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Adele Uprichard Improving the Customer Feedback Process at SERC

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1 Adele Uprichard Improving the Customer Feedback Process at SERC

2 Project Aim Aim Scope Objectives
To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the customer feedback process at SERC Determine staff knowledge of process Analyse customer feedback received in 2012/13 Benchmark against other FE Colleges Create an automated system Introduce customer feedback response times as ‘dashboard’ KPI Increase reporting of positive feedback by staff Create an ‘App’ Eliminate overdue responses Aim - transparent Scope - identify knowledge gaps, identify trends in schools/units in relation to feedback received and response times Objectives - reduce manual processing with automatic triggers for feedback responses Rationale behind the project and justify the project need.

3 Rationale Operational Strategic Hierarchy – operational to strategic
SharePoint – register is a list, no visual aids, too much SERC Strategic Theme 4 of SERC Development Plan – Listening and Influencing Rationale ‘Secure a customer satisfaction rate of 90%’ ‘Establish a benchmark to measure reputation’ ‘A range of ‘dashboard’ key performance indicators will be created and measured on a rolling basis’ DEL Strategic Objective Key research and findings to support the need

4 Research & Findings Primary research to support ‘lack of staff awareness’ Electronic survey open to all staff with 100% response rate. Sample of 100 staff - 56 ac, 44 corp Have your say Your voice your opinion matters 2. 3. Over half surveyed do not know where to locate the customer feedback Policy and SOP 4. 82 from 100 want to be able to view statistics. Show staff interest in the process. 5. 87 would be encouraged. Of these 87, 51 received positive comments in the past but didn’t pass on to mgr. 33 of these 51 weren’t aware of the register GIS map to show the breakdown of negative and positive feedback received in academic year 12/13, by campus

5 GIS Map 12/13 - 288 negative, 782 positive (250 of which from external source) Letters to students - non campus specific feedback This map details the number of comments received about each of the College campuses and out centres. The number of comments per campus is relative to level of activity on that campus is. E.g. Lisburn, Bangor, Downpatrick then Ards. Positive feedback figures v high as we log comments received from external customers, but also recognise excellence internally e.g. student or staff achievements/awards. Going forward we may wish to categorise internal and external on the feedback register so that reports can be ran detailing both categories Future GIS mapping – linking origin of feedback i.e. Postcodes to type of feedback received. This would allow common themes in negative comments to be explored. E.g.. Is feedback re course costs linked to areas of deprivation? Next area of research was analysis of response times to negative feedback

6 Analysis of Customer Feedback Register
53 overdue responses in 2012/13 = potential loss of custom and income “56%-70% of the customers who complain to you will do business with you again if you resolve their problem. If they feel you acted quickly and to their satisfaction, up to 96% will do business with you again, and they will probably refer other people to you”. Source: The White House Office of Consumer Affairs, Washington DC There is a need to respond within 20 working days. However we should strive to respond much sooner, as this will retain customers. I would also add that small complaints can escalate as time goes on Turn the negative into a positive.

7 More Detailed analysis of Feedback register
8 of 9 schools overdue at least once in 12/13. Access only school on time 17 corp areas – 52.9% overdue at least once. Reasons - overlooked s, or the SCSO not sending reminders in a timely manner. ROs more accountable and proactive in responding to neg feedback. The final piece of research was an FOI request

8 Personal FOI Request Do you record Positive Feedback?
Do you record Positive Feedback? Do you record Negative Feedback? Do you advertise Feedback statistics internally (to staff)? Number of Positive comments received in 2012/13? Number of Negative comments (complaints) received in 2012/13? What % of Negative Feedback (complaints) were responded to within timeframe in 2012/13? BMC No  Only those complaints which reach stage 2 or 3 i.e. Appeal or investigation  Presentations to staff on College feedback Not recorded  64 69% NRC Yes  Reports to mgt only 11 103 74% NWRC Staff suggestion scheme only  Functional areas keep record of own complaints  1 39 No record held SRC 27 50 42% SWC 3 51 Not specified SERC 782 in total, 250 external  288 80%  Personal FOI request Surprising results – not all record, some not centrally SERC performing very well in terms of recording and retaining information SERC is the only College to refer to feedback rather than Complaints Neg stats are high compared to others, however it is relative. We record all written negative, BMC only record complaint Appeals Positive feedback is considerably higher – as previously mentioned I suggest that going forward we categorise internal and externally sourced positive feedback separately, and that externally sourced are used All College response times range from 15 to 20 working days response time frame

9 Option 2 – Develop and modify current Feedback register on SharePoint
Options 1. BEST System 2. SharePoint Key Success Factors Weight Rating Weighted Score Cost 45 2 90 5 225 Functionality 30 150 4 120 Resources 25 50 125 Total Score 100 290 470 Weighted Scoring Model Option 1 – New system Designed to spec such as BEST ,Fully automated ,Costly 2 weeks work e author(£ ). Option 2 – Developed and improved register accessible via an App. RO summary of o/s feedback. Dashboard KPI in relation to response times. user friendly/easy to navigate – accessible via App, visually appealing, added workflows (auto triggers) Useful tool for all staff to view up to date feedback statistics - need that has been established from the secondary research (staff questionnaire). ‘Front page’ of App, then separate view for ROs. 2 days work - low cost quick solution Key Rating Meaning Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Option 2 – Develop and modify current Feedback register on SharePoint

10 Project Mock Up  Mock up of what RO view of App might look like. (There would be a front page view for all staff) This second page view would be accessible by ROs and Senior Mgt. Visual aids to summarise at a glance how many complaints are outstanding and by how days. All feedback to come via the SCSO: Support Services as usual to ensure maintenance and upkeep up the register, however ROs will now received auto s of negative comments received, . to upload Then link to specific feedback details – RO able to add comments on the status of the feedback. E.g. action taken to date. Upload copy of response and response date

11 Impact and Benefits of Implementing Project
Impact & Risk Resources Required Impact and Benefits of Implementing Project Risks if we Do Nothing Time of E Author to redesign, modify and publish developed SharePoint system (2 days) Training of ROs on the new system IQRS Meeting strategic objectives RO accountability for feedback responses Time and cost savings – SCSO has more scope for strategic planning Streamlined process that ALL staff are aware of and involved in Enhancing customer experience Sector benchmark Loss of time and money (10 hours pw / £ pa) Lose customers Damage reputation Not meet strategic / org objectives Lose competitive edge Resources – SCSO brief ROs at HOS meeting Impact – ROs accountable and more proactive – KPI to measure performance Sector benchmark - Best practice – contribution towards 2020 vision Risk – Lose competitive edge

12 Any Questions?

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