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KEK Status and plans of structure production and testing

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1 KEK Status and plans of structure production and testing
LCWS at Morioka 8 December 2016 Toshi Higo, KEK

2 Contents Overview of high-gradient testing status at Nextef
High gradient test result K1 vs K2 Structure production status S-band activity Future plans and conclusion 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

3 High-gradient testing status at Nextef
Overview of high-gradient testing status at Nextef High gradient test result K1 vs K2 Structure production status S-band activity Future plans 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

4 Nextef 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

5 Nextef-A and Nextef-B A B Two klystrons KT1 klystron | | WR90 WR90
10m-long transport Low-loss wave guide Shield-A TW cavity B KT1 klystron | WR90 35m-long transport Low-loss wave guide Shield-B SW cavity 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

6 Fabrication and test of prototype structures T18 Quad  TD18T24TD24TD24R05TD24R05 T24THUTD24R05 Deflector TD24R05 TD24R05_K1 2015 T18_Disk_#2 2009 T24THU_#1 Deflector (SINAP) 2016 TD24R05_#4 TD24R05_K2 2016 TD18_Disk_#2 2010 T24_Disk_#3 2011 TD24R05_#2 2012 TD24_Disk_#4 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

7 High-gradient test on prototype structures at Nextef
Single-cell SW TD24R05 #2 TD24_Disk_#4 High power components test KT1 to shield-B TD24R05_K1 Replace klystron T18_Disk_#2 TD18_Quad_#5 TD18_Disk_#2 Narrow waveguide test KT1 Nextef shield-A KX03 (60cm HDDS) T24_Disk_#3 Nextef shield-B CLIC prototype tests GLC 1 2 3 4 5 1.5 6 TD24R05 #4 Klystron repair T24_THU_#1 7 8 9 SINAP Deflector TD24R05_K2 10 THU Choke-mode SW T24_K1 Quad SW 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

8 Recent tests in Nextef TW structures in Shield-A
CLIC prototype T24_THU_#1  Wu CLIC prototype TD24R05-K1 SINAP deflector  Tan CLIC prototype TD24R05-K2 SW cavities in Shield-B System established  Abe Tsinghua-made cavities focusing choke-mode cavity  Wu G1.68 G2.1 No-choke 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

9 T24_THU_#1 High gradient features
Normalized gradient 𝐸∝ 𝑡 𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑠𝑒 − 1 6 ∗ 𝐵𝐷𝑅 1 30 𝐸 ∗ =𝐸⋅ 𝑡 𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑠𝑒 252𝑛𝑠 ∙ 𝐵𝐷𝑅 2× 10 −5 𝑏𝑝𝑝 − 1 30 Normalize to 252ns, 2e-5 bpp BDR calculated by last 10M pulses 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

10 Two TD24R05 structures, K1 & K2 CLIC nominal prototype
Same design and almost same manufacturing Single difference in with/without vacuum baking process Study high-gradient performance related to hydrogen concentration in copper body 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

11 Test with SW cavity at B High gradient study in simpler geometry
Aim Study with single-cell SW cavity Elaborate evaluation at or on the way to reach the nominal operation level of CLIC, 100 MV/m Status Started with choke-mode cavity BD identification methods were developed and still being developed Test cavities Two choke-mode G1.68, G2.1 made by Tsinghua Frequent breakdowns below 100 MV/m without current flush Followed by undamped one made by Tsinghua Is running at over than 100 MV/m Many others are waiting for test Quadrant, then brazed, waveguide damped, ….. 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

12 Identification of breakdowns Three trigger logics on reflected wave in addition to current flush
Usual pulse shapes (normal pulse) Transmission wave Reflected wave Input wave To be used at Nextef/Shield-B --- Input wave (envelope) --- Reflected wave (envelope) --- Transmission wave (envelope) “Overall Threshold” “Pulse Width” “Number of Edge” (N>=3) 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

13 High gradient test result: K1 vs K2
Overview of high-gradient testing status at Nextef High gradient test result K1 vs K2 Structure production status S-band activity Future plans 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

14 K1 Nominal type TD24R05 for high gradient evaluation
Cells and coupler parts were made by K-pro, a vendor of this Tohoku area. Cleaned and assembled by and at KEK Diffusion bonded and brazed, all in hydrogen Skip vacuum baking process Tested at Nextef 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

15 Not so clean environment
TD24R05-K1: Installation as usual carefully done to avoid dust migration but not perfect! Not so clean environment Al foils with N2 flow 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

