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Biggest to Smallest Put the following words in order

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1 Biggest to Smallest Put the following words in order
from biggest to smallest. - city - continent - state - house - neighborhood - planet - country

2 Biggest to Smallest - planet - continent - country - state - city
- neighborhood - house

3 Science Classification
Organisms are grouped together based on similar characteristics. Ex: what they eat, how they move, how many cells

4 Science Classification
- For example- An owl and a blue jay would be grouped together because they both fly, eat insects, and have feathers.

5 Science Classification
Domain: Eukarya The levels begin with the most general similarities. Ex: In the kingdom animalia there are bears, fox, snakes, and sea stars.

6 Science Classification
As the levels move down, the organisms become more and more alike. Ex: lions break away from tigers, cougars, and bobcats and are grouped alone.

7 Science Classification
By the time you reach the final level the organisms are identical. Ex: Only grizzly bears

8 Science Classification
- Level 1- Domain - Level 2- Kingdom Least Alike - Level 3- Phylum - Level 4- Class - Level 5- Order - Level 6- Family - Level 7- Genus - Level 8- Species Most Alike Domain

9 Science Classification How to Remember the order
- Level 1- Domain- DORKY - Level 2- Kingdom- KIDS - Level 3- Phylum- PREFER - Level 4- Class- COOKIES - Level 5- Order- OVER - Level 6- Family- FRIED - Level 7- Genus- GREEN - Level 8- Species- SPINACH

10 The best song in the world

11 Need to Know!! There are 3 Domains: There are 6 kingdoms: Eukarya
Archaea Bacteria There are 6 kingdoms: Plantae Animalia Fungi Protista Archaebacteria Eubacteria

12 Scientific Classification
Your Turn!! Create an acronym to help you remember the order of the taxonomic levels.

13 Scientific Classification Example
Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Scientific Name: Homo sapien Eukarya Animalia Chordata Mammalia Primates Hominidae Homo Sapien

14 Taxonomy The grouping together of living things on the basis of like characteristics. Can be internal, external, or behavior.

15 How Organisms Get Their Names
Scientific Names: 2 word naming system binomial nomenclature 1st word-genus-capitalized 2nd word-species-lowercase Both are either underlined OR italicized Names are in Latin For example: the common house cat is called- Felis catus

16 How Organism Get Their Name
For example: the common house cat is called- Felis catus In the Genus Felis you have: Felis chaus- Jungle cat Felis margarita- Sand Cat Felis bieti- Chinese Mountain Cat

17 Practice Scientific Names
Ovis aries Capra hircu Equus caballus Sus scrofa Bos taurus Gallus domesticus Horse Sheep Cattle Goat Pig Chicken

18 Friday Dichotomous Key:

19 Your Assignment Create a flow chart and a dichotomous key for the following children. Jayden Isabella Michael Sophia Ethan Emma Jacob Olivia

20 Activity

21 Six Kingdoms Chapter 17

22 Kingdom and Domain Characteristics
Chapter 17 saprophyte

23 Eubacteria/Archaebacteria
Prokaryotic Mostly unicellular Autotrophic and heterotrophic Examples: Thermophiles Halophiles Methanogens **used to be called Monera


25 Protista Eukaryotic Unicellular and multicellular
Autotrophic and heterotrophic EX: amoeba, euglena Most diverse



28 Fungi Eukaryotic Unicellular and multicellular Heterotrophic
EX: mushrooms, yeast


30 Plantae Eukaryotic Multicellular Autotrophic EX: grass, trees


32 Animalia Eukaryotic Multicellular Heterotrophic EX: humans, turkeys


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