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The 1950’s.

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1 The 1950’s

2 Postwar issues Returning Vets need jobs/schooling
GI Bill of Rights save’s the day Housing shortage Cheap homes in William Levitt’s new suburbs- identical homes for $7,000 Small town feel to planned suburb living Marriage- 1 million war marriages end in divorce over who works

3 Bye-Bye War Production Jobs
By million unemployed The price ceiling is lifted-prices sky rocket 25% increase in cost of some products Congress would reinstate such price controls shortly

4 When is this ‘boom’ coming?
Why would a depression not occur? Pent up consumers are ready for lives of luxury. Graphs on 636 show the massive increases in consumer purchases Cold War positive-all the fear pays off in defense spending Not this boom 

5 Still some ‘Harry’ situations
1946-strikes in coal, steel, and rail workers Truman plays hardball and threatens govt takeover of the industries and a peacetime draft-the unions give in Civil Rights Truman asks for anti-lynching, ban on poll tax, and civil rights commission, but gets none of it.

6 Truman cont. So, he issues an executive order for integration of armed forces in 1948 Supreme Court stops ban of African Americans from residential neighborhoods Truman stops discrimination in hiring of government employees.

7 Politics “Had Enough?” – Republicans control both House and Senate in 1946 1948 election Dixiecrats emerge and nominate Strom Thurmond. Reps nominate Thomas Dewey No match for “Give ‘em hell, Harry”

8 Fair Deal Tough fighting against the Rep. Congress, but Truman wins some: Increase in minimum wage 40 to 70 cents Extended Social Security Initiated flood control and irrigation projects All time low in ’51 would lead to emergence of Ike, however.

9 I Like Ike! Plunder at home and blunder abroad.
Checkers speech- ‘we’re going to keep it.’ Saved face and went on to win in ’52. Dynamic conservatism Conservative when it comes to money, liberal when it comes to people

10 Middle of the road Walks around civil rights
1954-Brown vs. Board of Ed Rosa Parks sparks a bus boycott in 1955 Raised minimum wage, extended SS, increased spending for housing, backed creation of interstate highways and departments of Health, Ed, and Welfare.

11 The American Dream Changing our collars from blue to white
Clerical, managerial, or professional occupations Even businesses change ITT-communication giant, buys car rental and insurance companies and hotel chains These company expansions form conglomerates

12 Standardized Lives Franchises are born
McDonald’s- multiple locations of business The Organization Man-social conformity and personality tests to make sure people fit the corporate scheme.

13 New Ideas Jonas Salk Interstate Highways Consumerism
Developed vaccine for polio Interstate Highways Consumerism Buying material goods 60% Americans middle class Planned obsolescence Purposely design products to become obsolete

14 The Woman’s Role Glorified roles as homemaker led to pictures and imagery like this.


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