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Presentation Skills Training

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Skills Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Skills Training
Laura Thomas

2 Timetable 10.00 Introduction 10.15 – 12.30 Presentation Toolkit:
Audience Message Visuals Body Language Practicalities 12.30 – 13.15 Lunch 13.15 – 16.00 Practice, practice, practice!

3 Introduction


5 Audience

6 Audience: research You have been asked by your line manager to report back on a project you have been working on for the last month at a special staff meeting. Before you start writing your talk, what do you need to know?

7 Audience: research What size is the audience?
Who are they and what do they know about your topic?

8 Audience: research Why am I talking to them? What do I want to achieve? What does the audience think about my topic? What does the audience want? Why are they coming to hear me speak?

9 Audience: interaction
Ask questions Polls

10 Audience: interaction
Ask questions Polls Demonstrations Move around Role play Group work Discussion


12 Audience: managing behaviour
In your group take turns reading out a news article. Each time, the audience should act disinterested by not making eye contact, playing with phones and talking to each other. How did it feel talking to that audience?

13 Audience: managing behaviour
What if: I can’t get any information from the organiser? people are talking during my presentation? someone gets up and leaves? a phone goes off? someone comes in and interrupts? an audience member keeps interrupting with hostile questions?

14 Audience: managing behaviour

15 Message: sources

16 Message: structure Introduction Body Chronological By subject
Geographical Problem and solution Compare and contrast

17 Message: structure Introduction Body Conclusion

18 Message: signposting Introduction Welcome
Explanation of structure (now) Body History of spaceflight Physics of spaceflight Future of spaceflight Conclusion Summing up Careers guidance

19 Message: language In addition In other words On the other hand
However But Also Instead Therefore Because Lastly Yet Likewise Nevertheless In addition In other words On the other hand On the contrary My next point is

20 Message: language Nissan sold two million cars last year.
Two million cars were sold by Nissan last year.

21 Message: delivery

22 Message: delivery Speed Intonation Volume

23 Visuals

24 Visuals: slides

25 Visuals: slides Animations Diagrams and charts Tables
Photographs and illustrations Film clips

26 Visuals: props

27 Body language

28 Body language Posture Eye contact Facial expressions Gestures




32 Body language

33 Practicalities: room facilities

34 Practicalities: dealing with nerves

35 Practicalities: dealing with nerves

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