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4 The Neolithic Period (New Stone Age)

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1 4 The Neolithic Period (New Stone Age)
Our Roots in Ancient Civilisation 1: Ancient Ireland 4 The Neolithic Period (New Stone Age) WHAT YOU WILL LEARN At the end of this chapter you should understand ... How the arrival of farming changed Ireland. The life and work of the first farmers and their burial customs.

2 How do we know about the first farmers in Ireland?
Archaeological excavations What can pollen analysis and carbon dating tell us about Neolithic farmers? Neolithic sites Lough Gur, Co. Limerick The Boyne Valley, Co. Meath Céide Fields, Co. Mayo Old Stone Age Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic) New Stone Age (Neolithic) No evidence of people living in Ireland 8000 BC First people in Ireland 4000 BC First farmers in Ireland

3 Houses and work How did Bronze age people live and work?

4 Houses What was wattle and daub?

5 Work Dairying and grain-growing What work did farmers do?

6 Food Wheat, barley – bread, porridge Pigs Fishing, hunting, gathering
How was the saddle stone used?

7 Tools and weapons From where did these axes come?
Uses of tools and weapons Axes Cutting down trees, building houses and boats, fighting Bows and arrows, spears Hunting and fighting Wooden and stone ploughs Tilling the ground Mattocks and spades Scrapers Cleaning skins Bone or antler needles Stitching From where did these axes come?

8 Pottery Uses of pottery Cooking Storing food Burials
How was pottery made?

9 What are ‘megalithic tombs’?
Burial Customs What are ‘megalithic tombs’? ‘great’ ‘stone’ Court cairns Portal dolmens Passage tombs

10 How were megalithic tombs built?
Burial Customs 2 3 1 4 How were megalithic tombs built?

11 Court Cairns What are … ? Court Cairn Burial chamber Cremation
Corbelled roof Creevykeel court cairn, Co. Sligo

12 What is the capstone/dolmen? What are the portals?
Portal Dolmens What is the capstone/dolmen? What are the portals?

13 Passage Tombs What is the roof box?

14 Passage Tombs What happens on 21 December at Newgrange?

15 Newgrange is older than other famous ancient sites
Passage Tombs What does Newgrange tell us about the people who built it? They were well organised. They were great builders. They had a religion and believed in the afterlife. They were astronomers and mathematicians. They had many skilled craftsmen. Newgrange Pyramids in Egypt Stonehenge in England 3200 BC 2600 BC 2400 Bc Newgrange is older than other famous ancient sites

Draw up a table in a page of your copybook with the headings ‘Mesolithic Period’ and ‘Neolithic Period’. Fill in the information in short note form opposite each of the categories. STONE AGE IRELAND Mesolithic Period Neolithic Period Houses Food & Family Tools & Weapons Art & Craft Burial customs

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