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The Slave System Chapter 14 - Section 4.

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1 The Slave System Chapter 14 - Section 4

2 Slaves and Work Slave Drivers-
Sometimes slaves, made sure slaves followed orders Gang labor system- All hands worked on same tasks all the time - Worked from sunup to sundown - Men, women, and kids over 10 all worked

3 Slaves and Work Some slaves were: - butlers - cooks - nurses
**The above worked longer hours - blacksmiths - carpenters

4 Life under Slavery Slaveholders viewed slaves as property
Lived in small cabins with dirt floors and leaky roofs How did they control slaves: - punished in front of others - slave codes limited what slaves could do - illegal for them to read or write

5 Slave Culture Families were the most important part of slave community
- Many families were separated Folktales- Stories with a moral to teach how to survive under slavery

6 Slave Culture Most slaves were what religion? Christians
- They had faith that they would become free Spirituals- Christian songs blended with African and European song/dance to express religion

7 Challenging Slavery Work slower Running away

8 Nat Turner Virginia slave who believed it was his mission to end slavery Turners Rebellion: - Killed 60 white people - 100 slaves were killed - Nat Turner was killed - Stricter slave codes resulted

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