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Presentation on theme: "UPPER MERION AREA VIRTUAL ACADEMY"— Presentation transcript:


Inspiring Excellence UPPER MERION AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT The mission of the Upper Merion Area School District is to inspire excellence… in every student, every day. Our Mission Building upon the historical and culturally diverse roots of our community and its proud traditions, and recognizing the uniqueness of each student, the Upper Merion Area School District promotes excellence as our standard and achievement as the result.

3 Did You Know? Upper Merion Area School District
96% of our graduates go on to a post secondary experience Almost $2 million in college scholarships awarded to the Class of 2011 15 students recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Program in and 2011 We have a one-to-one high school, assuring that every student has a MacBook computer 24/7 during their high school career. This technology enhances teaching and learning

4 Did You Know? Upper Merion Area School District
Our Middle School was designated as one of only 13 National Schools of Character in 2010 Our Middle School and High School are National Community of Caring Schools We have award-winning visual arts, musical and theatrical programs and organizations We have a wide array of sports, including crew, and clubs and service organizations that provide ‘something for everyone’ We have a network of support services for students and families

5 Did You Know? All UMASD Virtual Academy students can access
Upper Merion Area School District Did You Know? All UMASD Virtual Academy students can access Student Organizations Musical Ensembles Sports Teams Social Activities Newspaper/Yearbook Staff College Seminars Guidance Services Service Learning Library Services Traditional Classes

6 Upper Merion Area School District
Did You Know? Upper Merion Area students out perform their cyber charter school peers.

7 Did You Know? Now you don’t have to choose
Upper Merion Area School District Did You Know? Now you don’t have to choose Introducing the Upper Merion Area Virtual Academy for grades 6 -12 An school solution provided by the Brandywine Virtual Academy An opportunity for challenging coursework, delivered through a flexible schedule, with all of the benefits UMASD has to offer An opportunity for students to take all of their coursework online or to blend their learning by taking some coursework at school, as well An opportunity to earn an Upper Merion Area School District diploma!

8 Did You Know? The UMASD - BVA Partnership features
Upper Merion Area School District Did You Know? The UMASD - BVA Partnership features School-issued Apple MacBook laptops. Reimbursement for existing Internet service or BVA- provided Internet service.

9 Did You Know? Through UMAVA Classes Students Can
Upper Merion Area School District Did You Know? Through UMAVA Classes Students Can Access classes, syllabus, and check in with teachers via the Internet Participate in live and recorded webcasts Access classes from any location with an Internet connection Enjoy flexible schedules: Most work can be done any time of day, but there are deadlines and scheduled activities

10 Did You Know? UMAVA Features
Upper Merion Area School District Did You Know? UMAVA Features Individualized curriculum based upon PA standards Honors and college prep courses Traditional and online textbooks Asynchronous & Synchronous Learning Classes taken over the Internet

11 Did You Know? UMAVA Teachers and Counselors
Upper Merion Area School District Did You Know? UMAVA Teachers and Counselors Are full-time, Pennsylvania-State certified teachers and counselors who work from the BVA office in Exton, PA Work directly with Upper Merion Area School District counselors to ensure consistency of educational programming. Are dedicated to their students and have helped students throughout the commonwealth become successful with curriculum based upon the Pennsylvania standards. Are available 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Mon.- Thurs.; and 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Fridays.

12 Did You Know? Communication Is the Key to Success
Upper Merion Area School District Did You Know? Communication Is the Key to Success Frequent communication is essential: Through and telephone Onsite tutoring opportunities at UMASD Evening office hours: All teachers are available at least one evening per week Monday -Thursday evenings: one teacher in each subject area on duty until 8 p.m.

13 Did You Know? Successful Online Learners Demonstrate
Upper Merion Area School District Did You Know? Successful Online Learners Demonstrate Intrinsic motivation Self-direction Advocacy skills Organization skills Independent work ethic Literacy skills Computer and application skills (slide 11) This is very important when considering who your customers are. Most say the situation/need is most important. Our students have involved and supportive parents. V

14 Did You Know? Online Student Learners Must
Upper Merion Area School District Did You Know? Online Student Learners Must Check and conferences daily. Keep up with work; meet deadlines. Advise staff of any problems. Attend webcasts when appropriate. Participate in pre- and post-testing. Evaluate courses twice per semester. slide 12

15 Did You Know? Our Online Learners Are College Ready
Upper Merion Area School District Did You Know? Our Online Learners Are College Ready On average, 73 percent of graduates using the BVA’s curriculum full-time are accepted to colleges and universities A sample of the colleges to which our graduates have been accepted include: Penn State Main Campus Cornell Yale Drexel Cambridge Curtis Institute of Music Temple Manhattan School of Music

16 Did you Know Enrolling Is as Simple as
Upper Merion Area School District Did you Know Enrolling Is as Simple as Reviewing your options Contacting us for more information Scheduling a personal meeting Please contact Mr. Jonathan Bauer, high school principal, at or at Please contact Mr. John Adiletto, middle school principal, at or at



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