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The Rock & Fossil Record

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Presentation on theme: "The Rock & Fossil Record"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rock & Fossil Record
What can it tell us?

2 *Vocabulary *Fossil record —all of the fossil remnants known to science that can be used to study geological and biological history *Rock record —all of the rock types and layers known to science that can be used to study geological history *Both records help us better understand Earth’s past.

3 *How does it work? *Over time, sediment gets deposited and creates layers of rock. *Older layers are covered by younger layers. *The type of rock and fossils that make up each layer tell us something about the environment at that time.

4 *What does it tell us? *Looking at the fossils can tell us how the environment in that area changed over time. What kind of environment do you think the fossils from B, C, & D lived in? How about layer F?

5 Try it! Study the geologic column and describe how that area changed over time.

6 Try It! (Grab a sheet of paper and answer the following questions.)
Which layer is the oldest? How do you know? What was the environment like when layer A was created? Why do you think this? These columns were taken from the same dig site by different geologists. Which two layers are approximately the same age? How do you know? Which layer is the oldest? Which is the youngest?

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