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Workforce Development Board of Central Ohio

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1 Workforce Development Board of Central Ohio
ACHIEVE Summer Youth Employment Program

2 Summary & Overview Eligible Applicants
Proposals will be accepted from any private for-profit agency, private non-profit organization, government agency, faith or community-based organization or educational institution that demonstrates the capacity to successfully provide the services identified in this RFP. Proposals from consortia or partnerships are allowed but must identify one organization as the lead agency and prime contractor and must specify subcontracting relationships. Applicants must have a strong understanding of the local workforce system, in-demand industries, and challenges to youth, as well as established relationships with local youth-focused organizations. Proposals must be based on youth development principles and best practices that support, motivate, and prepare youth for continuing educational achievements, successful transition into adulthood, and long-term success in employment.

3 Summary & Overview

4 Summary & Overview Bidders to this RFP must provide the following services outlined in the context of the ACHIEVE summer youth employment program as described in this RFP: Develop appropriate summer jobs for enrolled youth Provide job training and enrichment experiences for youth Facilitate youth completion of the OhioMeansJobs K-12 Guide Tour Hire and supervise qualified coaches who will work with youth participants Promote and coordinate any additional support services needed to ensure that youth complete the program Manage youth participant payroll Provide WDBCO participant data Complete youth assessment tools Track and report daily attendance and collect timesheets Create meaningful enrichment programming to enhance the job placement success

5 Summary & Overview The outcomes of the ACHIEVE summer youth employment program include: 100 youth enrolled 100% of assigned youth complete program orientation during the first week. 100% youth must be matched with career mentor / coach 100% of assigned youth complete the OhioMeansJobs modules 100% of assigned youth placed by agency in summer work experience within the first week of the program Of the youth placed, 90% will complete no less than seven weeks of the subsidized work experience. 90% of enrolled youth will successfully complete the total planned program of 200 hours 100% of the Summer Youth Employment mentors/coaches and worksite managers will complete the OhioMeansJobs modules with all youth and provide feedback to youth about their performance at the worksites.

6 Summary & Overview Youth Program Schedule

7 General Application, Information, Proposal Submission

8 Narrative/ Scope of Work
a. Outreach, Recruitment& Retention Detail your plan for outreach & recruitment. Include specific target group(s), neighborhoods; the organizations and audiences with whom you will communicate; and the methods you will use. Describe the program’s retention strategy. Beyond wages, what strategies will the program use to keep youth engaged in the program? Eligibility determination, assessment, and service strategy development Detail how your organization plans to explain eligibility requirements to prospective participants and ensure documentation is received and approved prior to enrollment into the program. Provide an outline of the curriculum to be used and how you will achieve competencies for this area of the program. What instrument will you use to measure the competencies? What activities will you integrate with instruction to engage youth in the topics?  b. Internship Development/ Job Placement Explain how you will market the Internship component to prospective employers. List the businesses with whom you already have relationships and any agreements that you have made in regards to this project. If the program has already identified potential worksites, what process did you undergo to ensure that you identified appropriate sites that will be able to deliver a high - quality experience for youth? What criteria do you use to determine an appropriate site? If you have yet to identify sites, what process will you use to accomplish the same? (Include a list of any potential worksites).  c. Worksite match/selection process for each youth that ties to their service strategy Describe how you will develop and select both public and private worksites. How will you match these worksites to the youth participant and tie the worksite to their individual assessment and service strategy. What process will you use to prepare youth for the worksite, outside of the work-readiness training that will be provided by a different vendor; e.g.; Interviews, reference checks, letters of recommendation, etc.

9 Narrative/ Scope of Work
 d. Worksite Supervisory Training & Oversight Describe the training for worksite supervisors and the oversight during the summer program Timesheet reporting & collection of timesheets Describe your process for managing time reporting and collection of timesheets from the various worksites. How will you ensure accountability for time and attendance reporting at the participant and the worksite level?  e. Youth worksite supervisor orientation, and oversight Explain how you will provide management and oversight for the youth at the worksites?  f. Work Readiness Training & Certification Explain the training process, curriculum outline and certification process  g. Worksite pre and post evaluations How will you manage the worksite supervisor pre & posts evaluations? Participant surveys?

10 Budget Submission

11 Pre-Qualification Application

12 Proposal Submission Bidders must submit one (1) original and six (6) copies, along with a USB or CD containing the entire proposal package. The original must be marked “Original” on the proposal cover page. Proposals will not exceed twenty (20) pages of text; including the Budget Narrative Section of the Proposal Guidelines. The page limit does not include budget forms and other required attachments. All attachments are required at the time the proposal is submitted; Text must be typed in a minimum 12-point font and single spaced; Proposals must be submitted with the forms included in the RFP, and must provide the information as listed. Facsimiles or ed proposals will not be accepted. Proposals may be printed double sided. Proposals must be mailed or hand delivered no later than Friday, April 21, 2017, 5:00 PM, EST (NO EXCEPTION): ACHIEVE Summer Youth Employment Program! Request for Proposal WDBCO 1650 Lake Shore Drive, Suite 110 Columbus, Ohio 43204 Attn.: Carma Lacy, Program Administrator WDBCO reserves the right to declare proposals received after the deadline to be non-responsive.

13 Question & Answers

14 Workforce Development Board of Central Ohio 1650 Lake Shore Drive, Suite 110 Columbus, Ohio 43230
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