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CBA Writing Review October 31.

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1 CBA Writing Review October 31

2 Writing Strategy 1. Read the Intro 2. Preview the Questions
3. Decide to Revise or Edit ARMS or CUPS Add Remove Move Substitute or Capitalization Usage Punctuation Spelling 4. Read and Make Corrections 5. Answer Carefully

3 Compositions Expository- To Explain
One or Two Reasons Include Descriptive Rich Vocabulary Topic/Introduction Reason Reason 2 Concluding Statement Personal Narrative- Write about a time… “Dialogue,” Personal Experience Characters, Setting All About Me Ba-Da-Bing Where were you? What did you see? What Were your feet doing? Start with a Quote, Memory, or Ba-Da-Bing What happened first? What happened second? What happened last? Reflection… How did you feel? Lesson Learned

4 4.15 B develop drafts by categorizing ideas and organizing them into paragraphs Read the Prompt- Work the Prompt (WRITE ABOUT THE WRITE) Brainstorm Rough Draft Revise- Sound Better Edit- Look Better Final Draft

5 4.15 C revise drafts for coherence, organization, use of simple and compound sentences, and audience ARMS makes your paper sound better Add Remove Move Substitute

6 4.15 D edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling [using a teacher-developed rubric] CUPS makes your paper sound better Capitalization Usage Punctuation Spelling

7 4.20 Ai use and understand the function of the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing, and speaking: (i) verbs (irregular verbs) Quick Lesson-

8 4.20 Aii use and understand the function of the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing, and speaking: (ii) nouns (singular/plural, common/proper) Quick Lesson-

9 4.20 B use the complete subject and the complete predicate in a sentence Sentence Test- Who? Subject/ Noun What? Predicate/ Verb Does it make sense? Subject + Predicate=Complete Sentence

10 4.20 C use complete simple and compound sentences with correct subject-verb agreement FANBOYS- Combine 2 Simple Sentences ,For ,And ,Nor ,But ,Or ,Yet ,So

11 4.21 Bii use capitalization for: (ii) titles of books, stories, and essays Quick Review-

12 4.21 Cii recognize and use punctuation marks including: (ii) quotation marks “open quotation Capital Letter Punctuation, close quotation” “hug the dialogue” Quick Lesson-

13 4.22Ai spell words with more advanced orthographic patterns rules: (i) plural rules (e.g., words ending in f as in leaf, leaves; adding -es) Quick Lesson- h?v=iWp54QdX5y4&feature=you Nouns Plural Examples Most nouns add s book, books; cup, cups; sprout, sprouts Most nouns that end in ch, sh, s, x, or z add es box, boxes; bus, buses; prize, prizes Most nouns that end in a vowel and y boy, boys; day, days; key, keys Most nouns that end in a consonant and y y becomes ies baby, babies; country, countries; spy, spies Most nouns that end in f or fe f or fe becomes ves elf, elves; loaf, loaves; thief, thieves Most nouns that end in o kangaroo, kangaroos; piano, pianos; video, videos Certain nouns that end in a consonant and o hero, heroes; potato, potatoes; volcano, volcanoes

14 4.22 Aii spell words with more advanced orthographic patterns rules: (ii) irregular plurals (e.g., man/men, foot/feet, child/children) Quick Lesson-

15 4.22 Aiii spell words with more advanced orthographic patterns rules: (iii) double consonants in middle of words Quick Lesson-

16 4.22C spell commonly used homophones (e.g., there, they’re, their; two, too, to) Quick Lesson-

17 4.22D use spelling patterns and rules [and print and electronic resources] to determine and check correct spellings Quick Lesson- g&redirect=%2Fela%2Ftopics&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Sear ch%20-%20ELA%20-%20Grade%20Levels%20-%20Broad%20- %20US&utm_term=4th%20grade%20spelling%20practice&utm_content=4th%20Grade%20S pelling

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