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5/19/2018 What motivates you?.

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Presentation on theme: "5/19/2018 What motivates you?."— Presentation transcript:

1 5/19/2018 What motivates you?

2 Motivation and Incentives
5/19/2018 Motivation and Incentives Drive Reduction Theory - Need promotes drive leads to need to reduce drive and maintain homeostasis Hunger? Keywords: motivation, motivational state, drive, incentive

3 Theories- cont… Instinct Theories- driven by biological & evolutionary needs to protect self/ procreate - Food - Parent protection of child

4 Incentive Motivation-goals or reinforcers in the environment
+ = EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION Does Praise work?

5 Incentive Motivation = Intrinsic Motivation

6 Motivational Conflicts:
5/19/2018 Motivational Conflicts: Approach-Approach- decision must be made between two desirable outcomes

7 MC Cont… Avoidance-Avoidance= decision must be made between two undesirable outcomes

8 Motivational Conflicts…
Approach-Avoidance=decision must be made between a goal that has both desirable & undesirable features

9 Are needs are driven by a Hierarchy? Abraham Maslow
Handouts Fill out Are you self actualized? Discuss Maslow

10 5/19/2018 ADD UP SCORES ON SURVEY- 2, 5,6,8,9,11,13.14(REVERSE)

11 HUNGER MOTIVATION: Why do we eat so darn much?

12 Physiological Factors

13 Drives as States of the Brain
5/19/2018 Drives as States of the Brain Cerebral cortex Portion of limbic system Hypothalamus Pituitary gland Brainstem The hub of many central drive systems lies in the hypothalamus

14 5/19/2018 Hunger Drive Lateral and ventromedial areas= central role in the hunger drive Food converted to fat rather than energy molecules. Hypothalamus Stimulate the lat-get fat Stimulate the Ven-get thin

15 5/19/2018 Why is the rat so fat? Stimulation to lateral area increases hunger drive Lat- makes you fat. Stimulation to ventromedial area decreases hunger drive Ven –makes you thin Keywords: ventromedial area

16 How do we feel Hungry? Fat cells Hypothalamus- “ I feel Hungry”
Secretes Ghrelin “I’m Hungry” Hypothalamus- “ I feel Hungry” Secretes Ghrelin “I’m Hungry Fat cells Secretes Leptin Hypothalamus- “ I feel Hungry” Hypothalamus- “ I feel Hungry” Monitors Glucose- “I’m Hungry”

17 How do we feel Full? Fat cells Hypothalamus- “ I feel Full”
Stretch receptors=” I’m Full Hypothalamus- “ I feel Full” Secretes PYY or CKK=“I’m Full” Fat cells Secretes Leptin Hypothalamus- “ I feel Full” Hypothalamus- “ I feel Full” Monitors Glucose- “I’m Full”

18 How come I eat when I am not Hungry? ( Psychosocial Factors)
Social-Cultural Influences Learned Associations Obesity in China Smells Good Huh?

19 Psychological Factors Cultural Influences

20 The Mendoza family




24 The Lynch Family- Grosse Pointe, Michigan


26 Research on Weight Regulation and Dieting
5/19/2018 Genetics - Fat Cells - Metabolic Rate - Set Point

27 Science of Obesity… ( 12 min)

28 Sex as Motivation Sexual Motivation Are male and Female sex drives different? ( Physiological & Psychological)

29 Physiology of Sex Drive

30 Male Sex Drive Testosterone maintains sex drive in adult males
5/19/2018 Male Sex Drive Testosterone maintains sex drive in adult males Castration decreases drive Keywords: testosterone, medial preoptic area

31 5/19/2018 Female Sex Drive Estrous cycle controls drive in nonhuman mammals removal of ovaries abolishes drive, while hormone injections restore it Keywords: estrous cycle, ventromedial area

32 5/19/2018 Human Female Sex Drive Adrenal hormones like DHEA and testosterone play larger role

33 Sexual Response Cycle Excitement- genitals engorge with blood
-Clitoris swells Penis becomes partially erect Plateau- Excitement peaks. Increase respiration, heart rate and blood pressure -Vaginal secretions increase -Penis fully erect

34 Sexual Response Cycle CONT..
Orgasm-Rhythmic genital contraction Women- Propel sperm up vagina, increases chances of conception Resolution-gradual return to unaroused state. Refraction in: Men- orgasm not possible Women- orgasm is possible if stimulated

35 Psychology of Sex Drive

36 Psychology of Sex Drive
Are men & women aroused by external stimuli? Can stimuli have a negative impact? Habituation to repeated stimuli

37 Arousal & Decision Making
Impact of arousal on decision making ( Dan Ariely) ( Bikinis & reward)

38 Behavioral & Cognitive Differences
What % think about sex daily? Are able to achieve orgasm during intercourse? What accounts for these differences?

39 Adolescent Sexuality How does culture influence sexual behavior?
United States Europe China Why do teens get pregnant? -ignorance, guilt related to sex, no communication, drinking, media

40 Biology of Sexual Orientation
What percent of men/ women are gay? How persistent is homosexual orientation? -Men? Women? Are gay people prone to psychological illness?

41 Is sexual orientation biologically based?
Brain differences? - Swab studies on transsexuals The sexually dimorphic nucleus alike in female & gay males/male transsexuals Twin Studies ( Identical & Fraternal) Fruit Fly Study ( Odenwald, 2005) Female hormones in 2-5 months ( in utero) predisposes male attraction

42 The Psychology of Human Sexual Orientation
5/19/2018 The Psychology of Human Sexual Orientation No consistent relationship between orientation and childhood experiences (e.g., parenting, abuse, sexual experience) Environmental effects on a homosexual ( genetically altered ) fly Childhood Play Patterns Keywords: sexual orientation

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