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Integrative Seminar workshop

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1 Integrative Seminar workshop
(Part II) My own experience w IS: I was SO confused by what it meant to write a paper from three different disciplines bc I had never wrote one or even read one myself.

2 What would you rather write about and why?
 Option 1: Internet culture has become influential worldwide (memes, selfies, vines, blogging, hashtags), which raises a range of important issues. This paper will require you to select, research and write about a topic related to the internet culture. The topic must be examined from three different perspectives, reflecting approaches used by different disciplines in the social sciences.

3 Option 2: Your supervisor at Statistics Canada has mandated you to write a briefing report on a current problem or issue related to internet culture (e.g., blogging, memes, selfies, vines, hashtags). Your policy report must be written for one of the following audiences: a)Ministry of Education b)Canadian Psychological Association c)Canadian Businesses d)Department of Justice Canada In this report, you must research empirical articles and answer the following questions: 1.What forces have contributed to the emergence of this issue? 2.What effects does this issue have on current entities and individuals? Based on your examination of the scientific literature and your choice of audience, you will be asked to make your own empirically-based recommendations about the issue.

4 RAFT Role: What’s the purpose: inform? Analyze? Persuade? Reflect?
Audience: Who will be reading the report? Format or genre: Is it a briefing report? Is it an academic paper? Is it a creative piece? Task: What is the disciplinary problem? (i.e., what are some intriguing disciplinary problems in social sciences that relate to your chosen theme?) **Some examples from student papers** An approach to assignment design to enhance student engagement and good papers.

5 Task: Brainstorm some audiences and formats in your IS course.

6 Develop your own RAFT-based assignment
Your task now is to share with each other your IS themes and help each other design your own problem-based assignments based on your theme for IS. You will then present some of your work to the group. If you have time, start thinking about the most effective steps students would have to take to produce that project.

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