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Hate Crime Awareness PS 5955 James HART 02/12/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Hate Crime Awareness PS 5955 James HART 02/12/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hate Crime Awareness PS 5955 James HART 02/12/2015

2 Aims and objectives What is a hate crime?
What does hate crime look like? What is the local picture? How to report Hate Crime

3 What is Hate Crime/Incident?
Is when someone is nasty to you because of who you are; They might be nasty because of your skin colour, your religion or where you come from Hate Crimes can happen to anyone as the victim does not have to be a member of these particular groups. Hate Crime also covers presumed membership to a particular strand. Can be motivated wholly or partly by prejudice. Does not have to be the main motive for the crime. Perceived by the Victim – This is all important. There does not have to be references made to the characteristic, it is purely the perception of that victim or any other person which is important. Any Other person – includes Police Officers/staff, witnesses, family members, civil society organisations who know details of the victim and crime, a third party reporting charity and carers/professionals that support victim.

4 They might pick on you because you are disabled.

5 They might be nasty because you fancy men or women

6 They might be nasty because you are transgender
They might be nasty because you are transgender. Transgender means you feel different from the sex you were born with. You may have been born a man but feel like you are a woman.

7 Actions of hate crime People may; Kick or hit you Damage your property Threaten you Call you horrible things or make you feel bad in other ways Constantly take your things

8 Hate Crimes by Strand Race 705 Religion 43 Homophobic 44 Transgender 9
Disability 2016 Sexual orientation Reports more than doubled Disability doubled Victim Satisfaction is on the rise. Conviction Rates – 94% 7th Nationally

9 Stats for Hate Crime The issue is massively under-reported (estimated to be by a factor of 4) 617 Hate Crimes and 241 Hate Incidents reported in Bedfordshire. Year to date we are currently have an 6% increase in reported hate crime. 34% increase in incidents. Solved Hate Crime 26% Conviction Rates average at 86% 94% increase in disability hate crime (76 Cases) 88% Conviction rate 22%Increase in offender being taken to court for hate crime. Disability Cases – 76

10 Disability Hate Crime Stats
People with severe mental illness were three times more likely to be a victim of any crime than those without 81% of respondents with Autism said they had experienced verbal abuse 65% of respondents with autism had experienced hate crime more than 10 times 73% of those with autism didn’t report to Police Almost 9 in 10 people with a learning disability surveyed had experienced bullying or harassment in the past year - an incredible 88% Of these, 66% were victims regularly victimised and 32% of people were being bullied on a daily or weekly basis

11 Police Response Bedfordshire Police take hate crime very seriously
A Police officer will come to see you Bedfordshire Police work closely with other support groups They will tell you all the things you can do. They will ask you what you want to do. Bedfordshire Police are here to support you.

12 Third Party Reporting Stephen Lawrence inquiry Recommendation 16 “The ability to report at locations other than Police Stations” In 1993 Stephen Lawrence was murdered in a racially motivated attack whilst waiting for a bus. Stabbed twice in the right collar bone and left shoulder both severing arteries before penetrating a lung. Travelled 130 yards despite injuries. Highest profile racial killing in UK history. A huge enquiry followed headed by William McPherson where more than 100,000 pages of reports were gathered. Failings from start to finish for Met Police. Met Police labelled Institutionally racist 70 Recommendations were made and this was one. Perpetrators bought to justice 20 years later in 2012 where they received 15 and 14 years.



15 Thank you for listening
How to report Hate Crime or Hate Incidents; Emergency 999 or non emergency 101. Bedfordshire Police website TrueVision Third Party Reporting Centres Twitter Crimestoppers Victim Support –

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