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Homer’s Odyssey Book 5.

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1 Homer’s Odyssey Book 5

2 Introduction to the Odyssey: a recap
When (approximately) was the Odyssey ‘written’ (why is written in quote marks here)? How was it performed and in what kind of setting? Which similar work is it a ‘sequel’ to? What is this previous poem about, and what is Odysseus’ role in it? When (approximately) does the action in the Odyssey take place?

3 Council of the gods Where is Odysseus, at the start of Book 5 (name of the island)? Who speaks to Zeus, on behalf of Odysseus? Whom do the Gods send to get Odysseus released? What epithet is used for this messenger? What is an ‘epithet’? To what is he compared as he flies?

4 Hermes and Calypso What is Calypso’s home?
Which of our senses (sight, smell, sound etc.) are evoked by this long description – give 2 examples of each one? What is Hermes’ reaction to seeing it? Where is Odysseus and what is he doing? What does Calypso offer Hermes? What is this an example of (and Greek word for it)? How does Calypso take Hermes’ news?

5 Odysseus and Calypso What does Calypso’s affection (and lust) for Odysseus do for his reputation (kleos)? What does she offer him, if he stays? What does she lack, which Odysseus needs? What is Odysseus’ reaction to the news that he can leave? What challenge to his wits comes from Calypso’s question of why he wants to leave? How does his answer tactfully get round this problem? How long does it take Odysseus to make a boat? How would Homer’s audience react to such a long passage on boat-building?

6 Odysseus’ struggles in the sea
How long does he sail before he sees Scherie? Where has Poseidon been, unaware of this activity? What does he do when he sees Odysseus? (p.70) What does Odysseus wish when he sees what is happening to him? What does this remind us about him? What is the tone of this episode? Justify your answer with 3 points?

7 Odysseus’ struggles in the sea
What shows Odysseus’ presence of mind in this life-or-death situation? Who helps Odysseus (include her epithet)? What does she give him to tie round his waist? What must he do with it after he lands? What is his initial reaction to her offer and what does this tell us about him?

8 Odysseus’ landing on Scherie
To what is Odysseus compared as the rough seas subside? What is his new problem of landing on Scherie? How does Athene help him in the waves? What condition is he in? What problem must he now solve? To what is he compared as he goes to sleep?

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