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Crafter case: European Bank

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1 Crafter case: European Bank
Piergiorgio Lucidi Open Source ECM Specialist Certified Alfresco Instructor and Engineer Alfresco Wiki Gardener and Forum Moderator

2 Summary Background Goals Challenges High level architecture Results

3 Background - The bank European Bank Accounts Credit Cards Mortgages
Savings Insurances Promoters

4 Background – The problem
Different CMS without any orchestration Many vertical applications for each domain of interest that must exchange data in the same way

5 Background – What they have
New websites requirements Responsive Domain Model components images (constraints: desktop, mobile, tablet) metadata sections associations search requirements relevance advanced search suggester

6 Goals Introduce a new WCM infrastructure Public websites
Internal websites and applications Other needs related to publishing contents

7 Goals A central WCM system for all the distributed systems
Heterogeneous Portals Java applications Apps based on other technologies Redundancy management different apps can host the same content without copies track where each content is deployed

8 Goals High level of customization
Very specific page types and components Content Modeling Crafter modeling (WCM side) Alfresco modeling (Repository side) High reuse of page templates Integration / delivery with external applications Apps retrieve contents Contents are delivered by Crafter Engine

9 Challenges Avoid the fragmentation of contents
Tracking of deployed contents Allow editors to use a unique UI Contents pushed on different targets / apps Simplify the architecture Hardware Software

10 High level architecture
Back-end Alfresco Cluster (2 nodes) Crafter Studio Crafter Preview (2 Delivery Node) Front-end Crafter Delivery Node (4 nodes) Crafter Engine Apache Solr MongoDB (social features)

11 High level architecture - BE
Load Balancer Crafter Preview Crafter Studio Crafter Studio Crafter Preview Load Balancer Alfresco Alfresco Lucene Index Lucene Index DB

12 High level architecture - FE
Load Balancer Crafter Delivery 1 Crafter Delivery 2 Crafter Delivery 3 Crafter Delivery 4 Push contents Back End (BE) Alfresco / Crafter

13 High level architecture - FE
Load Balancer Crafter Delivery 1 Crafter Delivery 2 Crafter Delivery 3 Crafter Delivery 4 User generated contents (UGC) MongoDB

14 Results Integration with Enterprises CMIS Spring bean injection
Groovy templates Alfresco rules scripting actions TinyMCE customization REST calls for creating custom contents

15 Results Great load test results Refined content management
very complex pages loaded in 1,3 seconds (!!!) Refined content management content types components metadata associations Refined advanced search

16 Thank you for your attention!

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