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Teoria dei giochi e Oligopolio
Game theory Game theory Oligopolistic firm use a
a set of tools used to analyze the decision making by firms Oligopolistic firm use a strategy: battle plan of actions (such as setting a price or quantity) to compete with other firms Oligopolies engage in a game: competition between players (firms) in which strategic behavior plays a major role
Nash equilibrium (NE) A set of strategies is a “Nash equilibrium” (NE) if, holding strategies of all other players (firms) constant, no player (firm) can obtain a higher payoff (profit) by choosing a different strategy In a Nash equilibrium, no firm wants to change its strategy because each firm is using its “best response” (strategy that maximizes its profit given its beliefs about its rivals' strategies)
Example (NE) Consider a duopoly, single-period and quantity-setting game American Airlines (A) and United Airlines (U) Q = total number of passengers flown by both firms; sum of: qA = passengers on American Airlines qU = passengers on United Airlines
Each firm selects a strategy that maximizes its profit given what it believes other firm will do Firms are playing a “non-cooperative” game under IMPERFECT INFORMATION: each firm must choose an action before observing rivals’ simultaneous actions
Dominant strategy (DS)
DS: a strategy that strictly dominates all other strategies, regardless the action taken by the rival in this game, each firm has a dominant strategy each firm chooses its dominant strategy where a firm has a dominant strategy, its belief about its rival's behavior is irrelevant
Non-cooperative game firms do not cooperate in a single-period game
In Nash equilibrium (qA = qU = 64), each firm earns $4.1 million (< $4.6 million they would obtain restricting their outputs to qA = qU = 48) sum of firms' profits is NOT maximized in this simultaneous choice, one-period game
Why don't firms cooperate?
each firm has a substantial PROFIT INCENTIVE TO CHEAT on a collusive agreement don't cooperate due to a LACK OF TRUST: each firm can profitably use low-output strategy only if it trusts other firm
Prisoners' dilemma game
All players have dominant strategies that lead to a profit (or other payoff) that is inferior to what they could achieve if they cooperated and played alternative strategies B “If you both confess, you will serve 2 years in prison; if only one confesses, he will go free, while the other will serve 5 years in prison; if you both do not confess, you serve 1 year in prison” What is the final outcome? Both the robbers confess! Confess Not confess -2;-2 0;-5 -5;0 -1;-1 A
American Airlines’ Profit-Maximizing Output
(a) Monopoly (b) Duopoly p , $ per p , $ per 339 339 275 243 211 MC 147 MC 147 q = 64 U D MR MR r D r D 96 169.5 339 64 128 137.5 275 339 q , Thousand American Airlines q , Thousand American Airlines A A passengers per quarter passengers per quarter
The best-response curve
The best-response curve shows the output each firm picks to maximize its profit, given its belief about its rival’s output qU=0 qA=96 qU=64 qA=64 and so on
American and United’s Best-Response Curves
The CE is a set of quantities sold by firms such that, holding quantities of all other firms constant, no firm can obtain a higher profit by choosing a different quantity q , Thousand United U passengers per quarter 192 American ’ s best-response curve 96 Cournot equilibrium (CE) 64 48 United ’ s best-response curve 64 96 192 q , Thousand American A passengers per quarter
Duopoly Equilibria If the game is repeated over many period?
