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First Grade Curriculum Night

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1 First Grade Curriculum Night
Cox Mill Elementary School September 23, 2013

2 Daily Schedule 7:45 – 8:15 D.E.A.R time in Hall 8:15 – 9:00 Science/ Social Studies 9:00 – 9:55 Specials 10:00 – 10:40 Writing Workshop 10:45 – 11:30 Lunch 11:25 – 1:10 Reader’s Workshop (Interactive Read Aloud, Independent Work Time, and Shared Reading) 1:15 – 2:05 Math Workshop 2:05 – 2:35 Recess

3 Field Trips Arts Council Discovery Place (in school field trip)
Tarrididdle Players Possibly Christy’s Nursery Zoo/sciquarium

4 Community Service Projects
Adopt a Book Shelf Donate books for adults and children to Salvation Army’s Center of Hope Library  Dates: October 4th – October 31st Bright Blessings “Brings the simple childhood joy of birthday parties to homeless children ages tots to teens” Dates: during the month of January

5 Communication Folders
School Communication Folders (red) sent home on Fridays or Mondays Folders should be returned to school the following day

6 Agendas A folder is used for homework and parent/teacher notes
Record the number of minutes read nightly on calendar page. Word Study Words.

7 Major Math Concepts Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Add and Subtract within 20 Solve Problems involving add. &sub. Commutative Property of Addition Associative Property of Addition Number & Operations in Base Ten Count to 120 (read, write, word form, tally marks, skip counting by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s) Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.

8 Major Math Concepts Continued
Measurement & Data Comparing lengths of objects. Tell time to hour and half hour. Organize, represent, and interpret data. Geometry (2-D & 3-D) Build and draw shapes. Distinguish between defining attributes versus non-defining attributes. Composition of shapes. Fractions.

9 Reading Expectations Reading Literature Reading Informational Text
Key ideas and details. Craft and structure. Integration of knowledge and ideas. Range of reading and level of text complexity. Reading Informational Text Key ideas and detail Craft and structure

10 Reading Expectations Continued
Reading Foundational Skills Print concepts Phonological awareness Phonics and word recognition Fluency.

11 Writing Expectations Text types and purposes Language
Opinion (Persuasive) Informative (Non-fiction) Narratives Responding to questions Language Conventions of grammar Conventions of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling

12 Word Study Research based approach on spelling instruction.
Instruction based on developmental spelling levels which allows for differentiation Based on learning spelling patterns and not just memorization of words. Helps to create lifelong spellers where students can apply strategies and patterns learned in their everyday life. Create Word List each Monday Word Tests each Friday

13 CAFÉ/ Daily 5/ IWT

14 Science Thematic Units Living Organisms and their needs
Science kits (inquiry based) - Forces and Motion - Earth and Moon - Earth’s Properties Ecosystems Molecular Biology

15 Social Studies Neighborhoods and Communities Citizenship
Change over time Holidays Geography

16 Assessments Running Records/ Read 3-D - Accuracy Fluency Retelling
Written Comprehension (Levels F and up) Letter Naming Phoneme Segmentation Nonsense Words

17 Math Assessments Writing Assessments Quarterly Math Assessments
Aims Web testing (x3) Unit Assessments Daily formative assessments Writing Assessments Samples throughout the year

18 Standards-Based Report Cards

19 Purpose To provide more specialized reporting: precise and specific information about a child’s progress toward a standard To support common criteria for grading To support students in answering: Where am I going? Where am I now? How can I close the gap?

20 How does Standards-Based Grading Work?
Standards-Based Grading assesses a student’s overall work and most recent work so it tells us what a student has learned and what he or she now knows rather than what they knew at the beginning of a quarter or unit. In other words, it measures students’ knowledge of grade-level content over time by reporting the most recent, consistent level of performance. So, a student might struggle in the beginning of a course with new content, but then learn and demonstrate proficient performance by the end of the course.

21 How does Standards-Based Grading Work?
Subjective factors like attendance, effort, and attitude are not included in the grades.  In standards based grading, we will report proficiency and work habits (learning skills) separately in order to give a more accurate report of student progress.  

22 Key Components Aligned with North Carolina Common Course of Study
Encore scores included at semester Scores include a 1, 2, 2N, 3, or 4 Reading Levels are reported quarterly Learning Skills Comments Grading to an “End of the Year Standard”

23 “End of the Year Standard”
Student progress will be reported on a quarterly basis toward the “end of the year standard” Therefore, students may receive a “2” on the report card as they are making progress toward proficiency The goal is for all students to have at least a “3” in all areas by the end of the school year Students will receive a “3” on the report card when they have mastered the grade level standard

24 Scoring Scale Mark Interpretation 4 Exceeds grade-level standard 3
Meets grade-level standard 2 Progressing toward grade-level standard 2N Quarterly progress not sufficient 1 Limited progress toward grade-level standard Shaded Not Assessed

25 How do we determine the appropriate mark (1,2, 3, or 4)?
Scoring Scales Parents have access to these scoring scales on the website

26 Additional Resources

27 Check your teacher’s website
PBIS Lunch – please send a note when you want your child to get “extra” items in the cafeteria. Current events/global awareness/Chinese class Workshop Model Progress Reports

28 Questions? If you have a specific question about your child, please write it on the sticky note along with your name and I will get back to you with answer

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