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Athlone 16/9/2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Athlone 16/9/2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Athlone 16/9/2017

2 Two Tasks In Total (20 Credits)
First task in session 2 Second task in session 3 Tasks are anchored in chosen specialism

3 Specialisms Graphics & construction Technology Engineering
Agriculture/Horticulture Childcare/Community Care Craft & Design Hair & beauty Hotel catering and tourism Office administration and customer care Information and communication technology Active leisure studies

4 What Is The Student Task?
Practical activity through which the student integrates and applies learning experiences gained from undertaking the leaving cert applied programme Tasks may involve Development of a product An investigation Staging of an event

5 Student Task Individual Or Group Evaluation Planning Reflection
Written Report Evidence Of Research Integration

6 Key Elements Of Task Product
Recommended time for completion of task is a minimum of 10 hours Student should be actively involved in the identification, design and planning of task Time line should be put in place Helps if student has genuine interest in content matter of task At all times the main responsibility for all tasks remains with the student It must be his/her own work Important that teacher advises and guides student If students opt for a group task it is imperative that each students individual contribution can be identified

7 To receive credit for a task, all candidates must
There may be a number of group tasks or a combination of individual and group To receive credit for a task, all candidates must Provide authentic evidence of task completion Produce a task report Present for interview Task authenticity is verified by school authorities

8 Student task report This is a description of the various stages required to complete the task. (may be typed or handwritten)

9 General Information To Be Included
The title Statement of aims (x3) Plan of action Carrying out the task Presentation and analysis of findings Evaluation of both task and individuals personal contribution Integration with other courses (mathematical applications and information technology are mandatory)

10 Student interview (5-20 mins)
Assessment criteria Ability to select and plan effectively Quality of engagement in activity and evidence of progress/achievement Ability to reflect and evaluate the experience Evidence of integration Quality of communicative ability

11 Credit allocation 10 credits allocated for each task (5% of total for course)
Task (10 credit standard) Clearly explains aims High level of planning Clear evidence of research Student produced high quality product compliant with stated aims Student has demonstrated creativity Quality evaluation of production and self Evidence of cross curricular learning Well structured report with clarity of expression Demonstrates a very high level of communicative ability at interview

12 1-2 credits Poor explanation of why task chosen
Poor or incomplete record of how task was planned Little evidence of students ability to plan and organise Produced a task of poor quality Little evidence of evaluation/reflection Report poorly structured and presented No evidence of integration Communication skills are poor

13 Essential components of task
Clearly state 3 aims Conduct comprehensive research Include evidence of research from at least two sources Students own designs/ideas should also be included Include sketches of development of design ideas Complete a detailed orthographic dimensioned drawings of the design Chosen product should comprise of at least 4 different skills Ensure that final design satisfies all of the stated aims Include personal creative input

14 Include in report evidence of integration with mathematical applications and information technology
Evaluate the finished product Suggest possible modifications and the reason for such modifications Written statement of evaluation of self and general reflection of the experience

15 Common oversights with task
Aims are too vague Poor sequence of written folder Evidence of research not included or only from one source Finished design does not comply with stated aims (not suitable for purpose) Working drawing not included Students neglect to apply an applied finish to the product Creative input limited No evidence of maths or I.T Evaluation of product/self not included

16 Recipe for success Choose a product that interests student
Invest time in quality research at the very beginning Include research from at least two sources Credit source of the research Show evidence of ideas considered by means of sketching/notes etc Create a scaled or dimensioned drawing before commencing any practical work Ensure that some creative input is included in the final design Cross check that final design satisfies the stated aims Work on the written report in conjunction with manufacture of product Engage in meaningful integration with maths and I.T dept Include a section on both product and self evaluation

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