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Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic .NET

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic .NET"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic .NET

2 Common Programming Languages

3 Methods of Programming
Procedural Constructed as a set of procedures (operational, functional units) Object-Oriented Constructed as a set of objects Objects have data elements and perform actions

4 Example of an Object This is a GUI object
Data includes number-of- hours-worked, hourly-pay- rate, and gross-pay-earned Action is to calculate and display gross-pay- earned, given number-of-hours-worked and hourly-pay-rate

5 Event Driven Programming: Events
An event is an action that takes place within a program, such as the clicking of a control All Visual Basic .NET controls are capable of detecting various events

6 Event Driven Programming: Procedures
For every event, there must be an event procedure You will write Visual Basic .NET code that will instruct the computer what actions to take whenever a specific event is triggered

7 Language Elements Keywords: Words with special meaning to Visual Basic .NET (e.g., Private, Sub) Programmer-defined-names: Names created by the programmer (e.g., grossPay) Operators: Special symbols to perform common operations (e.g.: +, -, *, and /) Remarks: Comments inserted by the programmer - not part of the running program

8 Language Elements: Syntax
Syntax means how things are formed The syntax of Visual Basic .NET specified how the Language Elements can be combined to form a valid program The syntax of the English Language defines how sentences are formed from the parts of speech (nouns, verbs, etc.)

9 Visual Studio and the Visual Basic .NET Environment
Visual Studio Consists of Tools That You Use to Build Visual Basic .NET Applications

10 The Visual Basic .NET Environment, I
Design Window Solution Explorer Window Dynamic Help Window Properties Window Docked and Floating Windows Title Bar

11 The Visual Basic .NET Environment, II
Menu Bar Standard Toolbar Layout Toolbar Toolbox Using Tooltips

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