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Unit 3 – Literature of the Civil War & Frontier

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1 Unit 3 – Literature of the Civil War & Frontier
English 3 Link to story:

2 “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce
P.O.V – 1st, 2nd, 3rd (limited or omniscient) Plot – Sequence of events that make up a story Stream of consciousness – Character’s thoughts are presented as the mind experiences them, in short bursts without obvious logic

3 “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce pgs.480 - 489
Writing Assignment: After reading the short story, compose an expository essay (4 or 5 paragraphs) analyzing the effects of the use of stream of consciousness in the story’s drama. The following steps must be taken: PREWRITE (Mon.) – Generate a list of passages in which the use of stream of consciousness helps you understand Farquhar’s thoughts and feelings. You will use 2 or 3 in your essay. DRAFT (Tues.) – Focus on one passage at a time, explain why the use of stream of consciousness narration reveal the character’s thoughts with heightened realism and drama. REVISE & EDIT (Wed.) – Use ARMS & CUPS in class to revise and edit draft; therefore, draft must be completed before Wednesday class.

4 DRAFTING – Explain why the use of stream of consciousness narration reveal the character’s thoughts with heightened realism and drama. Introduction – Hook Background Thesis Statement – should include title of work and author’s name Body 1 – Transition sentence Topic sentence (should connect to Thesis statement) Evidence from text - PASSAGE Explain text evidence (this should be 2 or 3 sentences) Body 2 – Repeat steps in Body 1 with another passage Body 3 – Optional Conclusion - Restate Thesis Statement in a new way Final analysis summed up

5 SAMPLE THESIS Ambrose Bierce’s short story “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” applies the use of stream of consciousness narration through the mind of a Civil War criminal as he is hung from a bridge in his final fantasy of escape from death and the shocking realization of his untimely end.

From award winning documentaries to Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind, writers are captivated by the turbulent time of the Civil War and link historical themes and genres with modern ideas and forms of expression.

7 Cold Mountain page 545 TAGLINES: “Find your way home”
“Find the strength. Find the courage. No matter what it takes…find the way home.” Put the theme of the movie into your own words based on the above taglines.

8 When do you see these occur in the drama?
Cold Mountain pages Realism - Presentation in literature (art) of the details of real life. Naturalism – Literary movement following Romanticism. The horrors of Civil War caused many writers to question the ideals of Romanticism. When do you see these occur in the drama?

9 Sojourner Truth – Abolitionist
Born into slavery in Ulster County, New York Separated from her family at 9 Sold multiple times, abused by masters Forced to marry another slave and had 4 children Escaped in 1826 (a year before NY emancipated slaves) Worked as a domestic Became a missionary, preaching on the streets

10 “An Account of an Experience With Discrimination” pgs. 554-556
Sojourner Truth showed courage in the face of injustice- one aspect of the American ideal. Think of an American who you think is courageous and explain the nature of his or her courage.

11 “An Account of an Experience With Discrimination” WRITE – RHETORICAL TRIANGLE
What is the speaker’s purpose? What is What is the the speaker’s speaker’s connection to the credibility? audience? Who is intended audience?

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