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Physical features Landforms Water Bodies.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical features Landforms Water Bodies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical features Landforms Water Bodies

2 What are landforms? Landforms are the natural shapes or features What are Water Bodies? Water Bodies are any significant accumulation of water.

3 Lesson Objectives Identify the major landforms and water bodies
Differentiate between the two types of plains Analyse the 3 types of mountains based on formation Locate physical features on the Earth with the help of an Atlas

4 Major Landforms Plains Plateau Mountain Fold Mountains
Volcanic Mountains Block Mountains Basin Valley

5 Minor Landforms Islands Isthmus Peninsula

6 Plain River Plain Coastal Plain

7 Plains Lowland Vast expanse of land
Height- usually less than 200m from sea level Why are river plains fertile? What are the importance/uses of river plains? Eg. U.A.E.- Thaid plain, India- Eastern Coastal Plain

8 Plateau

9 Plateau Uplifted section of the Earth’s crust
Flat tops with steeply sloping sides aka- Tableland, plain in the air Eg. Africa- East African Plateau India- Deccan Plateau

10 Mountains Massive areas of land Rising to great heights
Steep or gentle sides What is a chain of mountains called?

11 Types of mountains According to formation: Fold Mountains
Volcanic Mountains Block Mountains

12 Fold Mountain

13 Fold Mountains Layers of the Earth’s surface fold due to compression
It is a result of movement inside the Earth New Fold Mountains About 25 million years old Very high (not much erosion) Eg. India- Himalayas North America- Rockies South America- Andes Old Fold Mountains About 250 millions years old Not that high (eroded over time) Eg. Eurasia- Ural Mts India- Aravalli North America- Appalachian

14 Volcanic Mountain

15 Volcanic Mountains Built by molten lava, ash and dust from deep inside the Earth that comes out to the surface through cracks in the crust. The high cone like structure on the Earth’s surface is the accumulation of the molten lava from within the Earth.

16 Mount Fuji (Japan) Mt. Erebus (Antarctica)
Mt. Etna (Italy) Mt. Vesuvius (Italy)

17 Block Mountain

18 Block Mountains Cracks or faults on the Earth’s crust
Land between the two cracks and sinks Blocks are left standing on the two sides The edges of these mountains are steep with a flat top


20 What are the importance of mountains?
Plants Animals Climate Getaways

21 Basins Depression on the Earth’s crust Lower than surrounding land
Usually along plateau Forms inland drainage Eg. Lake Chad in Africa

22 Valleys Low lying area between hills or mountains
May be a river valley Usually V-shaped Eg. Rhine Valley, Damodar Valley

23 MINOR LANDFORMS Islands Peninsula Isthmus

24 Islands A piece of land surrounded by water on all sides
India- Lakshadweep U.A.E.- Yas Island

25 Peninsula A piece of land surrounded by water on 3 sides
Joined to a larger landmass Eg. India, Malay peninsula

26 Isthmus Narrow, elongated piece of land Joining two large water bodies
Separating two water bodies Eg. Isthmus of Suez (joining Africa and Asia)

27 MAJOR WATER BODIES Oceans Seas Gulfs Bays Straits Lakes Rivers

28 Oceans Name the 5 oceans. 71 % of Earth’s surface is covered with water Oceans are 97% of that water (saline) Water percentage is fresh water… do the math

29 Seas It is a part of the ocean It is much shallow and much smaller
They are located close to the edges of continents of large landmasses Name some seas.


31 Gulfs and Bays It is a part of the sea or ocean
It is an inlet of water into the land Large water body



34 Strait It is a narrow stretch of water Joins two large water bodies
Separates two landmasses Eg. Hormuz Strait in U.A.E.

35 Lake A small water body Surrounded by land on all sides
Eg. Lake Baykal, Chilka Lake, Lake Victoria Large lakes are called inland seas like Black Sea and Caspian Sea

36 River A stream of water flowing from a higher ground level to a lower ground level Drains out into the sea or lake Origin- Source-where? End-Mouth-where? Route- Course-where?

37 What are the uses or rivers
What are the uses or rivers? Describe the flow of the river in each course.

38 Observe the depth and width of a river through its course.

39 The End 

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