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Church of St. Mary All Are Welcome.

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1 Church of St. Mary All Are Welcome

2 St. Mary Pastoral Council Sub Committee on Planning
Town Hall Meeting Tuesday, September 15, 2015

3 Sub Committee Formation
At the June 24th Pastoral Council Meeting, Msgr. Plante announced the uncertainty of his tenure because of his appointment as administrator and not pastor. This led to the discussion of the possibility of St. Mary being joined with another parish. A sub committee on planning was formed to address this matter in a pro-active way. The sub committee held it first meeting on July 21 and has been meeting every other week.

4 * Source: Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership
Shared Parish Facts: With a shortage of priests, two or three parishes sharing one priest has become the new model In the United States 18% of all Catholic Parishes share one pastor between two or more churches*. * Source: Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership

5 Multiple Terms for Shared-Pastorship
A variety of terms are used in dioceses in the United States to describe the sharing of a pastor between two or more parishes. Clustered – 31% Linked – 30% Sister Parish – 11% Twinned or Paired – 5% Other terms – 22% Source: Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership

6 We will be using the term Shared Pastorship

7 We are not merging! A merger of parishes often involves the closing of a building. This takes place when a church building is structurally unsound (St. Ann, Woonsocket) The parish is bankrupt. (St. Lawrence, N Prov.) A decline in the number of parishioners. They merge to form one parish with a new name (Holy Family, Pawtucket)

8 Work of the Sub-Committee Action Step 1- Parish Visitations
Identified 14 parishes within a 3 miles radius of St. Mary Began parish visitations Due to the shortage of volunteers only a few parishes have been visited. This is a work still in progress but the sub-committee is looking for answers to the following:

9 Parish Visitation Guidelines
How many years has the pastor been assigned to this parish? How is Mass celebrated? Nature of music and homily? What is the atmosphere of the church? Welcoming, talkative, quiet? Sense of spirituality? Is the church pastor-led or stewardship-led? Is it open to diversity at all levels?

10 Parish Visitation Guidelines Cont:
Demographics of congregation? Bulletin, Mass schedule? Languages in use for worship? Number and types of Ministries? Website ... Does one exist and is it current? Neighborhoods supporting the church ... Latino, college student dominated

11 Parish Visitation Report
Holy Ghost, Pastor-Reverend Joseph Craddock 318 Families In the process of creating a Stewardship Parish. Attempting to form the following committees: Finance, Buildings and Grounds, Fundraising and Liturgical Ministry. Diverse congregation ( Masses said in Spanish, Italian and English) Parish runs in the red most weeks (Major fund-raiser is an annual dinner dance) Poor sound system

12 Parish Visitations Cont.
If you would like to help with parish visitations please contact Linda Grueb, our parish secretary, at or

13 Work of the Sub-Committee Action Step 2 – Pastor Interviews
Identified parishes in the diocese that share a pastor and began pastor interviews. This is still ongoing Two pastors are scheduled to appear before the sub- committee this month.

14 Pastor Interviews Results
When two parishes are selected to share one pastor it is because of their geographic proximity to one another. Parishes similar in size are often brought together to share one pastor. The Diocese of Providence does not have a formal set of guidelines for a pastor to follow once two or more parishes come together. (This may change)

15 Pastor Interview Results
The structure of the two parishes under the shared pastorship model varies from parish to parish. Some shared pastorship models keep two separate bulletins and two separate web sites (St. Francis and St. Catherine) Some shared pastorship models publish one bulletin and maintain only one web site (St. Anthony, St Edward and Presentation)

16 Pastor Interview Results
Each situation of two parishes coming together to share one pastor is unique. Rectories are kept open or closed based upon need. Mass times are often changed or reduced in number. This is based on the pastors ability to get to and from each parish. Each parish usually maintains their own Pastoral, Stewardship and Finance Councils. The Easter Vigil Mass and Christmas Eve Midnight Mass may be alternated between the two parishes.

17 National Statistics for Parishes Using the Shared Pastorship Model
Sacramental preparation…………………………..54% RCIA …...………………………………………………..53% Religious ed./faith formation for children……..51% Marriage preparation………………………………..45% Ministry to infirm or homebound…………………31% Ministry to bereaved………………………………….24% Source: Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership

18 Work of the Sub-Committee Action Step 3 – Parishioner Interviews
Not yet completed.

19 Work of the Sub-Committee Action Step 4 – Keeping Parishioners Informed
Weekly Bulletin Articles from committee members Sub Committee on Planning Web Page created on St. Mary Website Sub Committee on Planning minutes posted to St. Mary Website Town Hall Meetings

20 Work of the Sub-Committee Action Step 5 – Who We Are and Where Are We Going Statement
A brief statement has been drafted by the sub committee. To be presented to the Pastoral Council for input and adoption.

21 Diocesan Pastoral Planning Committee Created
Bishop Tobin created a 15 member committee to examine evangelization and reorganization of Diocesan parishes. The committee is headed by Father Michael Najim. The committee is comprised of laity and clergy. Their organization meeting will be held on Sept 21. Diane DiSanto has already been in contact with Father Najim.

22 What’s Next Sub Committee will continue to interview pastors of shared parishes. Sub Committee will continue parish visitations. Sub Committee will interview parishioners from shared parishes.

23 What Can Parishioners Do?
Stay informed. Volunteer to assist in parish visitations. Register as a parishioner of St. Mary. Keep an open mind. Be faithful to our commitment to welcome, love and serve.

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