The possible cartel equilibria lie on the contract curve (a) Equilibrium Quantities q , Thousand United U passengers per quarter 192 American ’ s best-response curve Contract curve Price-taking equilibrium 96 Cournot equilibrium 64 Stackelberg equilibrium 48 Cartel equilibrium United ’ s best-response curve 48 64 96 192 q , Thousand American passengers per quarter A
Duopoly Equilibria The highest possible Π for the two firms is given by the profit possibility frontier p , $ million profit U of United Airlines 9.2 Profit possibility frontier Cartel profits 4.6 4.1 Cournot profits 2.3 Stackelberg profits American monopoly Price-taking profits profit 4.1 4.6 9.2 p , $ million profit of American Airlines A
Collusion in repeated games
why, then, are cartels frequently observed? collusion is more likely in a multiperiod game: single-period game played repeatedly PUNISHMENT: not possible in a single-period game but possible in a multiperiod game
Supergame a single-period game played repeatedly
supergame: players’ strategies in each period may depend on rivals' actions in previous periods in a repeated game, firm can influence its rival's behavior by SIGNALING (using a low-quantity strategy for a couple of periods to signal to the other it is cooperative) THREATENING to punish (for example, announcing the trigger strategy …)
Threat (the “trigger” strategy)
Suppose American announces to United that it will use the following two-part strategy: American produces smaller quantity each period as long as United does the same if United produces larger quantity in period (t), then American will produce larger quantity in period (t + 1) and (t + 2) thus, if firms play same game indefinitely, they should find it more profitable to collude (unless the FIRM DOES NOT CARE ABOUT FUTURE PROFITS…) Trigger strategy, an equilibrium of supergame
Number of periods (T) suppose firms know that they are going to play game for T periods period T is like a single-period game, and all firms cheat by same reasoning, they cheat in T-1 period, (given no retaliation is possible in period T) maintaining a cartel is difficult if the game has a KNOWN STOPPING POINT cheating is less likely to occur if end period is unknown or there is no end
Non-cooperative oligopoly
many models of non-cooperative oligopoly behavior firms choose quantities Cournot model (simultaneously) Stackelberg model (two period game)
Stackelberg model Cournot model: both firms make their output decisions simultaneously Stackelberg's model: firms act sequentially leader firm sets its output first then its rival (follower) sets its output The leader realizes that once it sets output, the follower will use its Cournot best-response curve to pick a “best-response” output
Stackelberg Equilibrium If AA sets q=192,
UA will set qUA=0, so D and DrAA are identical at q=192 If AA sets q=0, UA will set q=96, so the DrAA curve is 96 less than demand. The DrAA hits the vertical axis at p=243 When AA sets qAA=96, UA sets qUA=48, … (a) Residual Demand American Faces p , $ per passenger 339 243 D r 195 MR r 147 MC q = 48 U D q = 96 Q = 144 192 339 A q , Thousand American passengers per quarter (b) United ’ s Best-Response Curve A q , Thousand United U passengers per quarter 96 q = 48 U United ’ s best-response curve q = 96 192 A q , Thousand American passengers per quarter A
Stackelberg Game Tree Leader ’ s decision Follower ’ s decision
Profits ( p , p ) A 48 U (4.6, 4.6) 48 64 United (3.8, 5.1) 96 (2.3, 4.6) 48 (5.1, 3.8) 64 64 American United (4.1, 4.1) 96 (2.0, 3.1) 48 (4.6, 2.3) 96 64 United (3.1, 2.0) 96 (0, 0)
Stackelberg’s conclusion
If one firm (the Stackelberg leader) chooses the output before its rivals (the followers), the former (the leader) produces more and earns a higher profit than each (identical-cost) follower firms Stackelberg equilibrium: Q= 144 ( ) Cournot equilibrium: Q= 128 ( ) Collusion equilibrium: Q= 96 ( )
Question when firms move simultaneously, there is no leader
“But why doesn't AA ANNOUNCE it will produce Stackelberg-leader output, so as to induce UA to produce the Stackelberg follower's output level?”
