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Genevieve J. Graves University of California, Santa Cruz

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1 Dissecting the Red Sequence: Star Formation Histories & Mass to Light Ratios
Genevieve J. Graves University of California, Santa Cruz with Sandra Faber & Ricardo Schiavon

2 variations in Ie  variations in Mdyn/L
binning:  and Mdyn/L at fixed , Re : variations in Ie  variations in Mdyn/L Mdyn 2 Re 2 L Ie Re IeRe bin by  and Mdyn/L

3 the metallicity hyperplane
Metallicity Hyperplane (MHP) Trager et al. (2000) high Mdyn /L low Mdyn /L low  high 

4 MHP maps onto FP X-section
 Mdyn /L   Mdyn /L (Age, [Fe/H]) (, Mdyn /L) Mdyn /L

5 variations in Mdyn /L within Re
Mtot M,real M,IMF = x dynamical mass estimator DM fraction IMF stellar population (age, Z)

6 dynamical mass estimator
SAURON Survey: SLACS Survey: Cappellari et al. (2006) - IFU data, dynamical models Bolton et al. (2007) - strong lensing UW: May 27, 2008

7 variations in Mdyn /L within Re
SLACS, SAURON Mdyn L Mtot M,real M,IMF = x dynamical mass estimator DM fraction IMF stellar population (age, Z)

8 the metallicity hyperplane
constant M /L Bruzual & Charlot (2003) *

9 M/L vs. Mdyn /L M / L * Mdyn / L (SSP) log Mdyn / L log M* / L

10 variations in Mdyn /L within Re
SLACS, SAURON not enough Mdyn L Mtot M,real M,IMF = x dynamical mass estimator DM fraction IMF stellar population (age, Z)

11 two tilts of the FP FP midplane Stellar Population: M/L   M/L
log Re Stellar Population: M/L M/L   residual tilt: Mdyn / M log Re Dark Matter, IMF: Mdyn / M  2 Re  Mdyn log 

12 M/L vs. Mdyn /L M / L * Mdyn / L log Mdyn / L log M* / L

13 observational conclusions
ETG star formation histories = 2-D parameter space (variations with  and with Mdyn/L) 2-D family of star formation histories = X-section of FP Stellar population effects cannot account for observed tilt of the FP, or the observed thickness of the FP variations in the IMF or central DM fraction required high Mdyn/M correlated with short duration star formation The two tilts of the FP: Stellar population effects (M/L) and variable IMF or DM fraction (Mdyn/M) tilts rotate the FP around different axes

14 variations in the IMF? M log (dN / d log M) log M (M) more at low end
M*/L from Chabrier IMF need some galaxies with higher M/L M log (dN / d log M) more at high end high end more attractive to match [Mg/Fe] log M (M)

15 variation in DM fraction?
 Mdyn /L is measured within Re genuine lack of stellar mass for given halo mass (low star formation efficiency) - early truncation of star formation through quenching? (by AGN or massive halo) redistribution of stellar and dark matter inside/outside Re - gas-rich vs. dry mergers?

16 low sf efficiency: halo quenching?
early quenching: low Ie, high Mdyn/L Cattaneo et al. (2008) late quenching: high Ie, low Mdyn/L naturally produces correlation between Mdyn /L , short duration star fixed  z

17 low sf efficiency: AGN feedback?
Galaxy w/ Powerful Radio z=2.4 [OIII]5007 emission: * aligned w/ radio lobes * large outflow velocities * outflow mass-loading and lifetime can carry out ~ few x 1010 M Nesvadba et al. (2008) -600 600 0 km/s SF truncated in high Mdyn/L objects

18 redistribution of stars?
gas fraction of major-merger changes Mdyn / M gas fraction 1% ~0.2 dex fgas varies w/ mass  contributes to FP tilt 40% log Mdyn / M could also have fgas fixed   FP thickness long-duration SF  gas-rich mergers R / Re Robertson et al. (2006)

19 future work test variable IMF vs. variable DM fraction
- look at galaxy cores where DM should be unimportant - look for central starburst contribution from gas-rich merger (2-component galaxy light profiles) chemical evolution models - what forms of variable IMFs match both Mdyn/M and [Mg/Fe]? the role of environment: - both merger and massive halo explanations imply environment plays a role - relations for central galaxies vs. satellites

20 M/L vs. Mdyn /L * * M / L (constant SFR) M / L Mdyn / L (SSP)
log Mdyn / L log M* / L

21 M/L from Age, [Fe/H]

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