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Do Now: Election HW If you completed the HW research the top 3 stats that caused Trump to win. (Use voter demographic data ex. types of voters based on.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Election HW If you completed the HW research the top 3 stats that caused Trump to win. (Use voter demographic data ex. types of voters based on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Election HW If you completed the HW research the top 3 stats that caused Trump to win. (Use voter demographic data ex. types of voters based on race, gender, social class, etc.)

2 Nationalism & Sectionalism 1816-1850
*What factors truly make “America” America? *Who was Andrew Jackson? *How do we become a “nation divided”?

3 EQ: How did transportation and
industrialization affect the nation's economy? HW#1: Read P   Answer - What changes did states make to their constitutions in regards to voting?, Describe Jacksonian Democracy, P. 254 Critical Thinking #6 Do Now: How did people travel in 1816?

4 EQ: How did transportation and
industrialization affect the nation's economy? HW#2: Court Cases Do Now: Pass up HW#1

5 I. Transportation Revolution
A. improvement of roads 1.Turnpikes 2. National road B. Steamboat 1. Cuts down transport time significantly 2. Mississippi and Ohio C. Canals 1. Erie canal 2. Linked farms to cities D. Railroads Replace many canals


7 II. Industrial Revolution
A. textiles brought by Samuel Slater 1. Lowell, MA first major industrial town. 2. Used hydro power 3. Family Factories - Whole families worked in the same factory B. Expanded our economy (mostly Northeast)

8 III. Nationalism A. Post War of 1812 1. Internal improvements link US together (TRANSPORTATION) 2. Protective tariff protects new American industrial base **These two ideas are key parts of the American System** 3. “Manifest Destiny” and land acquisition 4. Marshall Court defines powers throughout government 5. Monroe Doctrine (ISOLATIONISM)

9 Do Now: Read Milestones: 1801-1829 & answers the questions.
HW#4 P Answer: P. 256 Checkpoint, P. 257 Analyzing Political Cartoons #1 & #2 P. 258 Checkpoint, P. 259 Critical Thinking #5 & #6 Do Now: Read Milestones: & answers the questions.

10 Do Now: Summarize what happened in the Election of 1824.
Candidate Party Electoral Votes Popular Votes Andrew Jackson Democratic-Republican ,544 John Quincy Adams Democratic-Republican ,740 William H. Crawford Democratic-Republican ,856 Henry Clay Democratic-Republican ,531

11 1. Expansion of male suffrage by the states
B. “Age of Jackson” 1. Expansion of male suffrage by the states 2. Sought to bring power to the common people 3. New political parties emerge (Democrats & Whigs) 4. Reform Movements try to make America better

12 Tariff of Abominations Nullification Indian Removal Act Trail of Tears
“Age of Jackson” Spoils system Tariff of Abominations Nullification Indian Removal Act Trail of Tears Second National Bank

13 HW: Socratic Debate tomorrow.
Prep + Debate = 20 point Quiz Do Now: Cartoon analysis Sheet answers due by 8:20 and will be collected.

14 HW: HW#6 P. 266-272 Answer P. 269 Ckpt, P. 270 Ckpt, P
HW: HW#6 P Answer P. 269 Ckpt, P. 270 Ckpt, P. 272 Ckpt and Critical Thinking #5 Do Now: 1. Democrats sit on the window side, Whigs on the door side. 2. Finish Stanford readings from yesterday.

15 IV. Sectionalism A. Each region of the country develops its own characteristics 1. North (Industrial, classes, Immigration) 2. South (Slavery, agriculture, cash crops, “King Cotton”) 3. West (“Bread Basket”, small independent family farms)

16 C. Main Sectional Issues 1. States’ rights v. Federal Supremacy
B. Economic differences lead to loyalty to ones’ SECTION before the COUNTRY C. Main Sectional Issues 1. States’ rights v. Federal Supremacy 2. National Bank 3. Sectional Balance in Congress (Slave v. Free)

17 V. Events of the Era that Contribute to Crisis
A. Missouri Compromise (1820) B. Tariff of 1828 (Tariff of Abominations) C. Bank War (1830’s)

18 What factors truly make “America”
2. Who was Andrew Jackson? 3. How do we become a “nation divided”?

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