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ORISE Participant at EPA Office of Research and Development

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1 ORISE Participant at EPA Office of Research and Development
The Air Sensor Citizen Science Toolbox: A Collaboration in Community Air Quality Monitoring and Mapping Amanda Kaufman ORISE Participant at EPA Office of Research and Development Office of Research and Development Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program February 11, 2015

2 Coauthors EPA ORD National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)
Ron Williams, Timothy Barzyk EPA Region 2 Marie O’Shea, Anhthu Hoang, Patricia Sheridan Ironbound Community Corporation (ICC) Molly Greenberg

3 Overview Sensor technology to enable citizen science
Air pollution and communities Introduction of EPA’s Air Sensor Toolbox Ironbound community pilot project EPA’s Citizen Science Air Monitor (CSAM)

4 High interest by public for more personal information
What about my exposure, my family, my neighborhood?

5 Sensor Technology is Enabling Citizen Science
Citizen Science for a variety of interests: Individual Health Community Exposures Research Education Technology

6 Air Pollution and Communities
High densities of roadways and industrial operations  exposure to a variety of airborne pollutants Nitrogen Oxides Sulfur Oxides Particulate Matter Air Toxics Sources tend to be concentrated in low-income urban areas Health consequences of poor air quality = high disease rates for respiratory and cardiovascular conditions and potentially cancer Communities hosting high densities of roadways and industrial operations are exposed to a variety of airborne pollutants Sources tend to be concentrated in low-income urban areas like the Ironbound in Newark, NJ

7 Research in Action Collect air quality data to characterize near-road/near-source hotspots Determine potential impact on nearby residences & roadways Case study of successful use of such data Relationship between distance to roadways and industrial sources, exposure to pollutants, and disease outcome Policy recommendations: Land use policies and building codes to provide health protection Cities in U.S. and Europe have enacted rules and achieved positive public health outcomes

8 To help citizens more accurately and reliably collect air quality data in their community, including information on: Low cost sensor performance information Generalized calibration/validation approaches Sampling methodologies Measurement methods options Data interpretation guidelines Education and outreach

9 Funding Resource Guide

10 Ironbound Community Bound by: Highways Waterways Railroads
Newark Airport Port Newark/Elizabeth East Ward of Newark, NJ There are numerous hazardous waste sights & industrial facilities located near residences Port Newark, one of the nation’s largest seaports. Every day, 10,000 trucks stream in and out of the Ironbound, spewing diesel fumes. The Ironbound also houses the nation’s fifth largest sewage treatment facility, a large power plant, an incinerator, several chemical refineries and multiple toxic waste dumps

11 Ironbound Community Who lives in Ironbound? Pop. 50,000; densely populated; diverse 3/4 of the population are foreign born- Speaking Portuguese or Spanish ¼- ½ live below the poverty level More than ¼ of children diagnosed with asthma Community members are aware of the environmental issues they face and they want to work to alleviate them

12 EPA’s Motivation: Research to Action
Region 2 and ORD look to become leaders in EPA’s Citizen Science Initiative by enabling community-based environmental monitoring efforts EPA is working with community partners to: Develop and test CS air monitoring protocol Test effectiveness of low-cost sensor technologies for community-based data collection Provide tools to assist the community in implementing a study design of their choice

13 Citizen Science Toolbox: Resources and Guidance
Identify pollutants of interest, appropriate sensors Basic Operating Procedure guide for sensors Quality assurance guidelines for sensors EPA-led community training on sensor use Guidance and deployment based on pollutants and sources Basic ideas for data analysis, interpretation, and communication

14 BGI sharp-cut cyclone inlet Arduino Uno microprocessor
EPA’s Citizen Science Air Monitor (CSAM) BGI sharp-cut cyclone inlet personal DataRAM nephelometer CairClip NO2 sensor AirChek 52 sampling pump Arduino Uno microprocessor Honeywell temp/RH sensor CSAM plug Battery plug Access door Mention size of CSAM unit. Roughly 2’ x 1.5’ x 0.5’

15 Potential Monitoring Sites

16 Summary ORD is supporting the improvement of citizen science
Ironbound air monitoring project presents the opportunity to apply EPA research and tools to community issues Provides foundation for future community interactions Contacts: Ron Williams Amanda Kaufman Online Resources Available at:

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