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Viewability First-name Last-name | Job Title June 15th 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Viewability First-name Last-name | Job Title June 15th 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Viewability First-name Last-name | Job Title June 15th 2013

2 Agenda Introduction Viewability Advanced Cost Metrics Conclusion

3 I know my ad is being served, but how do I…
Make sure that it’s actually being seen? Determine the true performance of a placement? Efficiently optimize my campaign? When you’re running a campaign, you’re always stuck with the problem of having an incomplete picture of true performance. With MediaMind, you know your ads are being served, but there are always questions that exist with knowing whether your placements are actually being seen by the right audience and if they are actually being seen at all! And when your ads are served, how do you know if the content that they are being served next to is brand safe? With all of these questions, it can sometimes become difficult to determine the true performance of your campaign and if your media buy is being used in the best way possible. So how do you overcome this gap in information in order to protect your campaign’s budget and integrity? Protect my campaign’s budget against wasteful media buys?

4 Introducing MediaMind Viewability
Providing the tools you need to unlock a new dimension of campaign performance 3MS 3MS Compliant* Advanced Cost Metrics Customizable Viewability Thresholds Viewability: Our Viewability offering gives you advanced cost metrics that allow you to better determine the value of your media buys. And our whole offering is 3MS compliant, which says that an ad is viewable if half of it had the opportunity to be viewed for at least 1 second. But our offering goes beyond the standard by allowing you to set your own customizable Viewability thresholds. Because it’s integrated into the MediaMind platform, that means you can compare all of your reports seamlessly in one place. And knowing more is always nice, but it shouldn’t have to come at the price of taking your time which is why you can implement this without any extra tagging. Integrated with Campaign Data No Extra Tagging

5 The Integrated Advantage
Point Solution Viewability Point Solution Audience Reporting Point Solution Ad-Server Viewability, Full Analytics, and Campaign Management, and Reporting Tagging Tagging Tagging Campaign Reporting Viewability Reporting Audience Reporting So how does using Viewability with MediaMind differ from other point solutions? With other offerings, you have multiple points of contacts and implementation along with metrics from different point solutions. The whole process becomes very complicated and time-consuming. MediaMind offers a sleek interface allowing for lower discrepancy rates by housing Viewability and Campaign reporting all in one place. It’s a one stop approach that also leads to campaigns going to market quicker by decreasing the implementation lead time needed to launch a campaign. Verification, Viewability, Audience and Campaign Management, and Reporting Agency Agency

6 The Integrated Advantage
Lower Discrepancy Rates Reduce Implementation Lead Time Choose the Tools You Need This slide was changed to add icons. Could we reanimate this please? Lower discrepancy rates and more accurate cost analysis by working off the same campaign data set Reduce implementation lead time so campaigns can launch quicker Only the essential tools for brand safety are included, leading to a higher value compared with competitors and you can choose the ones that are most relevant to your campaign. Viewability, Full Analytics, and Campaign Management, and Reporting Agency

7 A Streamlined Workflow
Viewability No additional tagging to implement Using MediaMind’s Viewability solution, agencies can launch campaigns with greater insight and ease of execution. Using MediaMind is a one stop destination for all campaign needs including tagging, reporting, contacts. Ability to get ROI metrics – go through brief and put in all integration notes on here Consolidated vendors A single, easy to use interface for all reporting

8 MediaMind’s Platform-Integrated Brand Safety Solution
Dynamic Creative Tracking & Analytics Planning & Buying Developer Tools Ad Serving Trading Platform Dynamic Creative Utilizing MediaMind Viewability will allow you to make the most of the MediaMind products you already use so you can get the most out of your campaigns.