No credible threat when firms move SIMULTANEOUSLY, UA doesn't view AA's warning (that it will produce a large quantity) as a credible threat: not in AA’s best interest to produce large quantity (i.e. qAA=96) because AA cannot be sure that UA believes threat and reduce its output, AA produces Cournot level (i.e. qAA=64) when one firm moves FIRST, its threat to produce large quantity is credible because it has already COMMITTED to producing large quantity
Tabella di sintesi QA A annuncia ? U crede ? QU 96 c 48 nc 64
2 firms are considering opening a gas station at a highway rest stop physical space for: Scenario A: at most 2 gas stations (enough demand for 2 firms) Scenario B: only 1 gas station (demand only for 1 firm)
firms have pure (dominant) strategies: both enter
unique, pure strategy equilibrium neither firm has a dominant strategy Sometimes, games do not have NE in pure strategies; sometimes there are two (or more) NE in mixed strategies
Problem with pure strategies
game has two Nash equilibria in pure strategies: Firm 1 enters and Firm 2 does not Firm 2 enters and Firm 1 does not these pure Nash equilibria are “unappealing” because identical firms use different strategies players don’t know which Nash equilibrium will result
Mixed strategies mixed strategies: firm chooses between its possible actions with given probabilities in our game, each firm enters with 50% probability if strategies are mixed, firms may use same strategies result: Nash equilibrium in mixed strategies
Mixed strategy equilibria
if both firms use this mixed strategy, each of four outcomes in payoff matrix equally likely Firm 1 has ¼ chance of earning $1 (upper-right cell) ¼ chance of losing $1 (lower-right cell) ½ chance of earning $0 (left cells) thus, Firm 1's expected profit is ($1 ¼) + (-1 ¼) + (0 ½) = $0
Firm 2’s response if Firm 1 uses this mixed strategy, Firm 2 cannot do better using a pure strategy if Firm 2 enters with certainty, it earns $1 half of the time loses $1 the other half so its expected profit is $0 if Firm 2 stays out with certainty, it earns $0 with certainty
Nash equilibria One firm plays pure strategy of entering and other firm plays pure strategy of not entering or Both firms play mixed strategies
Preventing entry: Sequential decisions
incumbent (monopoly) firm knows potential entrant is considering entering stage 1: incumbent decides whether to take an action to prevent entry stage 2: potential entrant decides whether to enter, and firms choose output levels no entry: incumbent earns monopoly profit entry: each firm earns duopoly profit assume potential entrant enters only if it can make a positive profit
Incumbent: To act or not to act?
incumbent can act strategically to prevent other firm from entering But, it has to answer the following question: DOES IT PAY TO TAKE ACTION? Three possibilities
Three possibilities blockaded entry: deterred entry:
market conditions make “profitable entry” impossible, so no action is necessary deterred entry: incumbent acts to prevent an additional firm from entering because it pays to be the only one accommodated entry: doesn't pay for incumbent to prevent entry incumbent does nothing to prevent entry reduces its output (or price) from monopoly to duopoly level
Two-stage game Example: Highways rest stop gas station
an INCUMBENT and a potential entrant stage 1: incumbent decides whether to pay landlord (of the rest stop) b for exclusive right to be the only gas station stage 2: if incumbent doesn't take this strategic action, potential entrant decides whether or not to enter
Whether an Incumbent Pays to Prevent Entry
First stage Second stage ( π , π ) i e Do not enter ( π , $0) m Do not pay Entrant Enter ( π , π = R – F ) d d Incumbent Pay for exclusive rights (entry is impossible) ( π – b , $0) m
Incumbent’s decision blockaded entry: duopoly profit is negative, πd < 0 (entry doesn't pay) deterred or accommodated entry: πd > 0 (it means that entry occurs unless incumbent acts) Does it deter or accommodate entry? incumbent can prevent entry by paying b, but it may not pay for incumbent to do so
πm – b > πd Does incumbent pay? πd > πm - b
