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1 Photosynthesis

2 Entropy Lots of energy in a system to less energy in a system
 thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system. 2. lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder. Study guide question 19, 20, 21, 40, 43,

3 Going from order (lots of energy) to disorder in a system
Going from order (lots of energy) to disorder in a system. Your room will get dirty unless you decrease the entropy by adding cleaning energy into your system.

4 Our body, and a plants do not have entropy because we continually put energy (food or sunlight) into our system. If we didn’t eat or drink, our bodies would have entropy.

5 Energy is needed to maintain Homeostasis.
Examples Muscle Cell Contraction Moving ions by active transport Break down & build up molecules Metabolism ! Brain functions To keep warm (75% or more !) Moving

6 Carbohydrates & fats for Stored Energy
This is Potential Energy Plants capture sunlight Store Chemical energy in the form of ATP

7 Troph= Feed

8 Autotrophs = Self Feed Organisms can use Sunlight directly to make food (chemical energy) from inorganic molecules

9 Adenosine Triphosphate
The Energy currency in the cell  to transfer energy from sun or chemical bonds (food) to whatever our cells need to do is stored in the compound ATP Adenosine Triphosphate Adenine + Ribose + 3 Phosphates

10 ADP has 2 phosphates and is used energy
ATP Has 3 Phosphates stores energy Study guide 44, 45, 46, 2 phosphates ADP has 2 phosphates and is used energy



13 Sodium-Potassium Pump
This exchange allows muscles to contract and relax.

14 Van Helmont Thought Dirt caused Plants to Grow
Year 1 Dirt =5Kg, plant = 3kg Year 5 Dirt =5Kg, Plant =25kg Result: Dirt Does NOT give the plants energy (food) to grow

15 Pastor Priestly found that plants made a candle burn longer than a candle without it in a jar.

16 He repeated this experiment with a mouse and a plant.

17 Ingenhausz Light and Dark

18 From those experiments, the photosynthesis equation was created
Study Guide question 11, 59, 62, 67

19 Carried out by autotrophs. Equation
6CO2 + 6H2O + light C6H12O6 + 6 O2 Reactants are the ingredients Products are the molecules that are made

20 Study Guide question 3,22, 24, 28, 52 Stroma is liquid Light reaction occurs in the Membranes called Grana. These are stacked molecules of Thylakoids

21 Light Spectrum Light is a form of Radiation.
Radiation has different wave lengths based upon their energy levels. Sunlight is Visible (white) light Contains ALL colors: ROYGBIV Least to most energetic We see what is Reflected, NOT Absorbed !

22 How plants absorb light
Plant Pigments absorb useful wavelengths The color you see is reflected light Chlorophyll is the primary pigment and is the color green. So it reflects green and absorbs red, yellow, blue, violet Two Types Chlorophyll A: Mostly RED & Violet Chlorophyll B: Blues & Orange Carotenoids are the second major pigments Absorbs light blue to deep green Reflect Orange (Red and Yellow)

23 Chlorophyll Pigment in Chloroplast.
Study Guide question 37

24 Chlorophyll a and b Study Guide question 2, 33, 70

25 If it gets too hot, the stomata will close and not take in any CO2

26 6CO2 + 6H2O+ Light Energy C6H12O6 + 6O2
Photosynthesis Formula involves two steps. First step is to get the ingredients and the second step is to make the sugar. 6CO2 + 6H2O+ Light Energy C6H12O6 + 6O2 Light Dependent Part Light Independent Part Study Guide question 53, 72

27 Photosynthetic Process
Light Reactions – requires sunlight to capture & make energy Calvin Cycle - Dark Independent of sunlight. Can occur day or night – at anytime Uses energy to make glucose (sugar)

28 Light Dependent Study Guide question 14, 15, 16

29 Light Dependent Reaction

30 Light + H2O H+ + ATP + O2 Light energy absorbed NADP+  NADPH
O2 Production (thank a plant as you breath !!) Sunlight splits 2 H2O molecules  O H e- ATP formation Energy built up due to charge difference across membrane P + ADP + energy  ATP

31 Calvin Cycle Takes place in the stroma of the chloroplast.
Goal: To synthesize organic molecules (as sugar) from inorganic CO2. CO2 comes in through the pores of the leaves called stomata. H+ comes from the light reaction ATP from light reaction provides the energy. This is an energy conversion from ATP to Glucose. H+ + ATP + CO C6H12O6

32 Calvin Cycle Making a Sugar
Study Guide question 49

33 Notice that to create one sugar, it requires
Light Independent Calvin Cycle Study Guide question 41, 63, Notice that to create one sugar, it requires 9 ATPs Creation of a Sugar Molecule

34 Gas Exchange in a Plant

35 This conversion of CO2 into C6H12O6 is crucial to life on Earth
This conversion of CO2 into C6H12O6 is crucial to life on Earth. This is one of the only reactions that is able to trap C into an organic molecule. The main products are Carbohydrates Sugars (Glucose, Sucrose), Starch or Cellulose These can be converted by the cell into most molecules needed by the plant. This molecule is the basic building block needed for the plant growth and energy

36 In each liquid is BTB, which will turn yellow in the presence of CO2
What Color will D, C, A liquid be? What would happen if the mouse were running on a wheel? Study Guide question 4, 5, 6

37 Things That Affect Rates of Photosynthesis Amount of Light
Study Guide question 10,11, 12, 13

38 Things That Affect Rates of Photosynthesis Intensity of Light
Study Guide question 12,74, 75 Light Intensity

39 Things That Affect Rates of Photosynthesis Temperature
Study Guide question 32 Temperature # of Produced Bubbles

40 Things That Affect Rates of Photosynthesis Decrease in Temperature
# of Produced Bubbles Study Guide question 12,74, 75

41 Things That Affect Rates of Photosynthesis Amount of Water
Study Guide question 12,74, 75 # of Produced Bubbles More Water

42 Which is has more entropy (disorder) Ice or water?

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