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WP7 – COORDINATION ARIMNet2 Governing Board Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "WP7 – COORDINATION ARIMNet2 Governing Board Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 WP7 – COORDINATION ARIMNet2 Governing Board Meeting
27-28 October 2016, Rome, Italy WP7 – COORDINATION Florence JACQUET INRA, France 1

2 Dissemination level**
ARIMNet2 DELIVERABLES No. Deliverable name WP Nature* Dissemination level** Delivery date Actual delivery date D1.1 Integrated Strategic Research Agenda (ISRA) 1 R PU M28 D1.1: M34 D2.1 Calls preannouncement documents 2 O M12, M36 D2.1a: M7 D2.1b: M26 D2.2 Calls procedures and documents. Major documents and description of the call procedure agreed by all funding partners (guidelines for applicants, for evaluation, for reviewers…) M13, M37 D2.2a: M9 D2.2b: M26 D3.1 Calls procedure evaluation reports. Synthesis of the evaluation of call procedure for each call and recommendations for improvement of next calls. 3 PP M21, M46 ???? D3.2 Reports on the funded research projects mid-term and final reviews. CO M7, M26, M44 D3.2a: M9 D3.2b: ???? D4.1 Agreement on the 2 selected topics to implement pilot actions of joint activities 4 M12 ??? (to be removed?) D4.2 Agreement on actions to be done in the two pilot actions M19 D4.3 Report of assessment of the two pilot actions of joint activities M48 D4.3a: M34 to check / Other JA? D5.1 Report on Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems in the Mediterranean 5 Planned Nov 2016 D5.2 Report on the outcome of the Seminar on the AKIS concept among participants of ARIMNet2 M14 M16 D5.3 Outcome of the AKIS Conference M34 Planned Nov. 2016 D6.1 Dissemination plan 6 M6 FUSED - M17 D6.2 Design of Website and logotype D6.3 Communication kit: leaflet, brochure and poster + 4-page brochures + Roll-ups (YRS) Continuous D6.4 Organisation of the final dissemination conference Re M46 Planned 2017? D7.1 Minutes and report (including detailed planning) of KO Meeting 7 Co M1 M3 D7.2 Governing Board and Executive Committee Meeting Reports M7, M12, M19, M26, M32, M36, M44 D7.2a: M8, M16 D7.2b (Lisbonne 2015): M29 D7.2c (Rome 2015): M35 D7.3 Periodic Technical and Administrative reports M12, M24, M36, M48 ARIMNet2 Governing Board Meeting, October 2016, Rome, Italy

3 ARIMNet2 Governing Board Meeting, 27-28 October 2016, Rome, Italy
WP7 - FINANCE Grant Agreement Amendment UTRO (INEA), PTRO (MCST), Clause 10 Removed (MIPAAF – IAM Bari); Third Party CRBt for MESRS: not yet confirmed; Change of name (MKGP, Slovenia): status? (EC informed?) Budget issues Transfer of funds were made from INRA to partners in 2016 (adjustments when needed). Internal transfers / Budget adjustments: subcontracting (does not generate overheads); transfers between partners (See Excel – YRS, Payment of projects evaluators, Costs covered by INRA on behalf of other partners and vice-versa, etc.): budget might be reduced for some partners. Next justification – January 2017 Period: 1 July 2015 – 31 December 2016 (except for partners who could not submit in 2015). Reports (following templates) from all partners expected by 16 January 2017 (financial and technical information; detailed labour costs table); INRA will compile / write the fulll report to be sent to EC (February 2017; participant portal + mail). Partners will fill online by 27 January 2017: synthetic FORM C; explanation of the use of the resources per type of cost and WP (follow financial guidelines, check with your accountants). BEWARE: Change of Legal Names/LEAR: inform EC; Change Account Numbers: Inform INRA. Financial Guidelines 2014 ( Last justification – January 2018 ARIMNet2 Governing Board Meeting, October 2016, Rome, Italy

4 ARIMNet2 Governing Board Meeting, 27-28 October 2016, Rome, Italy
TASKS WP1 - ISRA GB members send list of events where to disseminate ISRA/ARIMNet2 and stakeholders to target. Marina/Serenella circulate Press release to GB members to finalise it. IRESA/INRA: Publication in Website of press release + ISRA in LQ PDF Upload of ISRA in ARIMNet2 INTRANET in HQ for printing when needed. Prepare ARIMNet2 flyer (Objectives, activities, ISRA…) + standard PPT presentation. WP2 - Calls Next steps: publication of results: When? How? Joint call ARIMNet2/ERANETMED: decision at the end of November 2017. WP3 – Monitoring calls and projects INIA, FCT: 2016 Call assessment (questionnaire, etc.) FCT, IRESA, INRA: Project monitoring/evaluation procedure: adapt if needed the Template of intermediate/final reports (indicators, tables…) + Database for project follow up? WP4 – Joint activities Aristotelis, Jean-François, Fabrice: Finalise YRS Deliverable. WP5 – From research to innovation Sahin, Fabrice…: AKIS conference proceedings (concise/clear). WP6 – Communication / outreach INRA et al.: organise final meeting/conference. IRESA: maintain/feed web, press, facebook, Newsletter, etc. WP7 – Coordination, management Implement/support the next justification. Prepare next GB. ARIMNet2 Governing Board Meeting, October 2016, Rome, Italy

5 ARIMNet2 Governing Board Meeting, 27-28 October 2016, Rome, Italy
CALENDER Governing Board Meeting + KO ARIMNet research projects April 2017; Venue: tbd Final ARIMNet2 meeting / conference: Governing Board + mid-term 2015 & 2016 Projects meeting October 2017 Venue: tbd Format: tbd ARIMNet2 Governing Board Meeting, October 2016, Rome, Italy


7 ARIMNet2 Governing Board Meeting, 27-28 October 2016, Rome, Italy
WP3 Report templates: are they ok or do they need modifications to ensure all indicators needed are there? Who reads/evaluates the reports and extract the information? Can we organise intermediate and final meetings with coordinators + ARIMNet2 representative + funding agencies? Do we extract key information from reports to store in a database or to produce summary sheets for funding agencies and EC? Are national reports required? What is the calendar that coordinators should follow for reporting? (what happens when countries do not start/finish a project at the same time? Who decides on the calendar (e.g. to postpone a report delivery)? What about the synchrony between funding and reporting? (can funds be made available without report being submitted?) FCT, IRESA, INRA… can work on the procedure: ensure we assess the projects and extract the information on outputs, outcomes, impact. ERANET PLATFORM DATABASE? ARIMNet2 Governing Board Meeting, October 2016, Rome, Italy

8 WP5 - TASKS Task 5.1 Analysis of the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems in the Mediterranean / State of the art: Anna/Danilo submit report in November/December to GDAR and INRA Task 5.2 Seminar on the AKIS concept among participants of ARIMNet2 COMPLETED Task 5.3. AKIS Proceedings (Group sessions, Round Tables) Sahin prepares the proceedings with the notes from rapporteurs / colleagues, with INRA and others present at the event? Publication/dissemination (website, newsletter). Task Analysis on the previous ARIMNet call, regarding the way the research results could create innovation Sanaa prepares report explaining what was planned, possible/impossible to achieve, suggestions to improve research-innovation link, with IRESA-TN? Task Task 5.5 Guideline with criteria for the calls and joint activities on how to enhance the link between research and innovation IRESA develops this task with INEA, MESRS and GDAR?

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