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Superintendent’s Proposed FY18 Budget Building a school community where ALL children can learn Joanne M. Benton, Interim Superintendent March 2, 2017

2 Our Mission Wilmington Public Schools provides a challenging, relevant, personalized educational experience that promotes both the academic success and the social and emotional well-being of all students.  Well-trained and highly qualified staff provide students with multiple ways to demonstrate individual learning and growth, and prepare them for success in school, work, and life. Page 1 Finance Committee Review March 2, 2017

3 Respect Inclusiveness Responsibility Integrity WPS Core Values Page 2
Finance Committee Review March 2, 2017

4 Strategic Mission We want the Wilmington School Community to be a place where all students have the opportunity to learn through high-quality, rigorous curriculum and engaging, personalized instruction delivered in a safe, supportive, inclusive environment. Page 3 Finance Committee Review March 2, 2017

5 Guiding Principles We are committed to a set of system-wide goals based on our strategic plan. We are committed to quality teacher-student relationships. We must acknowledge fiscal constraints on our budget planning. We take pride in our well-maintained facilities. We are committed to hiring and retaining the best employees. Page 4 Finance Committee Review March 2, 2017

6 What are our priorities
Class size Programs Direct service to students Continuation of Full-day Kindergarten Page 5 Finance Committee Review March 2, 2017

7 Major Factors Driving FY18 Budget Decisions
FY18 contractual obligations Increased use of technology in the classrooms More complex special education IEPs Increased utility costs We, like school systems across the state, find ourselves faced with the difficult task of striving to continuously improve our services to students in a time of significant and growing fiscal constraint. In light of this, the development of the FY05 budget was a particularly critical one. Available revenues are decreasing at a time when there are increased demands being placed on those limited funds. Many variables continue to be at work here: the demands of unfunded mandates on public education, increased costs of utilities, and enrollment increases to name just a few. With the addition of each new student, comes an associated increased cost. In addition, we are currently in the process of negotiating new contracts with four bargaining units. Page 6 Finance Committee Review March 2, 2017

8 The level of funding recommended for FY2018 will enable the school department to address the following: Maintain current staffing levels which will allow the School Committee to support advantageous class size at all levels Reinstate a part-time library media specialist at the Boutwell and Wildwood Schools and a full-time library media specialist at the Middle School Reinstate professional development funds to support our staff with strong, valuable and appropriate professional development opportunities Ensure all legal mandates are funded, e.g., special education, homeless transportation, E.L.L. Establish a Tech Academy for students in the Summer that will be self-supporting Establish Wilmington as a S.E.I. training site for surrounding communities Fund all contractual requirements (e.g., utilities, union contracts, transportation contracts) Fund more supplies at the Middle School in order to reduce requests of parents for school supplies Page 7 Finance Committee Review March 2, 2017

9 Who We Are 3,463 Students Grades PK –12 471.90 Staff Members
93% of our high school students go on to higher education 30 Students whose first language is not English 70 Out-of-district placements Page 8 Finance Committee Review March 2, 2017

10 Wilmington Public Schools
FY18 Proposed Budget Personnel Changes FTEs FY17 Budget 471.70 Changes prior to the start of FY17 School Year Teacher Additions 2.40 Teacher Reductions (4.00) Educational Assistant Additions 9.20 Educational Assistant Reductions (3.00) 4.60 FY17 Start of the School Year 476.30 FY18 Budget Changes Librarian at Middle School 1.00 Librarian at Wildwood Early Childhood Center 0.20 Librarian at Boutwell Early Childhood Center Librarian at Shawsheen Elementary School (0.20) OIT Technician (1.00) Teacher Reduction (2.00) Central Office Reductions (1.60) (4.40) FY18 Budget 471.90 Page 9 Finance Committee Review March 2, 2017

11 Wilmington Public Schools
FY18 Proposed Budget Salary Changes FY17 Budget $ 29,697,986 Step & Lane Changes $ ,493 New Positions $ ,847 Salary Increases $ ,371 Less Charged to Grants (Kindergarten, Title 1, IIA) $ ,734 Replacements $ (179,313) Reductions $ (580,191) Longevity $ ,875 $ ,816 FY 18 Budget $ 30,641,802 Percentage Change 3.18% Page 10 Finance Committee Review March 2, 2017

12 Wilmington Public Schools
FY18 Proposed Budget Non-Salary Changes FY17 Budget $ 7,947,481 Curriculum & Curriculum Supplies $ ,695 Special Education Tuitions $ ,363 Electricity $ ,000 Transportation (General Education and Homeless) $ ,500 Professional Development $ ,417 School/Office Supplies $ ,520 Maintenance & Repairs $ ,082 Textbooks $ (33,278) Inclusion Consultant $ (25,000) Other Changes $ (10,637) $ ,662 FY 18 Budget $ 8,227,143 Percentage Change 3.52% Page 11 Finance Committee Review March 2, 2017

13 Wilmington Public Schools
FY18 Proposed Budget FY 17 Budget FY 18 Budget $ Change % Change Salary $ 29,697,986 $ 30,641,802 $ ,816 3.18% Non-Salary $ 7,947,481 $ 8,227,143 $ ,662 3.52% Total $ 37,645,467 $ 38,868,945 $ 1,223,478 3.25% Page 12 Finance Committee Review March 2, 2017

14 FY2018 Capital Requests Total $350,500 Technology
VoIP Telephone System Project $ 50,000 Elementary Switch Replacement Project $ 36,000 MCAS 2.0 Laptop Cart Project $ 40,000 Exchange Server Upgrade Project $ 25,000 MS Tech Ed Engineering Lab Replacement $ 67,500 PreK - 3 Lab PC Replacement Project $ 72,000 Laptop Battery Replacements $ 30,000 SPED Van Replaces Van # 1 Total $350,500 Page 13 Finance Committee Review March 2, 2017

15 In Conclusion Our budget work is based on the belief that the most important interactions that take place are between the teacher and the student. We have labored to build a budget that supports the mission of the Wilmington Public Schools. Page 14 Finance Committee Review March 2, 2017

16 QUESTIONS ? Page 15 Finance Committee Review March 2, 2017


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