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Presentation on theme: "EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY STEP BY STEP FACULTY SUMMER PAY SUMMER 2017"— Presentation transcript:


2 State and Grant Summer Pay Example
A nine-month Associate Professor is working on the following jobs this summer: Teaching one course 1st Summer Session (5/16-6/30) for $5,250. Teaching one course 2nd Summer Session (7/1-7/31) for $5,250. Working 25% on grant between (5/16-6/30). Working on grant between (5/16-8/15) and wants to earn $6,300. Tomorrow Starts Here 2

3 Step One: Verify Your Information
Verify the individual’s annual Institutional Base salary minus stipends: Check INB Banner PEISALH or ECUBic Annual Salary with FOAP Info by Banner ID or Name. Check the grant end dates: To verify the Budget End Date go to INB Banner, FRMFUND, hit F7, Enter the Fund #, hit F8, and check the Budget End Date. Tomorrow Starts Here 3

4 2017 Update to FTE Summer Check Sheet and Summer Calculator
Summer FTE Check Sheet and Summer Calculator are now combined on one Tab Tomorrow Starts Here 4

5 Step Two: Begin Entering Your Information into the Salary Calculator Worksheet
Open the Summer Salary Calculator to the Summer FTE & Calculator Tab. Tomorrow Starts Here 5

6 Step Two Cont’d: Begin Entering Your Information into the Worksheet
* Begin to fill in what you know: Faculty Name: Doe, John Salary: $63,000 Source FOAP Grant End Dates Begin Date and End Date of time assignment The # of Working Months that correlate with the Begin Date and End Date 6

7 Step Three: Determining the Allowable Salary
You will begin to determine the allowable salaries for this example using the Summer FTE & Calculator Tab. We recommend you start with the State jobs or other non-grant sources first. You will use the salary calculator to determine the grant equivalent FTE for other non-grant sources. Tomorrow Starts Here 7

8 Step Three cont’d: Determining the Allowable Salary
- State Course #1 and Course #2 You will enter in the Total Amount of Supplemental Pay into Total Amount Column (G) and the # of Pays into # of Pays column (H). Enter in the State FTE (.50) into the corresponding pay periods. In the circled area, you will see the Total FTE and Total 133% so far. Remember the FTE amounts can not exceed 1.0 once we add the grant funding. We will now determine the allowable salary for each grant job. Tomorrow Starts Here 8

9 Step Four: Determining the Allowable Salary
Grant # : For this grant, you know the individual wants to work 25%, so you will need to determine the allowable salary that is proportional to 25%. Enter in the Annual Salary into Cell B48 ($63,000) minus any stipends. In this example there are no stipends. 2 Enter the Amount of Effort in Cell B54 (25%) 3. Enter the # of Working Months in Cell B59 (1.5). You will see the Amount of Supplemental Pay Cell B60 change to $2,625. This is the maximum amount he can earn, working 1.5 months at 25%. Tomorrow Starts Here 9

10 Step Four cont’d: Determining the Allowable Salary
Enter in the FTE and Supplemental Pay info into the EPAF Percentage Check section on the spreadsheet. 5. Enter the FTE (.25) into Cell D62. 6. Enter the Supplemental Pay ($2,625) into Cell E62. 7. The No. Pays should auto calculate to the correct amount (3, for 1.5 working months) in Cell J61. Notice in Cell I 70 the Special Rate will auto calculate for you. You will use these amounts to complete the Grant jobs on the top portion of the spreadsheet. Tomorrow Starts Here 10

11 Step Four cont’d: Determining the Allowable Salary
In the circled area, you will see the Total FTE and Total 133% so far. Remember the FTE amounts can not exceed 1.0 once we add the grant funding. Repeat this process for each additional grant job. Remember, to keep checking your FTE and 133% totals. Tomorrow Starts Here 11

12 Step Four cont’d: Determining the Allowable Salary
Grant # : For this grant, the individual has given you a specific amount he wants to charge the grant ($6,300) and the period he will be working 5/16-8/15. You will use the $Amount to % Effort Conversion section of the calculator. Enter in the Annual Salary into Cell B48 ($63,000). Enter the # of Working Months into Cell B59 (3). Enter the amount he Wishes to Earn in Cell B67 ($6,300). Notice the Approximate Reassigned Effort Cell B71 (%) FTE changes to 30%. Tomorrow Starts Here 12

13 Step Four cont’d: Determining the Allowable Salary
Enter in the FTE and Supplemental Pay info into the EPAF Percentage Check section on the same 9-mo tab. 5. Enter the FTE (.30) into Cell D62. 6. Enter the Supplemental Pay ($6300) into Cell E62. 7. The No. Pays should auto calculate to the correct amount (6, for 3 working months) in Cell J61. Notice in Cell I62 the Special Rate will auto calculate for you. You will use these amounts to complete the Grant jobs on the top portion of the spreadsheet. Tomorrow Starts Here 13

14 Step Four cont’d: Determining the Allowable Salary
In the circled areas, you will see the Total FTE and Total 133% so far. Notice in the time frame of 5/16-8/15 that $6,300 for 3 months (.30 FTE) will put him over 1.0 FTE. This will not be approved. Remember his total FTE for ALL jobs cannot exceed 1.0 FTE in any period. Can he still earn $6,300 working 3 months? Tomorrow Starts Here 14

