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الاثنين 8/12/2013 Lec.4 أ.د.عبد الجبار الحبيطي

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1 الاثنين 8/12/2013 Lec.4 أ.د.عبد الجبار الحبيطي
EMBYRIOLOGY الاثنين /12/2013 Lec.4 أ.د.عبد الجبار الحبيطي

2 Infectious Diseases includes
1-Rubella (German Measles) 2-Cytomegalovirus 3-Syphylis 4-Toxoplasmosis

3 The effect of Rubella on the growing fetus are the following features:
a-Congenital cataract b-Congenital deafness c-Mental retardation d-Congenital heart defects e-Occasionally defect in the enemal layer of teeth.

4 The effect depend on the time of exposure of the pregnant mother to Teratogenic agent …in cases of Rubella virus if the mother catch it at about 6 th weeks of pregnancy,then at birth we can see most of the features of Rubella mainly Congenital Cataract,but if it get it at 8-9 weeks of development ,there will be Congenital deafness but no effect on the eyes ( no congenital cataract)

5 Cytomegalovirus infection Toxoplasmosis 1-Complete loss of vision 1-Partial loss of vision 2-Intracranial calcification 2-Intracranial calcification 3-Microcephally 3-Hydrocephally 4-Delayed and severe degree of 4-Mental mental Mental retardation 5-Hepatosplenomegally 5- Microphthalmous other Kerniecterus and severe mental occular defects Retardation due to jaundice.

6 Syphilis leads to following features in new born baby:
1-Cleft lip and palate ( very high incidence ) 2-Spina bifida

7 Radiations and Antotoxic Drugs
Has a direct effect on developing fetus as there is a strong association between exposure to radiation and the appearance of congenital malformations and the same can happen on taking anti-toxic drugs.An example for the effect of adiation is what has happened in Japan during 2nd world war in 1945 as a resut of atomic bombs thrown on Hiroshima and Nagazaki .All females in these 2 cities remained alife after bombing and became pregnant later on a survey was done and showed that 28% were aborted ,25% has intrauterine death of fetuses,25% of babies born alive were died during the first year of age and the remaining showed chromosomal defects and mutations.

A-Dizygotic (Fraternal )Twins It occurs in 7-11 per thousand birth and results from the fertilization of 2 shedded oocytes by different spermatozoa and each of the Twins has: 1-Different genetic constitution. 2-Has no more resemblance than any other brother or sisters. 3-May or may not be of different sex. 4-Each zygot implants individually in the uterus and usually each develops its own placenta,amnion & chorionic cavity 5-Occasionally each one processes red blood cells of 2 different types ( Erythrocyte Mosaicism ).

9 B-Monozygotic (Identical ) Twins
Occurs in 3-4 per thousand birth and they have strong resemblance in 1-Their blood group 2-Finger print 3-Sex 4-External appearance ( Eye & Hair color)

10 If separation at 2 cell stage then each one has its own
placenta,amnion & chorion If splitting at early blastocyst thenthe 2 has common placenta&chorion but each has its own amniotic cavity If splitting at bilaminar disc ( before the appearance of primitive streak),then they have common placenta,chorion & amniotic cavity.



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