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AEA’s Evaluation Policy Initiative

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1 AEA’s Evaluation Policy Initiative
2007 AEA National Conference Baltimore, Maryland Hallie Preskill, 2007 President William Trochim, 2008 President

2 What Is Evaluation Policy?
Action or Inaction by Government Policy Makers and Others That Affect How evaluation is defined When it gets employed On what programs What kind of methods are used Who does it What resources are available for it How it is used And much more The term "evaluation policy" encompasses a wide range of potential topics that include (but are not limited to): when systematic evaluation gets employed on what programs, policies and practices how evaluators are identified and selected the relationship of evaluators to what is being evaluated timing planning budgeting and funding contracting Implementation methods and approaches reporting use and dissemination of evaluations, and the relationship of evaluation policies to existing or prospective professional standards

3 Evaluation policy affects
Why Is It Important? Evaluation policy affects The scope and nature of evaluations that are performed The effectiveness and efficiency of public programs which are or are not evaluated The quality of services and benefits that beneficiaries and the public at large receive Our professional practice

4 Some Examples Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)
Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) and HHS one percent evaluation set-aside for many health and human services programs Federal education evaluation requirements for High risk testing Randomized experimental designs for evaluating program effectiveness

5 What Can AEA Do About It? Many evaluation policy decisions are made without the systematic input and advice of evaluators AEA is well positioned to be the source of such advice AEA Board creates the Evaluation Policy Task Force (EPTF) Two year charge Reports to the AEA Executive Committee Mention that many other professional organizations are influential on matters that affect their practice, e.g. American Medical Association American Association of Public Health American Psychological Association American Society for Public Administration American College of Physicians

6 EPTF Goal To assist AEA in developing an ongoing capability to influence evaluation polices that are critically import to the practice of evaluation This is a two year project. During this time we will engage policy makers of the Federal Government to promote improvements in policies that affect the practice of evaluation. However our ultimate goal is that when the two years are over, AEA will have a permanent institutional capability to routinely influence evaluation policies. Initially focusing on the Federal level enables the Task Force to address evaluation policies that directly affect a broad cross-section of our membership and ultimately affects our entire field. Eventually the initiative and the ongoing capacity and program will also reach --State and local governments, and --Non-government organizations, e.g. Foundations Non-profit organizations Interest groups and advocates

7 Evaluation Policy Task Force Members
Eleanor Chelimsky Leslie Cooksy Katherine Dawes Patrick Grasso Susan Kistler Mel Mark Stephanie Shipman William Trochim, Chair George Grob (Consultant)

8 How Will the EPTF Work? Consultative Campaign
Public Presence Initiative Proactive and Reactive Activities

9 Consultative Campaign
Scan emerging Federal legislative, regulatory, and administrative policies to identify targets of opportunity Brief congressional and executive staff about the value of evaluation and how to effectively use it Network with contacts in government that can assist AEA in influencing evaluation policy Respond to requests for input on policy formulation

10 Public Presence Campaign
Materials. Develop collateral materials, e.g. white paper, brochures, AEA Guiding Principles Consultations. Consult with evaluators and others experienced in policy development Talking Points. Advise consultant on talking points on evaluation and its potential Website. Advise on AEA website enhancements for policy influence Policy Scan. Establish a policy scanning system f to increase awareness of important policy developments.

11 Proactive and Reactive
Target a few specific legislative and executive policies Focus on selected substantive areas Be appropriately opportunistic

12 Responsibilities and Participation
Broad input from and consultation with AEA Members EPTF will guide the initiative and make policy recommendations to the AEA Executive Committee and Board The Consultant will assist and support the EPTF and be the lead on implementation

13 Next Steps Experienced Evaluators Professional Organizations
Identify highly influential evaluations Learn from Experienced Evaluators Professional Organizations Establish “Policy Scan” function Prepare briefing kits Consult with experienced federal evaluators Meet the policy makers Congressional Executive Branch Identify evaluation policy opportunities

14 Staying In Touch Website:

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