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Next Generation Emission Measurements for Fugitive, Area Source, and Fence Line Applications U.S. EPA Region 4 Air Monitoring Workshop -

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Presentation on theme: "Next Generation Emission Measurements for Fugitive, Area Source, and Fence Line Applications U.S. EPA Region 4 Air Monitoring Workshop -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Next Generation Emission Measurements for Fugitive, Area Source, and Fence Line Applications U.S. EPA Region 4 Air Monitoring Workshop - April 14, E. Thoma, H. Brantley - U.S. EPA, Office of Research and Development J. DeWees, R. Merrill, D. Nash - U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards NRMRL Fugitive and Area Source Group Source and Fence Line Measurements Methods and Technology Development

2 > 25,000 active oil and gas wells
Denver CO How many have issues? > 25,000 active wells > 25,000 active oil and gas wells Denver CO 2

3 Where’s the leak? 3

4 Next Generation Emissions Measurement (NGEM)
Mobile inspection systems Lower cost open-path optical systems Deep UV optical sensor Drive-by leak inspection Drop-in-place sensor packages Prototype PID sensor package (pres. temp. , RH., VOC) Combining sensor and wind data New leak-location algorithms Low-cost stand-alone sensors 4

5 Wind Emission NGEM typically in between 5

6 NGEM Tools Some now, some future Open source and process monitoring
Ambient monitoring Direct source detection / measurement NGEM Tools Some now, some future Distance from source (increasing) Open source and process monitoring Community and personal monitoring Optical Gas Imaging Passive and active fence line In-plant sensor networks Work truck sensors Kilometer-mobile survey Airborne and Satellite scale 6

7 NGEM --- Lower cost is desired
Detection sensitivity / performance Low Implementation cost High Auto-GCs ($$$$) Open-path ($$$$) Research Mobile ($$$$) Today’s Tech Fence line sensors ($) Automated mobile ($$) Low cost open-path ($$) Next gen 7

8 Community Wind Emission Work Truck 8

9 EPA Draft Mobile Measurement Method - OTM 33
driving path EPA Draft Mobile Measurement Method - OTM 33 Geospatial Measurement of Air Pollution, Remote Emissions Quantification wind CH4 Assessment of methane emissions from oil and gas production pads using mobile measurements: H.L, Brantley, E.D. Thoma, W.C. Squier, B. B. Guven, and D. Lyon ES&T, no. 48 (24): 9

10 Draft mobile sensor method EPA OTM 33
Wind benzene leak 10

11 Work truck sensors - Find issues in many places
Consider upstream oil and gas Wind 26

12 Source NGAM Tools Some now, some future
Ambient monitoring Direct source detection / measurement Source NGAM Tools Some now, some future Distance from source (increasing) Open source and process monitoring Community and personal monitoring Optical Gas Imaging Passive and active fence line In-plant sensor networks Work truck sensors Kilometer-mobile survey Airborne and Satellite scale 15

13 Wind Fence line samplers / sensors Open-path optical systems Emission

14 Screening check for benzene at refinery fence line
EPA Method 325 A,B Screening check for benzene at refinery fence line Two-week, time-integrated passive samplers Laboratory GC analysis EPA Method 325A-Volatile Organic Compounds from Fugitive and Area Sources: Sampler Deployment and VOC Sample Collection. 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart UUU[EPA-HQ-OAR ; FRL ], RIN 2060-AQ75, Petroleum Refinery Sector Risk and Technology Review and NSPS. Facility fenceline monitoring using passive samplers: E.D. Thoma, M. C. Miller, K. C. Chung, N. L. Parsons, and B. C. Shine Facility fenceline monitoring using passive samplers. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association no. 61 (8):

15 South Philly Passive Sampler and Sensor Study An applied research effort with multiple objectives
Field work in Philly: June March EPA Region 3, EPA ORD, EPA OAR, and the City of Philadelphia AMS Support development of: Facility fence line measurement methods Advanced LDAR concepts Near source tools for communities Improve understanding of: Benzene (and BETX) spatial concentration profiles Time-resolved monitoring and modeling South Philadelphia Passive Sampler and Sensor Study, E. D. Thoma, H. L. Brantley, K. D. Oliver, D. A. Whitaker, S. Mukerjee, B. Mitchell, B. Squier, T. Wu, E. Escobar, T. A. Cousett, C. A. Gross-Davis, H. Schmidt, D. Sosna, H. Weiss. JAWMA (in review); and iterim conference version in Proceedings of the 108th Annual Conference of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 23-26, 2015, Raleigh, NC.

16 Discussed today 19 5

17 Deployment Area in South Philly
7.2 km Passive Samplers 20

18 Philly PS deployment examples
in the community

19 Philly Passive Sampler (PS) Benzene Results, June 2013 - March 2015

20 Thanks! NGEM - Potential future benefits: Reduce emissions
Create safer working environments Assist communities (transparency) Check inventories Improve exposure science Enable trading strategies Thanks!

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