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Jewish Teachings on the Environment

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Presentation on theme: "Jewish Teachings on the Environment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jewish Teachings on the Environment
Rabbi Fred Dobb, Adat Shalom Rabbi Shawn Zevit, JRF Stacey Kennealy, GreenFaith

2 Webinar Tips Everyone will be on mute until Q&A
If you experience technical problems: If slide transition fails, logoff online and try again (but stay on the phone line) You will receive recording, PowerPoint and follow-up resources afterwards

3 Agenda Welcome JRF/GreenFaith parntership
GreenFaith Fellowship Program and Certification Program introductions Jewish Teachings on the Environment

4 Welcome! Director of Congregational Services, Outreach and Tikkun Olam, JRF Rabbi Shawn Zevit Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation Rabbi Fred Dobb Certification Program Director, GreenFaith Stacey Kennealy

5 JRF/GreenFaith Partnership
3 year partnership Three 50% tuition scholarships/year to the GreenFaith Fellowship Program for Reconstructionist leaders.  Four 50% tuition scholarships/year to the GreenFaith Certification Program for Reconstructionist congregations. 

6 Leadership Program: Fellowship
Education to prepare clergy & laity for religious- environmental leadership Interfaith 3 residential retreats, webinars, eco-theological statement, leadership project “The GreenFaith Fellowship Program is a critical initiative for the religious environmental movement.” Drs. John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker, Co-Directors, Forum on Religion & Ecology

7 Leadership Program: Certification
2 year program for houses of worship Holistic requirements: worship, religious education, facilities operations, environmental justice Support and Resources: Over 200 resources, 6 webinars, virtual community, and phone support Big Results: Significant financial savings, opportunities for new & existing members, unprecedented environmental projects. "This initiative has truly become part of our Temple Community DNA" Sue and Phil Hoch, green team leaders, Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel

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