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1 Eggs

2 Composition of Eggs

3 Composition of Eggs Yolk- high in protein and fat, iron, vitamins
White- albumin protein, clear and soluble when raw, firm when coagulated Shell- fragile and porous, allowing odors and flavors to be absorbed Chalazae- two white strands that hold the yolk centered

4 Grades and Qualities AA- firm yolk and white that stands up high when broken, yolk is well centered, air sack is small As eggs age, they looses density, the egg loses moisture through the shell

5 Maintaining Quality Eggs keep for weeks at 36 degrees
May loose a grade a day if not held at proper temperatures Store eggs away from other foods that might pass on undesirable odors

6 Grades and uses Grade AA is best used for fried or poached.
For hard boiled eggs, use A Very fresh eggs are hard to peel Grade B, suitable for baking or scrambled

7 Sizes of Eggs Minimum weight per dozen Jumbo- 30 oz XL- 27 oz
Large- 24 oz Medium- 21 oz Small- 18 oz Peewee- 15 oz

8 Market forms Fresh or shell eggs Frozen Dried (baking) Whole Yolks
Whites Whole with extra yolks Dried (baking) Whole, yolks, whites

9 Cooking Eggs Avoid high temperatures and long cooking times
Coagulation Whole eggs- 156 Whites- 140 Yolks- 160

10 Green Eggs? This occurs when sulfur in the whites reacts with iron in the yolks. Caused by cooking too long, too high of a temperature, or holding too long.

11 Foams Beaten egg whites are used to give lightness and rising powers to souffles, puffy omelets, cakes, etc. Note- Fat inhibits foaming When separating eggs, make sure not to get any yolk in your whites

12 Foaming Mild acid- aids foaming, lemon juice or cream of tartar
Egg whites foam better at room temperature Do no overbeat (dry and curdled) Sugar helps stabilize Will take longer to whip

13 Cooking Simmering in the shell How to cook an Egg “hard boiled”
1. Start in cold salted water 2. Bring to a boil, reduce to simmer 3. Cook for 9-10 minutes 4. Shock in ice to stop cooking

14 Equinox It can be done, by the way, but the trick takes lots of patience, eggs of just the right shape, a pinch of salt if all else fails... and, frankly, it doesn't matter what day of the year you attempt it.

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