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Hebrews 1:4-9.

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1 Hebrews 1:4-9


3 Outline Introduction/Launch: Main thesis #1 (v. 4):
Old Testament support (vv. 5-14): Application:

4 Outline Introduction/Launch: Main thesis #1 (v. 4):
Old Testament support (vv. 5-14): Application:

5 Structure Escalating Staircase
History Exhort Apply 11 12 13 Warning Encouragement v Teaching Warning Encouragement Teaching Warning Encouragement Teaching

6 Structure + Introduction Escalating Staircase
History Exhort Apply 11 12 13 Warning Encouragement v Teaching Introduction Warning Encouragement Teaching Warning Encouragement Teaching

7 The Most Important Point: Christ
“The epistle begins without any sort of address or greeting. Nothing is allowed by the writer to detract from the tremendous theme which he sets forth in unparalleled beauty of literary form” Homer Kent. “Hebrews begins with a magnificent opening that sets the program for the whole discourse” Peter T. O’Brien

8 8 Exceeding Excellencies of Christ
The Final and Ultimate Revelation. The Sole Heir & Favorite Son. The Maker of Everything – hands on. The Effulgent Glory. The Exact Character. The Maintainer of every molecule. The Sin-Bearing Son. The Positioned High King.

9 7 Primary Excellencies of Christ
The Final and Ultimate Revelation. The Sole Heir & Favorite Son. The Maker of Everything – hands on. The Effulgent Glory. The Exact Character. The Maintainer of every molecule. The Sin-Bearing Son. The Positioned High King.

10 7 Primary Excellencies of Christ
The Final and Ultimate Revelation. The Sole Heir & Favorite Son. The Maker of Everything – hands on. The Effulgent Glory. The Exact Character. The Maintainer of every molecule. The Sin-Bearing Son. The Positioned High King.

11 Outline Introduction/Launch: Main thesis #1 (v. 4):
Old Testament support (vv. 5-14): Application:

12 -------------------------------
Main thesis #1 (v. 4): Turned their backs on Christ: “See to it that you do not refuse Him who is speaking. For if those did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, much less will we escape who turn away from Him who warns from heaven” Hebrews 12:25. Christ is: Ultimate Revelation of God: Ultimate Inheritor of all the Father’s things. Final Executor of all of God’s will

13 Angels: Cannot die (Luke 20:36): More powerful/intelligent
(Isaiah 37:36; 2 Peter 2:11). Direct access to God (Job 1:6; 2:1). Serve God closely (Isaiah 6:2). Important agents of Revelation (Galatians 3:19; Hebrews 2:2). Called ‘sons of God’ (Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7). Qumran heresy.

14 However, Angels: Cannot atone (Hebrews 2:14):
Cannot relate (Hebrews 2:18; 4:15): Cannot supply (Hebrews 1:7, 14): Cannot model (Hebrews 5:7-9):

15 Outline Introduction/Launch: Main thesis #1 (v. 4):
Old Testament support (vv. 5-14): Application:

16 Quotation Correspondence 6 of 7 from the Psalms
Attribute Quotation Final/Ultimate Revelation Psalm 2:7 Sole Heir/Favorite Son 2 Samuel 7:14/[1 Chronicles 17:13] Effulgent Glory Psalm 97:7 The Exact Character Psalm 104:4/45:6-7 Maintainer of everything Psalm 102:25-27 Sin-bearing Son Psalm 110:1 The Positioned High King

17 Quotation Correspondence 6 of 7 from the Psalms
Peter O,Brien: “In the carefully composed introduction of 1:1–4 seven Christological affirmations describe the nature and work of the Son, thereby showing why the revelation of God in Him is the greatest God can give. Now in 1:5–14, the first doctrinal paragraph of Hebrews, seven Old Testament citations, together with introductory and concluding comments, undergird the previous Christological assertions.”

18 Quotation Correspondence 6 of 7 from the Psalms
Attribute Quotation Final/Ultimate Revelation Psalm 2:7

19 Quotation Correspondence 6 of 7 from the Psalms
Attribute Quotation Final/Ultimate Revelation Psalm 2:7 Sole Heir/Favorite Son 2 Samuel 7:14/[1 Chronicles 17:13]

20 Quotation Correspondence 6 of 7 from the Psalms
Attribute Quotation Final/Ultimate Revelation Psalm 2:7 Sole Heir/Favorite Son 2 Samuel 7:14/[1 Chronicles 17:13] Effulgent Glory Psalm 97:7

21 Quotation Correspondence 6 of 7 from the Psalms
Attribute Quotation Final/Ultimate Revelation Psalm 2:7 Sole Heir/Favorite Son 2 Samuel 7:14/[1 Chronicles 17:13] Effulgent Glory Psalm 97:7 The Exact Character Psalm 104:4/45:6-7

