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Transition to Teaching Program

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1 Transition to Teaching Program
Palm Beach Community College School District of Palm Beach County David B. Ross Program Coordinator Professor of Education

2 Partnership format between the local educational agency and the community college In assistance with a federal grant . . .

3 Project Goals Program is to establish, expand, or enhance teacher recruitment and retention efforts. Effectively recruit and retain highly qualified teachers/mid-career professionals Encourage the development and expansion of alternative routes to certification Enable individuals to be eligible for teacher certification within a reduced period of time

4 Candidates Hold a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college/university Maintain a 2.8 GPA Meet subject area Work in a “High Need” school for 3 years Attend any workshops designed for teacher effectiveness

5 High Need School (A) is located in an area in which the percentage of students from families with incomes below the poverty line is 30 percent or more; or (B)(I) is located in an area with a high percentage of out-of-field teachers (ii) is located in an area in which there is a high teacher turnover rate

6 High Need School, Cont. (iii) is located in an area in which there is a high percentage of teachers who are not certified or licensed (iv) is within the top quartile of elementary schools and secondary schools statewide, as ranked by the number of unfilled, available teacher positions at the schools

7 Subject Areas Mathematics (5-9) - engineering majors
- 18 semester hours in math to include courses in calculus, precal, trig, geo, prob/stats Mathematics (6-12) - 30 semester hours in math to include courses in calculus, geo, prob/stats, linear/abstract algebra

8 Subject Areas Middle Grade Science (5-9) - 18 semester hours to include biology, chemistry/physics, earth/space science Separate areas of Science (6-12) - Biology, Dentistry, Doctor of Medicine, Marine Biology, Genetics - Biochemistry, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Physics - Engineering degrees

9 Workshops - Dr. Kathleen Bey Palm Beach Community College
Behavior Management - Dr. Kathleen Bey Palm Beach Community College Classroom Management Designed and facilitated by experts with real-world application

10 Behavior Mgt/Curriculum Design
Schedule Courses and Workshops scheduled prior to school year June 9 –26 8AM-5 PM July 14-16 August EDF 2005/EDP 2002 Behavior Mgt/Curriculum Design Classroom FOR MORE INFO... David B. Ross Program Coordinator ; Valeria Bunch Certification Specialist ; Sonia Ortiz Administrative Assistant

11 Current Status of Candidates
Math (5-9) Math (6-12) Science (5-9) Biology Chemistry ESE English

12 Related Documents Marketing plan Budget Post mortem Submit questions
Location or contact name/phone Budget Post mortem Submit questions

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