9 Viewability Spend More Time on Screen
Take control of your campaign in the RTB Space

10 What is Viewability Reporting?
Demographics Viewability Reporting allows you to understand if and for how long your ads had the opportunity to be viewed Viewability lets you understand if and how long your ads were seen by consumers, adding a new level of campaign reporting. Viewability Reporting allows you to understand if and for how long your ads had the opportunity to be viewed

11 What is Considered a Viewable Impression
1 sec 50% MediaMind’s Viewability is compliant with the 3MS proposed standard, which states that an ad is considered viewable if 50% of it is on-screen for at least 1 second. MediaMind has gone beyond 3MS to let you set your own custom Viewability thresholds. Determine your own level of Viewability so that it coincides with your creative and your campaign objectives. MediaMind makes sure that you will be able to measure your campaign against your goals and has developed several methods for doing so. According to the 3MS proposed standard, an ad is viewable if 50% of the ad is viewed for at least 1 second

12 How Can Impressions Be Viewable?
728 x 90 On page load ABOVE the fold Unit Size Impression Viewable 728 x 90 1 Yes 300 x 250 NO After user scrolled Unit Size Impression Viewable 728 x 90 1 Yes 300 x 250 YES It is a method that allows MediaMind to measure the number of impressions that were actually viewable by the user. We developed a method that leverages the browser API to collect information on the banner behavior. In order for MediaMind to count a viewable impression the ad has to be viewable (at least 1px is needed) for more than 1 second. We only offer the Viewable Impressions, Viewable Rate and Recordable Impressions Rate. The solution was developed under the assumption that publishers will have an implementation that follows the MRC proposed guidelines. We support most Rich Media formats and standard banners except the following formats: In-Game In-Stream Mobile Tracking pixel Pop-up banners Windows ads Instant messenger banners 300 x 250 BELOW the fold

13 MediaMind Provides More Flexibility
50% 75% 3 seconds 1 MediaMind’s Viewability is MRC 3MS compliant, which states that an ad is considered viewable if 50% of it is on-screen for at least 1 second. MediaMind has gone beyond MRC 3MS to let you set your own custom Viewability thresholds. Determine your own level of Viewability so that it coincides with your creative and your campaign objectives. MediaMind makes sure that you will be able to measure your campaign against your goals and has developed several methods for doing so. Go beyond 3MS to set your own Viewability thresholds

14 Advanced Cost Metrics Optimize Your Campaign Efficiently
Take control of your campaign in the RTB Space

15 Holistic View of Campaign ROI & Optimization Needs
Performance Metrics Cost Metrics eCPMv (Agency) Total Viewable Impressions (Agency) vCPC (Agency) Average Screen Share Cost per Viewable Second (Agency) Viewable Media Cost (Agency) Non-Viewable Media Cost (Agency) Without using an integrated Viewability solution, the picture of what’s going on in your campaign may be a little bit of a mess. Performance metrics and cost metrics may appear in a state of disarray. vCPA (Agency) Average Viewable Surface Area

16 Holistic View of Campaign ROI & Optimization Needs
Performance Metrics Cost Metrics Total Viewable Impressions (Agency) eCPMv (Agency) Viewable Media Cost (Agency) Non-Viewable Media Cost (Agency) Average Viewable Surface Area vCPC (Agency) Cost per Viewable Second (Agency) MediaMind provides a holistic view of campaign performance side-by-side with cost metrics so you are able to get the whole picture. This will allow you to unlock insights that may have been hidden before and to optimize your campaign better for the future. Average Screen Share vCPA (Agency)

17 MediaMind’s Viewability Reporting
All of the metrics that you need are available on the same report, for one easy to read overview of how your campaign is performing.

18 Case Study: Determine the Root of Performance
Traditional Campaign Reporting Placement Performance 25% Performed Well Click Through Rate 0.10% Interaction Rate 4.34% Avg. Time on Page 87.32 Avg. Time of Interaction 30.02 75% Underperformed In this case study, a large telecom was running a rich media campaign that was underperforming, but they couldn’t determine why. Traditional metrics like ITR and CTR showed that only 25% of the ads performed well but the vast majority underperformed. High performance ads were determined by setting a benchmark KPI. All placements used the same creative – an expandable without any video. They weren’t running up to par, but was the problem with the creative or the media? With just this data, it is not easy to see where the root of the problem is. And if you can’t identify a problem, it makes it that much more difficult to fix it. Why did the campaign underperform? Was there a problem with the media or the creative? How can I optimize my campaign?