16 TD24R05-K1 History Tuning completed Thu. 17 Sep.
Installation Fri. 25 Sep. Processing start Mon. 5 Oct., 2015 Finish 51ns run reaching 105MV/m 11 Nov. 91ns – 132ns – 173ns – 213ns 14 Dec. 252ns ~1400hrs Jan. 2016 412ns run ~2000hrs 18 – 25 Feb. 2016 110 mV/m ~2440hrs March 2016 Finish test after total 3000 hours 7 Apr. 2016 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

17 Whole trend of TD24R05-K1 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

18 TD24R05_K1 Instantanuous BDR and BD cell population
2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

19 BDR normalized to 100MV/m, 252nsec
Sophisticated checking/confirmation to count BDR is still to be made. Error bars are only statistical ones. Error bar for no ACC-BD case is made by assuming 1 ACC-BD for error bar use. Fitting is done with five points appeared in this plot. 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

20 Conclusion on TD24R05-K1 Processed for 3000 hours
Reached up to 110MV/m at 252nsec Processed up to 412nsec No hot cell appeared Moderate dark current, 10 microA at 95 MV/m Low breakdown rate, <10 -7 bpp/m if scaled to 100MV/m, 252ns BDR evolution in time, kept decreasing It showed good performance in high gradient Indicating that the vacuum baking process is not must 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

21 K2 Nominal type TD24R05 for high gradient evaluation
Cells and coupler parts were made by Morikawa, our nominal vendor. Cleaned and assembled by and at KEK Diffusion bonded and brazed, all in hydrogen Vacuum baking at vacuum furnace in MHI Being tested at Nextef 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

22 TD24R05-K2 History Tuning completed Feb., 2016 Installation Jun., 2016
Processing start 16 Sep, 2015 51ns 10MV/m 7 Oct., 2016 91ns – 132ns – 173ns – 213ns 26 Oct., 2016 252ns ~400hrs 21 Nov., 2016 100  110 MV/m Today BDR evaluation vs Eacc 18 – 25 Feb. 2016 412ns & various specific study March 2017? 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

23 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

24 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

25 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

26 Comparison between K1 and K2
2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

27 Ramping pattern vs time or vs #ACC-BD
To be plotted 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

28 K2 seems behaved better than K1 in BDR
Vacuum baking makes better!? In order to conclude, we need careful checking/calibration 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

29 Structure production status
Overview of high-gradient testing status at Nextef High gradient test result K1 vs K2 Structure production status S-band activity Future plans 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

30 Preparation of K1 and K2 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

31 Then KEK-made damped structure TD24R05-K1 Hydrogen furnace-based without baking
K1: Skip baking 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

32 Background behind tests of K1 and K2
60cm X-band TW’s, ATF-based gun cavities Former at 500C for a week, or latter without But behaves reasonably well in high gradient K1 Establish KEK-made CLIC prototype structure Test structure without high-temperature (>500C) baking Too costly to follow the baking at 650C for a week K2 Follow K1 technology except for the final baking process Baking at 750C for a day Will be determined not only scientifically but also from cost Compare the high gradient performance w.r.t. K1 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

33 Comparison among manufacturing technologies SLAC/KEK, KEK-60cm, Tsinghua, KEK-K1, KEK-K2
Features on manufacturing technologies and others SLAC/KEK CERN KEK 60cm Tsinghua K1 K2 Year ~2000 ~2010 ~2004 2014 2015 2016 Bonding H2 H2 / Vac Proceed SLAC KEK (Toshiba) KEK (MHI-MS) Baking method Vacuum can Double evacuation - In vacuum furnace Parameters 650C 1 week  ? 500C 5 days non ~750C 1 day 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

34 Production record of K1 & K2
TD24R05 K1 K2 Comment Cell maker K-PRO Morikawa Cell production May 2011 Mar. 2013 Storage Desiccator, Air At KEK Stack measurement Dec. 2011 Nov. 2015 CP May 2014 Dec. 2015 Modified SLAC recipe DB & Brazing June 2014 Jan. 2016 Tuning Sep. 2015 Feb. 2016 Baking Non Mar. 2016 750C, 1day at MHI-MS N2 Installation Jun. 2016 Processing Oct Sep 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

35 K2 manufacturing Machining by Morikawa Tune at KEK
Baking in vacuum furnace at MHI with ports covered by copper foil CP at KEK DB Braze All by KEK hydrogen furnace 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

