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ERC Scientific Council member

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1 ERC Scientific Council member
The European Research Council ERC Gender Policies and Findings Prof. Athene Donald ERC Scientific Council member November 2016 © Art & Build Architect / Montois Partners / credits: S. Brison

2 ScC Gender Balance Working Group
ERC Gender Policies ScC Gender Balance Working Group In 2008, ERC Scientific Council established the Gender balance Working Group to promote gender mainstreaming at each level of ERC procedures, aiming at informing and raising awareness among both male and female excellent researchers of the opportunities of the ERC grants; giving equal opportunities and treatment to men and women applying in all ERC grant competitions; monitoring gender distribution within the ERC’s peer review system; taking into account the gender dimension in all ERC grants. Members: Prof. Isabelle VERNOS (Chair), Prof. Jean-Pierre BOURGUIGNON, Prof. Athene DONALD, Prof. Tomas JUNGWIRTH, Prof. Michael KRAMER, Prof. Janet THORNTON, Prof. Michel WIEVIORKA, Prof. Matthias KLEINER Observer: Prof. Margaret BUCKINGHAM

3 Gender Balance Working Group
ERC Gender Policies Gender Balance Working Group Developed two Gender Equality Plans with main objectives: Raise awareness about the ERC gender policy; Identify and remove gender bias in evaluation; Improve gender balance in ERC calls (PIs and teams); Monitor differences in gender specific careers; Keep gender awareness in ERC processes; Strive for gender balance among the ERC peer reviewers

4 ERC Gender Policies ERC Work Programmes Evolution on Gender Issues
2007 Eligibility extensions included 12 months per child born after PhD. 2010 Eligibility extensions to 18 months per child born before or after PhD. 2013 Scientific leadership potential (self-evaluation) section removed. 2014 Model CV template included in application forms. 2015 No limit to eligibility extension (before was 4,5 years => 4th child was out) Care of sick relative now a reason for extension of the eligibility.

5 ERC Work Programmes Evolution on Gender
ERC Gender Policies ERC Work Programmes Evolution on Gender ERC Work Programme 2017 Text Objectives and Principles of ERC Funding Gender Balance Under Horizon 2020, beneficiaries of ERC grants must take all measures to promote equal opportunities between men and women in the implementation of the action and aim for a gender balance at all levels of personnel assigned to the action, as set out in the Horizon 2020 ERC Model Grant Agreement. ERC Principal Investigators should also determine the relevance of integrating sex and gender analysis into their research. Specific activities promoting equal opportunities or gender balance or covering the gender dimension of research funded by the ERC can be considered as eligible costs where these costs are necessary for the implementation of the action.

6 Overview Figures on Gender Equality
ERC Gender Findings Overview Figures on Gender Equality Scientific Council members Women share increased from 23% (in 2006) to 40% (in 2016) Panel members 27% women in the panels Evaluated 26% women applications: 31% Starting 29% Consolidator 15% Advanced Grantees 22% women funded: 26% Starting 27% Consolidator 13% Advanced ERCEA Scientific Officers 62% women coordinating the evaluations

7 Women Applicants to ERC Calls
ERC Gender Findings Women Applicants to ERC Calls The proportion of women applicants varies considerably by call type and domain: from 44% in StG Social Sciences and Humanities (SH) to 9% in AdG Physics and Engineering (PE) and 30% in Life Sciences (LS).

8 ERC Gender Findings Women Applicants to ERC Calls

9 ERC Gender findings Women ERC Grantees
The proportion of women grantees varies by call type and domain: from 44% in CoG Social Sciences and Humanities (SH) to 8% in AdG Physics and Engineering (PE). The CoG Life Sciences (LS) domain numbers increased from 21% to 32% in the period

10 ERC Gender findings Women ERC Grantees

11 ERC Gender findings Success Rates of Men and Women

12 Share Female StG and CoG Applicants by HI Country vs Share Women Academic Staff Grade B Positions
Grade B: "Researchers working in positions not as senior as top positions (A) but more senior than newly qualified PhD holders''. (She Figures 2015)

13 Share Female AdG Applicants by HI Country vs Share Women Academic Staff Grade A Positions
Grade A: "The single highest grade/post at which research is normally conduced ''.(She Figures 2015)

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