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Growth and Expansion Chapter 11 Lessons 1-3
Industrial Growth Colonial Times-people were dependent on themselves, making their own clothing and growing their own food. Starting in the 1700s, people began to invent things that would make items for them, such as clothing Then people would start to hire others to run these machines to then sell them to other people Inventions would lead people to start leaving their farms to find work outside of their own home This change and time period is the Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution
1800 in the United States New Inventions would save people a lot of time and money 1793 Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin- machine that would remove seeds from the cotton fiber to prepare it to be made into clothing or other items This would increase cotton production Eli Whitney also created interchangeable parts for muskets. Made it simple and easy for a soldier to replace a broken part of his musket. Patent laws- passed by Congress in 1790 to give inventors legal rights to make money form their invention (we still have this today)
Free enterprise Capitalism-individuals and businesses own the property and get to decide how they are going to use it. -The government can not control it. Free enterprise-America’s economic system People can buy, sell, and produce whatever they want
Agriculture grows With the Industrial Revolution, many people began leaving their farms and working away from home. Now this is going to open the field for people to grow more crops than just for their family, and they will begin selling it to the public Farmers West would raise mainly pork, corn, and wheat Farmers South would produce cotton which was in such a high demand that Slavery would also expand in the south. We will eventually see the growth of Corporations- buisnesses with many owners and a growth in cities. People will move to where ever the work is, which was typically centered in popular cities.
Discussion 1. How did the introduction of factories change the way goods were made in the colonies? Many things that were originally done by hand could now be done by a machine. Products would be made a lot faster and cheaper 2. What economic activity was most widespread in the united States in the early 1800s? (before the development of all the new machines) Farming was the main thing that people did as a way of life to feed their own families. Industrial growth would lead to larger farms and less family farming (that doesn’t mean no one farmed for their family) 3. How did industrialization affect the way people lived in the United States? Many cities would develop along the rivers where factories could use waterpower and could ship their goods to other areas more easily.
Moving west The fist census would show that nearly 4 million people lived in America in 1790 Daniel Boone would explore a Native trail through the Appalachian Mountains called Warriors’ Path Would lead him to the Cumberland Gap, through this gap would be what is now Kentucky Explored for 2 years Would take 30 people to make the trail easier for travel 1775 Would be known as the Wilderness Road and would become the main route for pioneers to get West.
Roadways and river travel
Turnpikes would be built, also known as toll roads Tolls are fees that a traveler would have to pay, these tolls would help pay for the roads Larger loads of products could be easily transferred through river travel Steam boats were used but did not have very powerful engines. Robert Livingston (1802) would hire Robert Fulton to build a more powerful steam boat 1807 the Clermont would be launched, a normal 4 day trip would only take 32 hours Development of Canals would arise to allow steamboat transportation where there were no large water transportation areas. Canals are man made waterways
States added to America
: Vermont, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio : Indiana, Illinois, Mississippi, Alabama, and Missouri
Unity and sectionalism
James Monroe would become the 5th president Known as the Era of Good Feelings With Monroe in office, Republicans would change their view of strong support for states rights and promote federal power by having the government guide trade and industry growth
Henry Clay Republican, speaker of the house
Program to help the nation grow, Clay’s American System Increase the power of the federal government Higher tariffs, new bank, internal improvements (roads, bridges, and canals) Congress did not want to spend money on internal improvements, would have his American System become law with higher tariffs and a new bank First Bank would die out in 1811, brought back in 1816 Madison would sign for a second bank during his presidency When the bank “died” small banks let out too many loans leading to inflation-rise in price of goods. Government had no place for funds Second Bank would restore issues
tariffs The British were producing goods and selling them at cheaper prices in America making it to where American companies had little to no business High tariffs were proposed to eliminate this issue: Tariff of 1816 Imported items would become more expensive
Missouri 1819 would ask to be admitted as a state to Congress
People in these territories were from Kentucky and Tennessee, slave owning states; therefore, they wanted slavery in Missouri Was proposed that Missouri would gradually get rid of slavery to join the Union by James Tallmadge, House would agree, Senate would not Addition as a slave state could have increased the number of members in the House of Representatives for the Southern states and could cause sectionalism- southern states separating from other states due to differences Another slave state would disrupt the balance of free state to slave state
Missouri compromise Henry Clay would suggest that Main be added to the Union as a free state then Missouri could enter as a slave state to keep an even balance in the Senate This compromise would block slavery north of the boundary line in the Louisiana Purchase territory (see map on page 312)
Monroe doctrine Jackson will take over many Spanish Forts
Spain would give up much of their territory to the United States France, Austria, Russia, and Prussia would discuss a plan to help them get back their land Monroe issues a statement on December 2, 1823 stating that America would not get involved with internal affairs or wars in Europe Would not mess with European colonies in the Americas North and South America are not to be the subjects for colonization by European powers Warning to keep European nations out of the Americas and would be our foreign policy
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