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Hovercraft objectives

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1 Hovercraft objectives
STUDENTS WILL: Build a hovercraft of original design Analyze the physics behind the motion and operation of the hovercraft. Research the historical development of the hovercraft Real world applications (past/present/future) Take quantitative measurements and calculations (vel, force, momentum, etc.) Self evaluate their hovercraft Offer a new & improved design of the existing hovercraft (based on self evaluation) Hovercraft requirements FUNCTION Hover and transport 1 team mate under it’s own power (Can not touch the ground). Make both right and left turns. Utilize some breaking device (One that will not damage the floor). Will NOT damage :stuff/ scratch/ cut/etc the floor). Operate without harmful noise levels. CONSTRUCTION Wooden base (3/4 inch thick) Electrical or manual power motor only (NO GAS/ CHEMICAL) No sharp edges No exposed intakes or fans No bare wires A master electrical switch Max of 25 amps of electrical current to run

2 Background researcher/ Product development
Science concepts Newton's 3 laws Centripetal force momentum (conservation) impulse center of mass friction mass pressure Energy (W/KE/PE) velocity/speed Acceleration Torque Sound Voltage/ current Series/Parallel circuits Vectors/ FBD Team positions Background researcher/ Product development Design engineer/ Construction engineer Field test engineer/ Environmental engineer Project administrator/ Consultant Coordinator

3 Background Research/ Product development
Research the invention of the hover craft. The advantages, and disadvantages of the hovercraft. Uses of Hovercraft How designs of the Hovercraft has changed of the years. Possible upcoming uses. Design & Construction engineer Designs and records all team designs of the Hovercraft. Explains the rational behind each design, and reasons for any changes. Coordinates the construction of the Hovercraft. records who helped, how, how long. records and construction variations from the final design. and explains why.

4 Environmental engineer, field test engineer
Research the environmental affects of the hovercraft (good, and bad). Offer solutions to environmental disadvantages of hover craft. Explains the physics of the hover craft. Coordinates taking the measurements and calculations of velocity, acc, forces, pressure, work, etc Administrator/ Consultant Coordinator The glue of the team responsible take outlined objectives, and dead lines are met. Arranges meeting with mentors. Ensures that all members are working on assigned work and that the chain of command is respected. Up dates the mentors, class, and teacher of team’s progress, and problems.

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