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Robust Structures: What contributes to earthquake – resistant structures? David Garringer – Assistant Principal Oscar Rios – 5th Grade Teacher and STEAM.

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Presentation on theme: "Robust Structures: What contributes to earthquake – resistant structures? David Garringer – Assistant Principal Oscar Rios – 5th Grade Teacher and STEAM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robust Structures: What contributes to earthquake – resistant structures? David Garringer – Assistant Principal Oscar Rios – 5th Grade Teacher and STEAM Instructor February 25, 2017

2 Driving questions Driving Questions:
What causes earthquakes and what are the hazards they create? How do scientists rate the strength of an earthquake? What factors can influence the resistance of buildings during an earthquake?

3 Agenda Recent Earthquakes in the News –
Video - Building of structures Testing and Recording of different types of structures by LEGO We Do 2.0 Earthquake Simulator Comparing of results and discussion

4 NGSS Performance Expectation:
Standards Addressed NGSS Performance Expectation: 3-5 ETS1-3: Plan and carry out tests in which variables are controlled and failure points are considered to identify aspects of a model or prototype that can be improved 4 ESS 3-2: Generate and compare multiple solutions to reduce the impact of natural earth process on humans NGSS Crosscutting Concepts: Cause and Effect

5 Commonalities of ELA, Math and Science Practices

6 Explore Phase – 10 minutes
Start the project using the introductory video. Have a group discussion

7 Create Phase – 20 minutes • Have students build the first model from the provided building instructions. • Let them program the model with the sample program. • Allow students time so they can make their own experiment and change the parameters of the program. • Challenge them to discover new programming blocks on their own.

8 Share Phase: 10 minutes Some suggestions for sharing include: • Make sure your students take photos of their model. • Make sure they write their names and comments in the Documentation tool. • Have your students export the results of their project and share it with their parents.

9 Recording, Analysis, and Comparison of Results
Trial Recording of Data Analysis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10 The 4 Sciences

11 What is a Playful Activity?
Fully absorbing Intrinsically motivated If it includes elements of uncertainty or surprise If it involves a sense of illusion or exaggeration

12 Curiosity and Playfulness: The Cornerstone of Creative Play
A person may be curious and not very playful, or playful and not very curious A dominance of curiosity, sets the stage for systematic inquiry, and is usually driven by an urge to discover, explain, and replicate “hidden” mechanisms – or principals – behind some intriguing or enchanting phenomenon

13 Dominance of Play A dominance of play sets the stage for breaking loose from habitual ways of thinking and doing, and is driven by a desire to imagine alternatives, generate variations, and fictionalize or dramatize reality.

14 Jean Piaget (1896 – 1980) … intelligence grows from the interaction of the mind with the world – through connected physical activity such as making with the hands …

15 Seymour Papert Built on Paiget’s work … building knowledge occurs best through building things that are tangible and shareable … … constructionism might be summarized as ‘learning-by-making,’ but is quick to assert that it is ‘much richer and more multifaceted’ that such a simple formula might suggest (Papert and Harel, 1991).

16 Carol Dweck Fixed Mindset – view intelligence as an unchangeable mental gift that cannot be bettered from within Growth Mindset – believe that intelligence is malleable and thus can be optimized through will and hard work

17 Lauren Resnick … ‘One’s intelligence is the sum of one’s habits of mind’. It is about being able to face challenges creatively.

18 Learning and Creativity
Learning and Creativity both involve hands-on (tinkering), heads-in (reflection), and tools to tinker with (things, textures, patterns).

19 Creativity Mindset Video by Ken Robinson – Creativity

20 Creativity Mindset The Creativity Mindset develops from exploration of ideas through the exploration and use of materials. In order to develop creative thinkers, children and adults, need opportunities to make things. They also need stimulating environments to do this in, and interesting materials to do this with.

21 Creativity Video David Kelly –
Work at google -

22 Constructivists Constructivists talk about the need to externalize an idea, give it a form, a shape to help the mind engage with it using both know-how and knowledge, the implicit and explicit parts of our knowledge. … paper napkin at JPL – where an idea for a space project can begin with a design on a paper napkin

23 Science practices and the engineering habits of mind
1. Ask questions and define problems. 2. Develop and use models. 3. Plan and carry out investigations. 4. Analyze and interpret data.

24 Science practices and the engineering habits of mind
5. Use mathematics and computational thinking. 6. Construct explanations and design solutions. 7. Engage in argument from evidence. 8. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information.

25 6. Ethical Considerations
Six Habits of Mind 1. Systems Thinking 2. Creativity 3. Optimism 4. Collaboration 5. Communication 6. Ethical Considerations

26 What is Science? “Science is about the attitudes, values, and skills that determine how people learn and acquire knowledge about the world.”

27 Computational Thinking
Computational thinking is a set of problem-solving skills that are applied to working with computers and other digital devices. • Logical reasoning • Looking for patterns • Organizing and analyzing data • Modeling and simulations • Using computers to assist in testing models and ideas • Using algorithms to sequence actions

28 Thank you For Attending
Please complete the Evaluation David Garringer Oscar Rios

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