangelo

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