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Presentation on theme: "BLENDED LEARNING CELEBRATIONS:"— Presentation transcript:

O.W.L. “Our Weekly Letter” Ms. Ives’ 4th Grade Class November 14th - 18th, 2016 Notes: Instructional Focus: Math- Modeling tenths, modeling decimals, tenths and hundredths, tenths and hundredths of a meter. Reading- “How can starting a business help others?” Genre: Persuasive Article. Strategies: Main Ideas and Key Details, Suffixes. Writing- Expository essay: Students will begin working on their expository research paper. This will be a 2 week assignment where students will write an informational essay about an animal of their choice. This week we will focus on constructing the final draft. Science- Landforms: describing their formations. Social Studies- Making a place in Nevada: Nevada’s early settlers, the Pony Express. I hope that you all had a great weekend! Each week, students are expected to meet their blended learning goals. The goals are as followed: ST Math- 5% weekly, Study Island- 3 ribbons weekly, Power Readers- 3 passed quizzes or 2 points weekly. I am so proud of everyone’s hard work so far! Keep up the great work!!  BLENDED LEARNING CELEBRATIONS: ST Math- Liliana is currently at 77%. Great job Lily! Study Island- Tyler currently has 85 Blue Ribbons! Great work Tyler! Power Readers- Eric has passed 31 Power Reader quizzes with a total of 77.5 AR points total! Wow! Awesome job Eric! Important Information: There will be a HALF DAY this Friday due to Data Day. The DonorsChoose grant project that I wrote to try and bring more technology into our classroom needs your help! The project expires on 11/29/16 and is currently $568 away from being funded. Every donation makes a difference! Each donation is tax deductible and can count toward your volunteer hours! Please spread the word so that we can get our kids 4 extra computers in the classroom! ts=true We should be sending home information about our upcoming field trip this week! Be on the lookout for this information! For all information about upcoming events at Pinecrest Cadence, check out the Cougar Column each week! Please encourage your students to work on to ST Math and Study Island at home as often as possible. Students should also read books within their ZPD levels to take Power Reader quizzes on the next day in class. Check out MyOn for a digital library containing thousands of books that your students can choose from! BLENDED LEARNING COMPLETIONS: ST Math- Eric, Camille, Brooklin, Lillian, Tyler, and Gabriel have all completed ST Math and are at 100%! Woohoo! Vocab. Words 1.compassionate, 2. enterprise, 3. exceptional, 4. funds, 5. innovative, 6. process, 7. routine, 8. undertaking


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