incumbent pays b if monopoly profit minus payment is greater than duopoly profit πm – b > πd incumbent accommodates entry if πd > πm - b
Potential entrant: Fixed costs and demand
entry is profitable only if πd > 0 duopoly profit πd = R – F assume firms have no variable costs fixed cost of entering, F firm’s revenue is R (depends on demand)
Blockaded entry if R < F, πd < 0, and the second firm does not enter not enough demand given fixed cost entry is blockaded only if a firm must incur a fixed cost to enter F = R > F πd > 0 F > 0 and demand so low there's room for only one firm in market ( a natural monopoly )
Incumbent’s advantage
Because incumbent is already in market, its fixed entry cost is sunk so it ignores its sunk cost in deciding whether to operate potential entrant views fixed cost of entry as avoidable cost incurs cost only if entry takes place
The “credible threat”: Rationality and commitment
In the first place, rivals must believe that firm's threatened strategy is “rational” rational: it is in firm's best interest to use it to prevent entry In the second place, the “commitment” plays a crucial role: the general “burning bridges” behind the army (it can only advance and not retreat)
Cournot vs. Stackelberg
Stackelberg models illustrate the role of “commitment” Stackelberg model leader chooses its output level before follower, so it has the first-mover advantage moving first allows leader to COMMIT to producing a relatively large quantity, qs Cournot model firms choose output levels simultaneously so no firm has an advantage over its rival no firm can commit credibly to produce large quantity
Output commitment incumbent can commit to “large quantity of output” before potential entrant decides whether to enter (sequential game) 3 possibilities: NO commitment: entry occurs, COURNOT equilibrium commit to STACKELBERG-LEADER quantity: entry occurs, Stackelberg equilibrium commit to LARGER quantity: deters entry, monopoly equilibrium
Commitment and fixed cost
Does incumbent commit to producing the Stackelberg leader q or the larger entry-deterring q? To answer, backward induction What affects the incumbent decision? The potential entrant's fixed cost of entry (F) If the F is below the level where entry is blockaded, there are three possibilities : if it can’t commit Cournot eq. if it can commit: F relatively high Deterred-entry eq. F relatively low Stackelberg eq.
Game Trees for the Deterred Entry and Stackelberg Equilibria
(a) Entrant ’ s Fixed Cost Is $100. ( p , p ) i e Do not enter ($900, $0) Accommodate ( q = 30) i Entrant Enter ($450, $125) Incumbent Do not enter ($800, $0) Deter ( q = 40) i Entrant Enter ($400, $0) (b) Entrant ’ s Fixed Cost Is $16. Do not enter ($900, $0) Accommodate ( q = 30) i Entrant Enter ($450, $209) Incumbent Do not enter ($416, $0) Deter ( q = 52) i Entrant Enter ($208, $0)
Stackelberg Equilibria
Cournot and Stackelberg Equilibria (a) Best-Response Curves q e , Units per period 60 Incumbent ’ s best-response curve 30 e c 20 e F = $0; Stackelberg equilibrium The incumbent profit is maximized at q=30, the Stackelberg equilibrium s 15 Entrant ’ s best-response curve 20 30 60 q , Units per period (b) Incumbent ’ s Profit i p , $ per period i 450 400 p i 20 30 60 q , Units per period i
(a) Entrant ’ s Best-Response Curve 30 Entrant ’ s best-response curve qe, Units per period e 15 s e 10 d 30 40 60 q , Units per period (b) Incumbent ’ s Profit 900 800 Incumbent Commits to a Large Quantity to Deter Entry F = 100$ The incumbent profit is maximized at q=40, where it deters entry and is a monopoly π m π πi, Incumbent’s Profit per period, $ i 450 π s 30 40 60 q , Units per period
Incumbent Loss If It Deters Entry F = $16 The incumbent profit
(a) Entrant ’ s Best-Response Curve Incumbent Loss If It Deters Entry q , Units per period e 30 Entrant ’ s best-response curve e 15 s 30 52 60 F = $16 The incumbent profit is maximized producing the Stackelberg output (q=30), instead of deterring entry by producing q=52 q , Units per period i (b) Incumbent ’ s Profit p , $ per period i 900 p m 450 416 p i p s 30 52 60 q , Units per period i
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