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Project Challenge 23 March 2017 Colin Farrelly, Cora Systems

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1 Project Challenge 23 March 2017 Colin Farrelly, Cora Systems
Harnessing Agile Project Challenge 23 March 2017 Colin Farrelly, Cora Systems

2 A brief history… The term Agile was first coined in 2001 when 17 software developers sat down in a room in Utah and put together the Agile Manifesto It has ties back to the 1970s and incorporates a lot of ideas from another light-weight methodology – Lean Light-weight methodologies timeline 1950s – Toyota introduced the Toyota Production System 1990s – TPS becomes known as Lean 2000s – Agile is born

3 What is Agile? Agile is a methodology
A methodology is a set a principles, a framework is how those principles can be implemented Implemented by using one of many available frameworks SCRUM, Kanban, Scrumban, SAFe, etc. Time boxed, iterative approach Breaks functionality down into epics and user stories Delivers small and short increments called sprints Allows teams to respond rapidly to change Like Waterfall, RAD, Prince2 etc Based on underlying principals

4 “Everything changes and nothing stands still.”
Why Agile? Older processes were too heavy-weight Waterfall Requirements – Design – Construction – Integration – Testing – Installation “Everything changes and nothing stands still.” Heraclitus Newer light-weight processes allow teams to respond to change Agile principals Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan

5 How to implement Agile Analyse your process
Document what you currently do and analyse it Find an Agile framework that fits SCRUM = clear vision, small teams, changes every couple of weeks Kanban = constantly changing environment, hot swapping personnel, support mode Get buy-in from all stakeholders Without complete backing any process is likely to fail Roll out the process Find champions, utilize them Measure and Improve To cement buy-in

6 SCRUM Based on ceremony – Planning, stand-up, demo, retrospective
Product backlog is a prioritized vision of what has to be done Sprint backlog is a subset of features to be implemented Team iterates over sprints implementing features Daily stand-up to ensure the sprint is on track Each sprint ends with a demo, retrospective and potentially shippable product

7 Kanban Kanban means ‘visual card’ Scheduling system
Increases throughput Limits work in progress Prioritized daily Great for support projects or projects without clear requirements

8 Benefits of Agile Plan for change instead of react to it
Only do what is required Higher quality Better communication Give the customer what they want

9 In our experience… Clear vision Mature team Planned release schedule
Customer buy-in Weekly changes Measured by velocity Fragmented requirements Changeable team Fast cycle time Support system Daily changes Measured by cycle time

10 Issues with changing process
Changing process is easy – changing people is hard In times of stress people tend to revert to what they know Requires buy-in from all stakeholders If one or more stakeholders do not believe in the process it becomes very hard to succeed Change doesn’t happen overnight It can take weeks and months sometimes for teams to bed in a new process Perseverance and trust is the key to success

11 You are now Agile…what next?
Has anyone heard of ShuHaRi? Shu – The student follows the teachings of the master precisely Ha – The student understands the basics and starts learning from other masters Ri – The student is no longer learning from others, but now forms their own ideas and implements them A methodology is only a set of principals No single one fits all or has all the answers Constantly revisit and refine the process to suit your ever changing world Own the process

12 Takeaway Agile isn’t a silver bullet
A process will only be as good as the people implementing it Change needs to be tracked to show improvement, gain support and complete buy-in This is where an EPPM solution becomes invaluable Shows a holistic view of the world to stakeholders Tracks change from the lowest level to the top Highlights bottlenecks Automates the manual process of information finding

13 What does an EPPM Solution add? - Integration
Agile management tools don’t show a holistic view of the world They don’t mix processes well They don’t show a single version of the truth Different departments use different tool sets Harvest all relevant data from the various tool sets Jira, TFS, Trello, Jitbit, Salesforce, CRM, finance etc. Projects, Campaigns, Iterations, Epics, Stories, Tickets etc.

14 What does an EPPM Solution add? - Integration (cont.)
Show how all this data correlates together Before development finishes marketing starts a campaign Allow companies to plan based on facts Why did testing start late? Why did project X not meet its revenue target?

15 ProjectVision Further reporting Capex & Financial Team dynamics
Probability MI QBR Business Development On-boarding template Marketing Product launch checklists Launch dates and deliverables Reporting Roadmaps Bi Weekly Update Milestone Timeline ProjectVision Business Process Integration Trello SalesForce Google AdWords Esperian Tempo Omniture Asana Zendesk Apigee Other What if Sample resourcing Sample financials Sample integration outputs Roadmaps JIRA Product Roadmaps Interdependencies Team Enterprise JIRA Integration

16 Project Challenge 23 March 2017 Colin Farrelly, Cora Systems
Harnessing Agile Project Challenge 23 March 2017 Colin Farrelly, Cora Systems

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