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II. Evaluating Economic Performance

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1 II. Evaluating Economic Performance
*** All societies set economic and social goals for themselves! *** A country's economic system will usually reflect the goals they are trying to meet. A. Economic and Social Goals of the U.S.: 1. Economic Freedom - people want to make their own econ. decisions 2. Economic Efficiency - resources must be used wisely so more wants and needs can be satisfied 3. Economic Equity - getting a "fair chance" a. illegal to discriminate b. no false advertising, unfair pricing, dangerous products 4. Economic Security - financial protection a. Social Security, disability, retirement benefits b. protection from layoffs, emergencies 5. Full Employment - provide many jobs 6. Price Stability - keep prices same a. inflation - rise in general level of prices b. fixed income - income doesn't increase

2 7. Economic Growth a. people will want more goods and services b. population will continue to grow = more wants and needs 8. Future Goals - goals will change over time B. Trade-Offs Among Goals 1. Remember --- making certain choices to reach certain goals will have other effects...example: a. raise minimum wage: - could increase unemployment - restricts freedom of employers to pay what they think is fair III. Capitalism and Free Enterprise A. capitalism - a system in which private citizens own factors of production B. Characteristics of a Free Enterprise Economy: 1. Economic Freedom 2. Voluntary Exchange a. buyers and sellers freely engage in market transactions b. both feel like they're better off after transaction

3 3. Private Property a. people can control private possessions as they wish, so long as they don't interfere with rights of others b. includes your skills, abilities, ideas c. provides incentives - rewards you earn are yours to keep 4. Profit Motive a. profit - the extent to which people or organizations are better off at the end of a period than they were at the beginning b. people want to improve their well-being C. The Role of Entrepreneurs 1. everyone benefits when entrepreneurs succeed: a. he/she gets profits b. workers get more jobs and $ c. consumers get better products d. government gets more tax dollars e. increases competition --- better products and prices

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