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Shepherd junior high wRESTLING

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1 Shepherd junior high wRESTLING
Parents’ Meeting Presentation

2 Coaching Staff Head Coach: Lucas Logan Assistant Coaches: Deputy Matthew Poe
Coaching Philosophy Our number one goal is to promote learning. Our athletes are students first and athletes second. Learning also entails hard work, continually challenging yourself, and constantly trying to improve.

3 FORMS AND FEES In order to play in games all forms must be turned in by Friday Oct. 28th. Those forms include physical form, concussion statement, code of conduct, impact test completed, and fees paid. Activity fee is $25 and the sport fee $35 Code of Conduct video can be watched and signed online through the Athletic Director’s website or the form can be picked up at the JH main office. Impact test must be completed here at school. Coaches will schedule a time for our athlete to complete that test.

4 Concussion Seek emergency care for an adult or child who experiences a head injury and symptoms such as: Repeated vomiting A loss of consciousness lasting longer than 30 seconds A headache that gets worse over time Changes in his or her behavior, such as irritability Changes in physical coordination, such as stumbling or clumsiness Confusion or disorientation, such as difficulty recognizing people or places Slurred speech or other changes in speech Other symptoms include: Seizures Vision or eye disturbances, such as pupils that are bigger than normal (dilated pupils) or pupils of unequal sizes Lasting or recurrent dizziness Obvious difficulty with mental function or physical coordination Symptoms that worsen over time Large head bumps or bruises on areas other than the forehead in children, especially in infants under 12 months of age

5 Attendance, Grades, and Behavior
If inappropriate behavior becomes habitual playing time will be affected. Parent behavior is also important. During games if we disagree with calls from the referee or game- play from the other team we should keep our rhetoric positive and set a good example for our athletes. If we are negative our athletes will begin to model our behavior and lose focus. If you disagree with my calls on the field, please wait twenty-four hours for both of our emotions to subside and or call me at Please keep those hours reasonable. If an athlete has a D in a class, they have two weeks to raise the grade before playing time is affected. Practice time will be used to raise the athlete’s grade. If the grade has not been raised they will be held out of games until said grade has been raised to a C. If an athlete has one unexcused absence from practice, in a seven day period, it will affect their playing time for the next game. If an athlete has two unexcused absence in a seven day period he/she will not participate in the following game. An unexcused absence is defined as and may include the following: Not reporting an absence or vacation before it occurs Too many family vacations

6 Watch to receive text reminders?
To: 81010 If you would like to be on the list for game travel itineraries please me at

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