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Microsoft Dynamics CRM User Group (CRMUG®)

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft Dynamics CRM User Group (CRMUG®)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft Dynamics CRM User Group (CRMUG®)
Welcome! Microsoft Dynamics CRM User Group (CRMUG®) Tampa Regional Chapter Meeting Dec. 8, 2011 Regional Chapters

2 Agenda Dynamics CRM 2011 - New Features just released in Rollup 5
8:30am - 9:00am Registration/Networking 9:00am - 9:15 am Introductions 9:15am – 10:00 am Member Showcase – Amerilife 10:00am – 10:15am Break 10:15am – 11:30am Educational Workshop/Roundtable Dynamics CRM New Features just released in Rollup 5 Upgrade/Implementation Best Practices Roundtable 11:30am - 12:00pm Chapter Business

3 Getting to know you better - I
Introduction Name Company, describe Company, Industry Your role in the company Version of Dynamics CRM How long on CRM? Choose a few of these to use during your introductions, not all Have everyone introduce themselves

4 Getting to know you better - II
Now Please share What have you done/are you doing to ensure user adoption? Top 2 questions you would like answered from the user group Choose a few of these to use during your introductions, not all Have everyone introduce themselves

5 Patrick Tolliver, CIO MaTThew Rees, CRM Admin
Member Showcase Patrick Tolliver, CIO MaTThew Rees, CRM Admin

6 15 Minute Break

7 Dynamics CRM 2011 - New Features just released in Rollup 5
Educational Workshop

8 Educational Workshop CRMUG Video Link Microsoft’s Reuben Krippner
CRMUG  Video Link Microsoft’s Reuben Krippner Please feel free to stop the video and discuss as questions come up

9 Roundtable Discussion
Upgrade/Implementation Best Practices Roundtable Discussion

10 Chapter business

11 Chapter Business Next meeting Date Time of day and length of meeting
Mid – February? MarineMax? (Where’s Jeremy?) Time of day and length of meeting Educational Topics of interest Please submit top 2 suggestions Education Topics of interest collected from the Roundtable Discussions from each group. Choose top 2 among the entire group.

12 2012 Meeting Dates Mid-February 2012 March 18, 2012 at Convergence
Early May 2012

13 Chapter Leadership Roles
Looking for chapter leader volunteers Chairman Oversees Regional Chapter and organization of meetings Vice Chairman for Programming Develops meeting objectives and synthesizes Resource Kit into agenda Vice Chairman for Membership Ensures member profile and attendance records are maintained and accurate Vice Chairman for Communication Communicates Chapter events and activity, and helps recruit new members

14 Drawing for Free CRMUG Premium Membership
Chapter Business Must join CRMUG to continue to receive invitations Basic Membership = Free Premium Membership $400 for 1-9 CRM licenses $700 for CRM licenses $1200 for 100+ CRM licenses Go to Drawing for Free CRMUG Premium Membership Summit video presentation (2 minute) invitation

15 Upcoming Events

16 December Webinars Webinar Date Sales Force Automation Dec. 15
Partner Showcase – Scribe: Getting Your Data Where You Need it to Go. Connections: Visualize Complex Relationships in Dynamics CRM 2011 Dec. 20 User Group Information and Orientation Dec. 22

17 January Webinars Webinar Date Partner Showcase: Core Motives Jan. 10
Financial Services SIG: Integrating into External Databases Jan. 12 Dynamics CRM as a Platform Jan. 13 Sales SIG: How to Implement a Successful Sales Process with Microsoft Dynamics Jan. 17 Public Sector SIG: Jan. 18 Mobile CRM – Increase Sales & Service Efficiencies Jan. 19 Accounts, Leads and Opportunities Jan. 20 How to Present and Sell CRM Internally Jan. 24 What’s new in CRM 2011 Jan. 25 Get Social: 4 Ways to Leverage Social Marketing with CRM 2011 Jan. 31

18 February Webinars Webinar Date Leads, Leads, Leads Feb. 1
Dynamics CRM Report Writing Feb. 7 Upgrading to Dynamics CRM 2011 Feb. 8 Connections: Visualize Complex Relationships in CRM 2011. Feb. 15 Building Solutions that are Maintainable and Upgradeable Feb. 16 Maximizing Your Marketing Efforts Feb. 22 Mobile CRM – Real World Experience Feb. 23

19 User-led Breakout Sessions
Join us for DayONE 2012 Sunday, March 18 1:00-6:00pm User-led Breakout Sessions Hosted by CRMUG

20 Did you get your copy? Email

21 Additional Questions Janet Lampert, CRMUG Director
x1440 Mary Berens, Regional Chapter Coordinator   x1495

22 Thank you!

23 Roundtable Discussions by role

24 Roundtable Discussion by Role
Sales What is the process to move a lead from prospect to customer at your firm? What have you done to ensure sales activity is being recorded in CRM? Have you deployed CRM in a mobile environment? What were the lessons learned? What is your process to turn a quote to an order? START BY UNDERSTANDING THE AUDIENCE Sample questions – printed up on a sheet

25 Roundtable Discussion by Role
Marketing Are you using a third party add on product to leverage advanced marketing? Are you using the Microsoft offering for analytics? If so, what are the lessons learned? Explain an effective campaign you have managed in CRM? What’s your process for managing duplicate data? What are your best practices regarding creating and managing workflow? START BY UNDERSTANDING THE AUDIENCE Sample questions – printed up on a sheet

26 Roundtable Discussion by Role
CRM Admin/Support What are your most frequently asked questions from users? And how do you provide training in those areas? What are your best practices around user security? How do you prepare and plan for an upgrade? What challenges and successes have you had in selling CRM internally? START BY UNDERSTANDING THE AUDIENCE Sample questions – printed up on a sheet

27 Roundtable Discussion by Role
IT Support Are you currently running online or on premise? Are you considering changing? If so, what factors into your decision? What tools are you using to integrate data to other data sources? What are your best practices regarding data integration? What’s the worst mistake you have made in your CRM implementation? START BY UNDERSTANDING THE AUDIENCE Sample questions – printed up on a sheet Best Practices: get to know each other with encouragement to include all job roles within your company

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