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New War Technologies.

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1 New War Technologies

2 Airplanes Wright brothers
1903 in Kitty Hawk, NC they flew the first heavier than air plane WWI was the first war to use airplanes There would be air raids on cities like London for the very first time Pilots would fight in the air in “dog fights”

3 Dog Fights

4 Tanks Tanks were used for the very first time as well

5 Trench Warfare The Germans were able to easily take Belgium and invade northern France The French and British were able to hold the Germans at bay Rather than retreat or find another point of entry, both sides dug in They would each attack from their trenches


7 Trenches

8 Trenches more than 100 years later


10 Rats

11 Bombardment When the teacher says go, make as many paper balls as you can

12 Poison Gas Since both sides were dug in poison gas was used for the first time One side would drop canisters of poison gas on the trenches and “smoke out” the men Wasn’t very accurate, if the wind changed your own men could get poisoned Caused blindness and some fatalities but was more scary than actually deadly

13 Gas Masks

14 Different Countries Masks

15 Different Kinds of Masks

16 Trench Foot The trenches often got flooded
The soldiers didn’t have good shoes or ways to keep their feet dry The constant moisture led to something called trench foot Many men’s feet rotted (You can look up pictures of this if you want, I can’t stomach it)

17 Trench Conditions

18 Shell Shock WWI was an incredibly bloody war
Many men suffered severely from “Shell shock” Symptoms: uncontrollable diarrhea, unrelenting anxiety, soldiers who had bayoneted men in the face developed hysterical tics of their own facial muscles. Stomach cramps seized men who knifed their foes in the abdomen. Snipers lost their sight. Terrifying nightmares of being unable to withdraw bayonets from the enemies' bodies persisted long after the slaughter

19 Shell Shock The dreams might occur 'right in the middle of an ordinary conversation' when 'the face of a Boche that I have bayoneted, with its horrible gurgle and grimace, comes sharply into view’ There wasn’t much treatment and men who suffered from shell shock were often unable to readjust to society afterwards and were seen as cowards

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