15 Step Four cont’d: Determining the Allowable Salary
Instead of trying to process an EPAF totaling $6,300 for three working months at .30 FTE, you can break up the $6,300 based on different levels of effort/FTE. (You will see an example of this in a moment). **Warning, if you and the PI decide to go this route, remember that the PI must be able to document that he worked that level of effort for that specific period. You cannot process EPAFs this way just to reach a certain dollar amount. All effort must be able to be documented in each period. The PI cannot be absent from the project during the period in which he is paid from the grant.** Tomorrow Starts Here 15

16 Step Four cont’d: Determining the Allowable Salary
In the circled area, you will see the Total FTE up until you add the 2nd grant. He can only work .25 FTE for 5/16-6/30 and .50 FTE for 7/1-7/31. He can still work up to 1.0 FTE for the 8/1-8/15 period. Since the $6,300 over 3 months puts him over the 1.0 FTE, you can use the calculator to adjust the supplemental amount and # of working months until you reach the appropriate level of FTE. For example, instead of trying to process an EPAF at $6,300 for 3 months at .30 FTE. You can try to break up the $6,300 and process separate EPAFs based on the different levels of FTE. Tomorrow Starts Here 16

17 Step Four cont’d: Determining the Allowable Salary
Grant # : You can only add another .25 FTE job for the period 5/16-6/30. Enter in the Annual Salary into Cell B48 ($63,000). Enter the # of Working Months into Cell B59 (1.5). Since he can’t make the entire $6,300 in this period, you can start to enter lesser amounts in the Wishes to Earn Cell B67 until the Approximate Reassigned Effort Cell B71 is equal or less than .25FTE. Notice that with $2,625 in the Wishes to Earn, the Approximate Reassigned Effort (% FTE) changes to 25%. Tomorrow Starts Here 17

18 Step Four cont’d: Determining the Allowable Salary
In the circled area, you will see the Total FTE and Total 133% so far. Notice that for the period 5/16-6/30 the total FTE is 1.0. You can now proceed with the rest of the $6,300 ($3675)for the period of 7/1-8/15. Tomorrow Starts Here 18

19 Step Four cont’d: Determining the Allowable Salary
Grant # : You can only add another .50 FTE job for the period 7/1/-7/31. Enter in the Annual Salary into Cell B48 ($63,000). Enter the # of Working Months into Cell B59 (1.0). You have already calculated $2,625. You can start to enter amounts in the Wishes to Earn Cell B67 until the Approximate Reassigned Effort Cell B71 is equal or less than .50 FTE. Notice that with $3,500 in the Wishes to Earn, the Approximate Reassigned Effort (% FTE) changes to 50%. Tomorrow Starts Here 19

20 Step Four cont’d: Determining the Allowable Salary
In the circled area, you will see the Total FTE and Total 133% so far. Notice that for the period 5/16-7/31 the total FTE is 1.0. You can now proceed with the rest of the $6,300 ($175) for the last period (8/1). Tomorrow Starts Here 20

21 Step Four cont’d: Determining the Allowable Salary
Grant # : For the period 8/1, he has no other jobs and therefore can work up to 1.0 FTE. Enter in the Annual Salary into Cell B48 ($63,000). Enter the # of Working Months into Cell B59 (.50). You have already calculated $2,625 and $3,500. You can enter the remaining amount ($175) in the Wishes to Earn Cell B67. Notice that with $175 in the Wishes to Earn, the “Approximate” Reassigned Effort (%FTE) changes to 5%. Tomorrow Starts Here 21

22 Step Five: Double Check Your Figures
Check all of your numbers for accuracy and completeness Tomorrow Starts Here 22

23 Step Five cont’d: Double Check Your Figures
Are you over 1.00 FTE? Is the Total 133% still UNDER? Is the monthly pay still under the allowable amount? Tomorrow Starts Here 23

24 Step Five cont’d: Check Your Figures
Grant # : Since you are over the total allowable salary for the period of 7/1-7/31, you will need to adjust the earnings. Enter in the Annual Salary into Cell B48 ($63,000). Enter the # of Working Months into Cell B59 (1.0). As you saw from the previous screen shot, you are over $1,750 for the period of 7/1-7/31. You will need to reduce the amount of earnings for this period by $1,750. You can enter the remaining amount ($1,750) in the Wishes to Earn Cell B67. Keep in mind that and you have already calculated $2,625. Notice that with $1,750 in the Wishes to Earn, the “Approximate” Reassigned Effort (%FTE) changes to 25%. With this amount, your total FTE for the 7/1-7/31 period is .75 and total monthly pay is now $7,000. You will need to add the additional $1,925 in earnings that are left to the 8/1 period. Repeat the steps necessary to calculate FTE. You will see that your total earnings for the 8/1 period is below the allowable amount and your FTE for that period is .55. Tomorrow Starts Here 24

25 Step Five: Double Check Your Figures and Verify with the Individual
Once you are satisfied, discuss with the individual. Remember, that the individual will have to be able to document that he is working during each period on each grant project and the assigned level of effort. For any combination of summer appointment, employees may not exceed 1.0 They may not exceed greater than one month’s additional pay in any given month. They may not exceed 133% of their institutional base pay. 100% -August 16th-May 15th 33%-May 16th-August 15th Summer Salary requests must be for work completed during the period of 05/16-8/15. You may now begin to complete your EPAFs. Remember to send this FTE worksheet to Nancy Sutton Once you have completed your EPAF’s, please enter the corresponding EPAF transaction # in column J on this worksheet. Tomorrow Starts Here 25

26 QUESTIONS? For questions about Summer Salary for Sponsored Projects, please Nancy Sutton If you need assistance after attempting to complete your EPAFs, please contact us with your Summer Salary Calculator. Tomorrow Starts Here


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