19 Case Study: Determine the Root of Performance
What does it all mean? Underperforming placements had low Viewability metrics Ads that performed well were Viewable for TWICE as long Given an environment where the ad was Viewable, the creative was able to perform well Media can now allocate more impressions to good placements Average Ad Duration Avg. Time Viewable ITR CTR Viewable % High Performance Placements Underperforming Placements 86.99 2.06% 0.06% 29.11 36.02% When we delve deeper into the campaign’s performance, new insights are unlocked. You can see at first that there is a large disparity between ads that performed well and those that didn’t. The 25% of ads that did perform better under each metrics listed. Average ad duration, ITR (Interaction Rate), and CTR outperformed the lower 75% echelon by a large margin. Viewability metrics allow you to see that this is because these high performing ads were viewed for more than twice as long as the underperforming ads with more of the placement being viewed. This lets you determine the root of the campaign’s underperformance. There was an issue with the media buys and ads that were able to be viewed excelled. Now that the media team knows the problem, they can optimize their campaign to allocate more impressions to good impressions and eliminate wasted impressions. 100.1 14.50% 0.26% 63.65 69.47%

20 Using Viewability Reporting
Average Viewable Time (High) Creative Adjustments Optimal Performance Total Interaction Rate (High) Total Interaction Rate (Low) Creative and/or Media Adjustments Once you find out the pain points in your campaign, you can optimize them for better results. Issues may be on the media side or the creative side but it’s not possible to determine without knowing the complete picture of your campaign performance. Once you know what area needs to be improved, you can work on optimizing your campaign for the future to get the most out of your media spend. Media Adjustments Average Viewable Time (Low)

21 MediaMind’s Viewability Levels
Basic Viewability Enhanced Viewability Viewability Thresholds Metrics Reporting MRC 3MS Compliant* Agency Level Threshold Recordable Impressions Viewable Impressions Part of the Campaign Delivery Summary MRC 3MS Compliant* Agency Level Threshold Advertiser Specific Thresholds Basic metrics plus: Ad Duration (seconds) Cost Metrics (i.e. eCPMv, eCPCv) Ratio Metrics (Avg. Screen Share, Avg. Viewable Surface) Dedicated Enhanced Viewability Report Our Viewability offering is available at 2 different levels, allowing you to have the amount of protection that you’re looking for. Both offerings are compliant with the MRC 3MS proposed standard for Viewability thresholds. MediaMind gives you the option to set your own thresholds though. Both levels let you set this at the agency level, but Enhanced allows you to set advertiser specific Viewability thresholds. In-depth metrics open up a new dimension of reporting through in-depth cost and performance metrics to provide a holistic overview of campaign performance. And the reports that you get will always be integrated into the MediaMind dashboard so you can measure all aspects of your campaign in one place. *NOTE: 3MS is a proposed standard

22 The MediaMind Benefit Lower Discrepancy Rates
Gain valuable insights to optimize your campaign Integrated into the MediaMind Platform Lower Discrepancy Rates -Work off MediaMind campaign data set Optimize your campaign -advanced cost metrics -gain valuable knowledge on the root of campaign performance Analyze campaign cost metrics side-by-side -greater insight into actual campaign ROI and optimization needs Integrated into the MediaMind Platform -quicker time to launch campaigns -one set of contacts -no extra tagging -one set of reports -a single easy to use interface Greater value to your campaign at a lower cost -access to comprehensive demographic data -dashboard updated automatically every 3 hours -cookie-less to avoid certain privacy restrictions/concerns Greater value to your campaign at a lower cost


24 Thank You!

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