22 Quotation Correspondence 6 of 7 from the Psalms
Attribute Quotation Final/Ultimate Revelation Psalm 2:7 Sole Heir/Favorite Son 2 Samuel 7:14/[1 Chronicles 17:13] Effulgent Glory Psalm 97:7 The Exact Character Psalm 104:4/45:6-7 Maintainer of everything Psalm 102:25-27

23 Quotation Correspondence 6 of 7 from the Psalms
Attribute Quotation Final/Ultimate Revelation Psalm 2:7 Sole Heir/Favorite Son 2 Samuel 7:14/[1 Chronicles 17:13] Effulgent Glory Psalm 97:7 The Exact Character Psalm 104:4/45:6-7 Maintainer of everything Psalm 102:25-27 Sin-bearing Son Psalm 110:1 The Positioned High King

24 Quotation Correspondence 6 of 7 from the Psalms
Attribute Quotation Final/Ultimate Revelation Psalm 2:7

25 Quotation Correspondence 6 of 7 from the Psalms
Attribute Quotation Final/Ultimate Revelation Psalm 2:7 Sole Heir/Favorite Son 2 Samuel 7:14/[1 Chronicles 17:13]

26 Quotation Correspondence אלהים
Attribute Quotation Final/Ultimate Revelation Psalm 2:7 Sole Heir/Favorite Son 2 Samuel 7:14/[1 Chronicles 17:13] Effulgent Glory Psalm 97:7 “Thou has made Him a little lower than God” Psalm 8:5/Hebrews 2:7. “I see a divine being coming up out of the earth” 1 Samuel 28:13.

27 Quotation Correspondence אלהים
Attribute Quotation Final/Ultimate Revelation Psalm 2:7 Sole Heir/Favorite Son 2 Samuel 7:14/[1 Chronicles 17:13] Effulgent Glory Psalm 97:7 The Exact Character Psalm 104:4/45:6-7

28 Quotation Correspondence 6 of 7 from the Psalms
Attribute Quotation Final/Ultimate Revelation Psalm 2:7 Sole Heir/Favorite Son 2 Samuel 7:14/[1 Chronicles 17:13] Effulgent Glory Psalm 97:7 The Exact Character Psalm 104:4/45:6-7 Maintainer of everything Psalm 102:25-27 The Final and Ultimate Revelation. The Sole Heir & Favorite Son. The Maker of Everything – hands on. The Effulgent Glory. The Exact Character. The Maintainer of every molecule. The Sin-Bearing Son. The Positioned High King.

29 Quotation Correspondence 6 of 7 from the Psalms
Attribute Quotation Final/Ultimate Revelation Psalm 2:7 Sole Heir/Favorite Son 2 Samuel 7:14/[1 Chronicles 17:13] Effulgent Glory Psalm 97:7 The Exact Character Psalm 104:4/45:6-7 Maintainer of everything Psalm 102:25-27 Sin-bearing Son Psalm 110:1 The Positioned High King

30 Outline Introduction/Launch: Main thesis #1 (v. 4):
Old Testament support (vv. 5-14): Application:

31 Main Applications The Son is Everything.
If you love the Son, you are a son and you get everything. If you reject the son, you are nothing and lose everything.

32 Main Applications – Confidence in Him!
As our great High Priest, Christ is able to understand all our need, because He is perfect Man. He is able to meet all our need, because He is perfect God. The central point is Christ’s eternal Priesthood and all-availing sacrifice for sin. The Epistle dwells upon the supreme importance and power of the blood of Christ in obtaining eternal redemption for us, in purging the conscience, in opening to us the heavenly sanctuary.

33 Main Applications – Confidence in Him!
As our great High Priest, Christ is able to understand all our need, because He is perfect Man. He is able to meet all our need, because He is perfect God. The central point is Christ’s eternal Priesthood and all-availing sacrifice for sin. The Epistle dwells upon the supreme importance and power of the blood of Christ in obtaining eternal redemption for us, in purging the conscience, in opening to us the heavenly sanctuary. Matthew 11:28: “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”

34 Main Applications – Confidence in Him!
As our great High Priest, Christ is able to understand all our need, because He is perfect Man. He is able to meet all our need, because He is perfect God. The central point is Christ’s eternal Priesthood and all-availing sacrifice for sin. The Epistle dwells upon the supreme importance and power of the blood of Christ in obtaining eternal redemption for us, in purging the conscience, in opening to us the heavenly sanctuary. Matthew 11:28: “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” Hebrews 8:1: “Now the main point in what has been said is this: we have such a high priest, Who”

35 Soli Deo Gloria!!!

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