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The Truth and Misconceptions

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Presentation on theme: "The Truth and Misconceptions"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Truth and Misconceptions
Protein Supplements The Truth and Misconceptions

2 Protein Quality Amino acid composition Digestibility
Bioavailability of amino acids

3 Amino Acids Building blocks of protein 20 in the human body
9 – Essential (EAA) or Indispensable

4 EAA Can not be manufactured Supplied by diet
Insufficient intake= protein deficiency

5 Protein Malnutrition Common after surgery Malabsorption Restriction
Food Intolerances

6 Evaluation of Protein Quality
Protein Efficiency Ratio Biological Value Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS)

7 Protein Efficiency Ratio
Measures weight gain of growing animal/amount of protein animal consumes Limitation: looked at rats only, not humans

8 Biological Value Calculates nitrogen used for tissue formation/nitrogen absorbed from food Measures how efficient body utilizes protein consumed Limitation: measures potential quality

9 PDCAAS Official method adopted by WHO, US FDA, US Dept of Agriculture
Most accurate way to evaluate protein quality

10 PDCAAS Uses amino acid requirements of 2-5 yr olds Highest Score 1.0
1.0=100% of indispensable amino acids is provided after digestion

11 PDCAAS Limitations: Overestimates in elderly
Digestion in terminal ileum Anti-nutritional Factors

12 PDCAAS calculation: Analyze nitrogen (N) composition
Calculate protein content (N*6.25) Analyze EAA profile Determine amino acid score mg EAA in 1g test protein mg in 1g reference protein

13 PDCAAS Calculation: Analyze for digestibility Calculate protein score=
lowest uncorrected amino acid score * digestibility

14 Sources of Protein Animal Plant Protein supplements Whey Soy
Hydrolyzed Collagen

15 Whey Protein Recognized for use in sports & medical nutrition products
Milk Protein High EAA content Contains lactose/minerals Available in concentrate & isolate forms

16 Whey Concentrate FDA Rules: needs to provide only 25% protein (typical range 35-80%) 55% lactose/minerals 1-7% fat

17 Whey Isolate FDA Rules: at least 90% protein
Negligible lactose/minerals <1% fat Isolate is filtered concentrate

18 Soy Complete protein (only plant source) Contains all EAA
Isolate= contains 90% pro. Concentrate= contains 70%

19 Hydrolyzed Collagen Called “Bullets” or “Shooters”
Not good source of “high quality” protein ( Only 18% EAA whereas isolate has 47% (

20 Protein Scores: Whey Isolate 1.0 Whey Conc. ? Milk 1.0 Egg 1.0
Soy Collagen

21 Conclusions: Choose supplements made from whey isolate and soy
Avoid whey concentrate and hydrolyzed collagen based products

22 mmpc Michigan Weight Loss Specialists
THANK YOU Christine Becker, MS RD mmpc Michigan Weight Loss Specialists 4100 Lake Drive, Suite B01 Grand Rapids, MI (616)

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