36 K2 vacuum baking Main body DB in 1atm (or 1Torr) H2 at 1040C
Coupler with gold braze 1020C H2 braze for all parts at ~980C Tuning in clean room. High temperature vacuum baking Cooling down without gas circulation Mildly purge and take out to clean place to be sealed. Copper foil. Support Coupon 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

37 800km travel for baking 750degC, 1day treatment
5 x 10-6 Pa 750 C 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

38 Hydrogen removal feature to get the same diffusion length w. r. t
Hydrogen removal feature to get the same diffusion length w.r.t. 650C and a week Originally thought 650C  800C makes big change in diffusion length, however, Diffusion length does not become so high 2 sqrt(D t)  only SLACX1.5, TsinghuaX2.5 Raising temperature to 800C Intuitively thought parameter 6 hours  90 microns SLAC:650C、10days  2400 microns Tsinghua U.: 500C, 5 days 720 microns K2~Tsinguha X (1/8), SLAC X (1/30)  no good 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

39 Compromised parameters for large hydrogen diffusion and less copper sublimation
Temperature not so sensitive to diffusion High temperature gives more sublimation, more sensitive to temperature (900C, 1 hour  1 micron) Need to find some parameters A bit lower temperature but longer period Compromise with cost: 750C, 1 day 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

40 Worries on surface change due to vacuum furnace treatment
2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

41 We know surface changes in vacuum furnace
Particles counting, suppression method? Surface crystal-originated features When these features are developed? How much do we need to suppress these? DB at 1040 degC in 1 Torr H2 for 1 hour, followed by 800C vacuum bake for half an hour, and ending with N2 purging at 600 degC for cooling by gas circulation. 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

42 Accompanying coupon in hydrogen furnace stages for K2 production
Bonding process at the hydrogen furnace at KEK Smooth but very small objects were observed. Mostly only copper can be observed by SEM-EDX. Rare case but observed Si, Ca and O. 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

43 Even in a well-cleaned vacuum furnace
Mn, S and a little Cr. Baking vacuum furnace Many objects were observed in the process with very clean furnace by eye Al and O was detected in the area with the appearance sprayed with white powder 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

44 Mn x-S y Surrounded by health crystal face melt in or precipitated
2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

45 Al xO y a few to several microns
Sitting on ? Nominal crystal face Perturbed surrounding Thin coating Sit on copper surface with associated perturbed surrounding area 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

46 EDX analysis on those foreign substances
2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

47 On-going structure production
TD26CC-K1 Under RF checking with clamped Should be ready by next March T24-K1, K2, K3 Under manufacturing parts at Morikawa by next March Assembly at KEK and treatment in mind K1 bonded in hydrogen at KEK K2 the same but followed by MHI baking, 750C, 24hr K3 the same but followed by CERN baking, 650C, several days 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

48 Applying idea and methods to our nominal S-band activity
Overview of high-gradient testing status at Nextef High gradient test result K1 vs K2 Structure production status S-band activity Future plans 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

49 Modulator voltage Es status as of Oct. 2016 2016/12/8
Higo, LCWS, Morioka

50 Possible causes to be considered
More than 35 year operation with Many-time changes of linac configuration Poor vacuum protocol?  poor purging, exposure to air, Non-heat-treated copper  possibly better? High energy beam shower? Need to replace bad structures Need to develop new-made structures for spares Want to evaluate and select still-good structures based on X-band developed ideas and experience 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

51 S-band structure test area developed
We converted S-band test system for X-band 10 years ago. Now making new S-band test setup independently. Abrupt jump of reflection at the breakdown event Stopping next pulse BD positioning, missing energy, normalized gradient, breakdown rate, etc. 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

52 Look VSWR statistics Monitoring VSWR statistical features
In some pulses, VSWR abruptly jump We want to study these statistical features Time VSWR Monitoring VSWR statistical features VSWR distribution 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

53 Future plans and conclusion
Prototype structures TD24R05-K2 under test T24 or other will follow Single-cell SW cavities System established and choke-mode related cavities under test BD identification is still being developed Many cavities are waiting  need to better/faster test protocol Manufacturing TD26CC are under clamp tested before bonding Three T24’s are being made We try to keep the high gradient activity in KEK by Keep high gradient study on CLIC prototypes as our basic activity Explore studies with single-cell SW cavities I hope X-band application studies should be established in KEK. Probably 1-2 years later, after establishing stable SuperKEKB injection. Extend X-band to S-band structure development and testing 2016/12/8 Higo, LCWS, Morioka

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